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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. Just wait, guys here will offer plenty of them.
  2. It is ass, but again, it's not just Frank. Bryce is audibling to a ton of these plays.
  3. I disagree. At least if you get your dick cut off, it's done and you can move forward with possible solutions asap. This is more like having your dick degloved and then having someone pour alcohol on it every 40 seconds.
  4. You could go out there and complete the majority of the passes he's attempted in the second half. He doesn't threaten the defense at all downfield. And that's not even considering we're losing because the extra blitzer he was supposed to account for he decided to cough the ball up to for a TD. I know you want him to be that guy, but he's not. E: he just handed the ball off on 3 straight read options. E2: he just handed the ball off 4 plays in a row, down 8.
  5. Nope. I promise you I wouldn't, because he has skills to build off of and things to be encouraged about moving forward. Growing pains are expected. Meanwhile, we traded all that poo for a guy who took a sack in opposing territory on 3rd down after changing the play, and we're now down by 8 with 7 minutes left and is still handing the ball off every first down.
  6. No I didn't say that. But what I am saying is, it's pretty clear when a guy has skills, strengths, and abilities to build off of that make you believe they will grow into their potential. Bryce has shown none of that. The throws he's completed are throws any backup level QB should complete. He isn't controlling the game, he isn't managing the game, he isn't making plays and the only significant plays he has made to this point are ones for the opposing team. It's all the hallmarks of a bust.
  7. Same, brother. Same. It's why I knkw with certainty a ton of these guys in these positions making these decisions are there because of who they know, not what they know.
  8. Aint no might, brother. It ain't even close. I think the ehat most considered the previous worst for a long time was the Gilbert trade, but Gilbert was a good NFL player for a lot of years. The entire pro game hinges on QBs now, and we went all in on the worst possible guy we could've drafted. We are ass out for a minimum of 5 years from this trade and selection of Bryce. Man, this poo sucks.
  9. And that's our guy we were 100% convinced was worthy of trading up to take at #1 overall. We've been through some tough times as Panther fans, but I think this is the straw that breaks the camel's back.
  10. Sadly, Bryce probably gets two full years, minimum, just because of the assets they invested in him. Wouldn't be surprised if they even fire Reich after year two and Bryce gets a 3rd year with a new coach and then they finally admit their mistakes. Tepper is stubborn and won't accept he's wrong until everyone else knows it.
  11. This poo is incredible. The just scored 14 unanswered points, and we're still running bubble screens and handing it off up the middle two out of 3 downs.
  12. Bro, even a blind squirrel finds a nut if you give them enough time.
  13. I knew it was a lot of Viking fans there, but when they just showed that shot... My God! It's Minnesota South. Hope Tepper is proud.
  14. Man man man... all the Bryce Capers are quickly running out of ground... the water is coming on quick.
  15. Please apply to the Panthers FO, and hire me when you get in.
  16. I have no doubt he's smart. But being able to take tests and physically apply what you know on the field against equal or better athletes are two very different things.
  17. All we had to do was milk clock snd not turn it over. But... Bryce Young. Super processor.
  18. Welp... can't push the ball downfield consistently and turnover prone. #1 overall pick.
  19. It has been better, but that'd why I said "this year."
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