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Call Me James

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Everything posted by Call Me James

  1. Sam's red zone miscues cost us in the first. Joe Brad's gameplan cost us in the second and allowed the game to get close. I hope to see more consistency from both this week.
  2. The same as I felt about Teddy after week one last year if we're being completely honest.
  3. We barely beat the jets and mostly due to the same deficiencies we had last year. That's concerning, but we'll have to wait until next week to see if there's improvement.
  4. He's looked better the past two drives. He made some poor plays early in the game that against a better team may have turned the tide of the game. We'll have to hope this isn't a trend (Pitt and Today) and just getting used to a new team.
  5. It's 3-0 halfway through the second against the Jets and the usual suspects are trying to spin this into a successful half.
  6. If we lose I'm tagging @glenwo2in a post blaming him for bringing his Jets stink over here.
  7. Imagine thinking there's some major difference between pins, slingshot, lost and found, and the union.
  8. His numbers since being in the league safely puts him at the bottom. If he were still the starter for the Jets everyone here wouldn't bat an eye at this ranking. He needs to prove himself. It's not like pundits have some vendetta against him. With regard to the preseason game, his numbers looked good, but I don't think anyone watching the game felt like Sam was exerting his will over the steelers second team outside of the two minute drill. Let's hope he turns into the guy who was drafted third overall and someone we traded for and committed two years to despite his history.
  9. Lost and Found, slingshot for 24-28. Probably hit plaza Midwood for that that 30-34 dive. Thomas street and Two buck probably check the boxes or you can go all in and bit smokey Joe's, thirsty beaver, and skylark.
  10. Game is closer than it should be due to a muff on PR. Panthers win by 10.
  11. Pretty shocking that a four year veteran starting QB isn't named team captain. But I don't care, not like he's done anything to deserve it or was previously the captain and then lost it.
  12. They basically said we're a below average team looking to get some extra wins in a weak division. I'm not sure that makes us a better team more than giving us an opportunity to have a better record due to circumstances.
  13. Yes, you made a thread to crap on him. It's okay to own it.
  14. Glasshouses and all that. https://saintswire.usatoday.com/2021/08/30/nfl-2021-preseason-stats-jameis-winston-saints-news/
  15. Because yards, TD, and turnovers are how we rate QBs. If the teams wins a lot, in spite of Sam, like the chiefs did with Smith, then we need to look to upgrade that position.
  16. Hard to say. He's not really known as being an iron man and the oline isn't great. Probably somewhere around Teddy.
  17. Y'all have been claiming his career is over for three years. His days as an undisputed starter look to be over, but there's clearly still interest around the league.
  18. Hard to judge until we see him against a real first unit on both sides.
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