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Jared Patterson

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Everything posted by Jared Patterson

  1. Disagree. Happened after we drafted Terrace and were planning to pay Moore. This was purely a Rhule decision and its very obvious.
  2. He still buys into a lot of what Rhule wants.... Robby Anderson extension. Signing every Temple/Baylor player or former recruit of Rhule's you could imagine. We will see. Rhule is pushing hard to screw our future by trading for Mayfield. Think of it like the draft confidential video. Rhule was begging to trade up for a QB and was sweating, but you could tell Fitt was going to be patient when Rhule would've traded our future first. You could tell Tepper and Fitt told Rhule we aren't trading a 1 or 2 hahahah. Its the same thing with Mayfield rn trust me.
  3. Why do you guys dislike Derrick Brown? He is a very good young player who is playing DT which takes awhile to transition and is constantly graded higher than other players in his class Kinlaw, etc. Also, his grades are above average for all DTs and he has a very strong work ethic to get better. The coaches love him and he has potential to be a monster in this league. Go listen to what other players say about Brown like Brian Burns and those who have played against him. Dude is a stud IMO. He just needs to put it together.
  4. Does the 30 million we have this year not going to carry over? And will the cap not shoot up next year?
  5. Fine. He wants a lot of money.. Was hoping the close to home meant cheap deal. Def don't want to pay him too much.
  6. Isn't our Ian Thomas contract really easy to cut next year and we save most the money?
  7. Actually interested in this. Would love a reasonable 3 year Deal and then sign Burns to the big one. Derrick Brown has awhile until he resigns and we have drafted well in secondary. Any actual rumblings of this? How did the rumor start? Tweet at him to bring him home. We need a run stopping edge. Its perfect.
  8. Add Chad Muma to the list. Anyone got a total number of visitors and their names so far?
  9. He works out with AJ Terrell and looks much better than him FYI
  10. Yes they are trying to trade back. Highly doubt team trading up is for a QB.
  11. Anyone know our projected comp picks for 2023 after this free agency period? (Count Gilmore as gone.)
  12. Thank you, for coming back Mr. Scot. Much appreciated
  13. Is anyone else confused why our owner and his freaking trophy wife he's making out to be an executive, being the only owner in the meeting with Watson......
  14. If we can get Corbett and Bozeman then draft a LT our line could finally be in good shape.
  15. He is an above average starting guard. Like to see the numbers, but good signing!
  16. He also liked Watts message saying lol at sources if you keep it close there are no sources. Who do we think these other teams are????
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