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Everything posted by SOJA

  1. He made some good plays last year, but he also got jammed at the line and was a nonfactor vs Seattle in the playoffs
  2. I'm biased because I've always had a soft spot for Lebron, but he is playing unreal right now. And how about my boy Matt DelavaDOIT - that guy is a ball player
  3. ​really? I'm picturing you coming out of the bathroom tweeting "that was a hell of a poop fam!" with zod retweeting it
  4. benjamin, funchabunch, ginn, brown, cotch, bersin totally realistic
  5. But AceBoogie told me Gettledouche and Cam would never work out an extension
  6. don't be surprised if Tolbert gets cut
  7. Kaep does not throw nearly as many INTs as I thought he would
  8. fwiw that rumor that he walked out on special teams meeting seems true
  9. This post legitimately made me laugh out loud.
  10. certainly is good news, but I'm going to hold off any excitement till the pads go on
  11. damn I feel horrible for him, that's tough
  12. omg omg omg I'm so excited already----what is wrong with me
  13. oh I wasn't saying they weren't smart to do that
  14. apparently they rolled out the red carpet for him, went to Jerry's private residence------it was over before it started
  15. well of course if Peyton Manning gets hurt the Broncos are screwed but if Cliff Avirl gets hurt the Seahawks will be alright
  16. might go see it for a second time tonight the black widow hate is ridiculously overblown- people just love to feel disrespected
  17. this would be a massive steal if we got him
  18. can't wait for the Blu-ray with the extended version of the movie
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