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Everything posted by Luciu5

  1. I think that was more because they were playing a soft zone. Tremble was 2 yards past LoS and may have picked up two more. Woulda been 3rd and 8ish. He was the checkdown and I'm sure that's where Buffalo wanted him to go to, but he didn't and the tape says the rest.
  2. I kinda agree with this. I could see some guys getting cut, like Daley and Jordan, so we can keep Darnold on the roster, Ricci, possibly Zane etc. Then once we IR those guys, elevate some of the cuts who made it to the practice squad. I could see us having to cut some guys we don't really want to and hope they don't get picked up.
  3. I haven't read this whole thread, so maybe something is out of context here, idk. That said.... Jameis Winston will never be HoF QB based on his current body of work. That take is absolute bat poo crazy. 2/10
  4. I think the compensation the Panthers would want would make it difficult to find a trade partner. 2nd round pick in year 2, you would think they would want a late second/early 3rd to move him this early in his career. I think he gets another chance next offseason. If he hasn't found a way to be able to play by next year this time, I can see us dump him for a 5th. Someone will take a shot with a mid/late round pick.
  5. If we're picking 7 then the Baker experiment failed and we are going QB.
  6. You can bring Mahomes in here, Brady, Jackson, whoever you want at QB, and that above statement would be true. So, uhhh, were you making some kind of point or just stating the obvious? O.o
  7. This thread is 5 pages long in an hour, midday on a Weds. I thought I'd find something interesting in here. I didn't. Full disclosure, I read the first post and the last post only.
  8. You know the guys in front of him aren't the reason TMJ doesn't see the field, right? We could cut Robbie and DJ and TMJ still wouldn't play...
  9. His second round status has trade value. It might be a 5th or 6th, but there is value there. NFL teams do low risk, high reward trades all the time. See CJ Henderson. Or Baker Mayfield.
  10. I agree with this. Is there another angle? The original videos didn't work for me. Even the standing over him, I wish I knew what was said, I'm assuming he said something which was that pause. When played at full speed, he stood there for just a moment like words were said. It was brief though. I wouldn't call it "standing over him" necessarily.
  11. @mrcompletely11 has a point with this data. One thing to note though, "vegas" was off by 2 or more wins on 14 teams, or nearly half the league. In many cases, that didn't make much difference, the Panthers, Jags, Lions, Giants etc as they were all bottom tier teams and vegas had that part right, just the positioning is all wrong. This 2 win differences make a much bigger difference in the middle and top half, where playoff positioning matters. My opinion, there is a much bigger difference between 10-7 and 8-9, compared to 5-12 and 3-14. All in all though, it's impressive the accuracy is at least ballpark. The Bengals are the only real outlier and the others with a greater than 2 win difference were mostly bottom tier teams. They were projected to be garbage so that part was accurate. This is also correct. More data is needed. Like 10 years or more.
  12. I was just asking if anyone had checked on @SammyFranchise when the threads got merged and I lost my post. Good lookin out tho. We need to make sure @SammyFranchise can make it through the day. ALSO MODS CAN WE GET RID OF SAM fuging DARNOLD FROM THE SIDEBAR NOW PLS?
  13. I think Tr3ach answers your question @rayzor. Look, you do you, and the Huddle is going to huddle? I guess. But anyway I've never seen a message board where so much off topic discussion goes unchecked. I could make a thread about Taylor Moton is the best RT in the league! and by page two it will be Rhule sucks thread. This place is really light on moderation, especially for a place that censors fug and poo.
  14. That would be ideal. I did not know IR wasn't a done deal yet. Everything I'm seeing gave me the impression it was done.
  15. We should only need to cut 4 since Corral went to IR.
  16. Zylstra is kind of a known commodity and proven on the field. Wright, Kirkwood, Saunders are all unproven in real games so I think those guys all end up on PS. This is just year 2 for him. I'd hope we can get some draft capital for him. I could definitely see him being traded next year. They do seem like their patience with him is running thin for some reason.
  17. I'm stealing @Icege's list and modifing it... WR: DJ Moore. Robbie Anderson, Terrace Marshall Jr, Shi Smith, Rashard Higgins, Brandon Zylstra, maybe CJ Saunders, but I doubt it. I think 6 is it. DBs: Jaycee Horn, Donte Jackson, CJ Henderson, Keith Taylor Jr, Myles Hartsfield, STO, Jeremy Chinn, Xavier Woods, Sean Chandler, Kenny Robinson. I don't think we carry more than 10 dbs. I think Hayes may make it over Keith Taylor. I think these bottom guys are really going to depend on their ST performance.
  18. I mean, in the guys defense, that was the gist of the article. I'm sure he looked at all the bottom tier teams on the betting sites, and then picked one that he felt had the most chance to beat the house. He does say he's put money on it.
  19. I agree he does not need to be IR'd for the year. If he goes on season ending IR, his NFL career could be done. He needs practice reps for sure. I will say, Corral did look better in the 2nd than the 4th quarter. I think the 2nd string oline is quite a bit better than the 3rd and 4th string. But even early he couldn't string a full drive together.
  20. Didn't this place bitch for an entire season about Brown not playing? Now, what was the point of all that bitching and crying?
  21. This might sound dumb, but I want to see Darnold in the next game. PJ was bad. Real bad. Worse than I remember. Also, Corral does not need to play anytime soon.
  22. So I was high as fug last night. I remember our 2s beat the hell out of their 1st offense. I also remember our backup QBs are garbage. I don't remember the 4th quarter at all.
  23. I don't think I'd say PJ is better than Sam, personally, but I don't think there is that much of a difference. The second half of your statement is my thought process as well. Get Sam off the team, Baker is the clear #1 with nobody looking over his shoulder. I don't want a 2 QB thing going on like with Cam and Sam because they couldn't decide who would stink it up less.
  24. Yeah a deferred prosecution agreement could mean he's cooperating with the DEA on a larger investigation.
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