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Everything posted by frankw

  1. Maybe Joe Brady was somewhere behind the scenes conspiring with the refs to make the Panthers look bad too right?
  2. You can manage McCaffrey's touches wisely without having a high school level offense. Meanwhile some other teams rushing numbers:
  3. From the looks of it Matt Rhule is in for another drubbing within our division if Kevin Stefanski took his lunch money like that yesterday.
  4. Pederson got fired for doing the quiet part too loudly and he wasn't doing well to begin with post Super Bowl. Wentz just went off on his new team. Vrabel has been hot and cold going back to the second half of last season. Who knows with Campbell and Daboll. One or both or neither could go on to be long term successful coaches. But the league will eventually figure them out and how they go from there is when we will find out their staying power as a successful head coach.
  5. Looking at the other games across the league this weekend yeah I would have to say so as much as it sucks to see another year. There are some not great teams who came out swinging and either won or their offense looked significantly better than ours did for an entire half. Particularly the NFCS. Bucs kicked the poo out of the Cowboys who blew us out last season and the Saints/Falcons took it down to the wire with Mariota and Winston. The pathetic excuses some Panthers fans are clinging to aren't going to last we've got a long season ahead.
  6. No doubt his team is playing well and he is a capable coach but he's the flavor of the week I'm curious to see how it plays out for a full season. There was a time when Mike Vrabel and Doug Pederson were talked up as two of the best new coaches too but eventually the league adjusts and you have to shift along with that. We'll see how Daboll sticks.
  7. Inexcusable ineptitude and it all starts with the head coach. You can change the OC you can change the QB but the same putrid offensive struggles and poor oline play persist. Who is running the show? But it's all the refs and the leagues fault because they hate us and want us to fail
  8. You're fr mentally ill. Have a nice night.
  9. We'll see how much the refs matter against Daboll and the Giants. Our defensive line and our secondary did not fare well against the Browns. It won't go much better against NY. It's a damn shame too because we have put a hell of a lot of resources into that side of the ball. But yeah keep raging about the refs I guess they sabotaged our gameplan and made us start sloppy and unprepared too.
  10. No call right? I like Mayfield but he should give it a rest with the trash talk after this. We already aren't going to get calls and we know how Cam wasn't old enough to get calls throughout his career.
  11. Yeah it's for sure Bakers fault and Elflein didn't at all suck total ass last season with other QB's too.
  12. Time to put the Elf and the shelf in the garbage compactor Shredder style.
  13. If the Panthers come out flat and fart away drives like they did against the Browns this one will get out of hand fast because do not kid yourself our run defense is going to be a major liability all season. There are no reinforcements walking through that door folks.
  14. Giants and their new coach just knocked off a playoff team for a comeback win and Saquon Barkley had 164 yards with 9.1 YPA while Jones had a 115 passer rating. Their defense is tough too. If Joe Judge stuck his foot up Rhule's ass last season Daboll is going to be tough that game could get pretty ugly.
  15. If you're going to just casually remove the rest of my post addressing our very familiar ineptitude in the first half which directly contributed to us having to rely on sitting on a tiny lead at home then you are beyond help.
  16. Village idiot would be an improvement for you Chuck.
  17. Of course it matters but it's one small factor in a larger picture. 355 yards of offense led by a backup quarterback on our defense that we have made significant investments in was a pretty heavy factor. We brought new veteran coaches in to help this staff prevent scenarios where a bad call or two can sink our game. Why do you not want to talk about how woefully unprepared we looked in the first half yet again? Who is responsible for that? The refs? If we come out and punch them in the mouth it's a different game. Instead we had less than 20 yards of offense for what a whole half almost? So what happened to the innovation with McAdoo? We can't hide behind blaming the refs for 16 more games.
  18. Hell I can't stand the refs either we got robbed in SB50 that's for another convo though. But when our staff actually outcoaches someone else I'll put some weight behind complaints about bad calls. For now our staff can't coach their way out of a paper bag and the refs are only a cherry on top.
  19. You're caping for a coach with a 3-9 divisional record and back to back 5 win seasons who just notched another embarrassing L at home. Pitiful.
  20. Complain about the refs all you want. Stefanski schooled our coaching staff.
  21. Poundaway/SBBlue just showing their true colors again. They'll spout off for days and days for hours and hours going on the attack toward anyone who is a critic and then when the games are played and things don't go our way they disappear again. Now back and namecalling already. The truth hurts.
  22. da271ea9-b3a0-4ad5-8a13-d52c9b4ccf50.mp4 67109b27-d247-4da7-8521-be49d4ffa6a8.mp4 67109b27-d247-4da7-8521-be49d4ffa6a8.mp4
  23. Nothing to play for haha it was week 7. Do you work for the Panthers?
  24. Giants are in a pretty close game with a recent playoff team the Titans and Jones has a 146 passer rating. If we get drubbed by the Gmen again you can stick a fork in this coaching staff.
  25. From my understanding Horn and Henderson were abused a good bit.
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