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Everything posted by cardiackat88.

  1. The Jags look like the Dolphins and Packers had one ugly baby.
  2. If we are talking about Panthers QBs, my dad asked me the most obscure Panthers question ever: "Who was that one guy that played QB for the Panthers? A white guy, he really sucked."
  3. Jerseys, I always managed to get big fat 10s at a minimum.
  4. I also don't think I have ever seen #0 until now...
  5. Why did I think this was a thread about a LB with the last name Charles, who was snowed out of the state of Virginia?
  6. On second thought, I read the question more thoroughly. Alice In Chains all day and all night baby! Couldn’t get enough!
  7. I read that dude got arrested for trying to meet up with a 13 year old online
  8. I think it was more than just his mother... After suffering a season ending injury before the season started (which must have REALLY sucked mentally) he then goes on to see his team go 15-1 and have a Super Bowl appearance WITHOUT him. It all had to take a toll.
  9. I've said this in multiple other threads... We are in a hell of a position and there is no real wrong answer here. It will be pretty hard to screw up this pick.
  10. Honestly, there is no real wrong answer. We could trade back with NE or CHI, or we could grab Pitts, or Sewell, or Lance, or pretty much anything... I think we are in a HELL of a good position no matter what road we take (unless its something drastic like moving up to #1 to draft a punter LOL)
  11. I don't see any wrong answer between drafting Pitts if he is available at 8, or trading down for more talent. I can imagine Pitts doing for our offense what Jimmy Graham did for years against us.
  12. Pats BUT for some reason I see the Bears as potential traders too.
  13. EXACTLY... I think he should get "Tebowed" and have Watson, D. Watson, Deshaun Watson, etc changed to something like Bill Cosby.
  14. Its possible OP noticed it while browsing stats, and just didn't see the posts already made about it. Or....."something"....
  15. There was a double-post from early this year that said 1,200 yards.
  16. Besides jettisoning Bridgewater, This also puts us in a position to trade down from the 8th to a QB needy team like the Pats or Bears, going back in the 1st and gaining a mid 2nd in this draft.
  17. What about a mid-late 1st and 2nd? Picture the Patriots or Bears wanting to move up to 8 to grab a QB. This would be the 15th pick, and 46th pick for Pats and 20th and 52nd pick for the Bears.
  18. What if we just trade down, after all? Trade our first down the line, and pick up a (maybe) 2nd and/or 3rd and build up the line? Maybe one of those QBs is there and someone is willing to trade a lot to have that pick to get them?
  19. Haven't the Jets already given Teddy a stint? Seems unlikely either would be interested in doing business together again.....
  20. Would anyone be mad if we picked both Slater and Sewell via big trade?
  21. I can't see Falcon without thinking about A-Train......
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