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Mr Mojo Risin

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Everything posted by Mr Mojo Risin

  1. Its hard to predict how precisely an NFL career will end up going for any player. The only correlation I was trying to draw was that even though he's 24 its not like we need 10+ pro bowl years out of the guy. We just need some good/solid starter potential for about 4 or 5 years after he develops (hopefully for us and not another team) and he will have earned his draft slot.
  2. To be fair in the grand scheme of things a 24 year old rookie isnt the worst thing in the world. We just need him to hit a window where he's a solid -> good level starter for us for about 4-5 seasons that seems to be about our average on DEs. Even if it takes him a couple seasons to hit that window lets say by age 26/27. Lets take a look at two rotational players that played for us and ended up turning into solid starters for 4-5 years. Charles Johnson was a 21 year old rookie and took about 3 seasons for him to come into his own (age 24 season) he contributed at a pretty good level for us for about 5 seasons (age 28) and then he fell off. Mario Addison was a 23 or 24 year old rookie as well. He didn't come into his own as a starter until his age 29 season. Up until this season he was a solid rotational piece at best. He hit his window around age 29 (5 seasons in the NFL up to this point) and lasted at that level for about 4 years until he was 32. Hopefully it doesn't take that long for him to develop into that 4-5 season window with this coaching staff (no guarantee he ever hits a window where he's a solid starter) but they definitely saw something in this kid to trade up for him. Praying it pays off for us.
  3. We won't know what type of player he is until the bullets start to fly. Especially with dlineman and olineman it's hard to see what type of player you have until they are on the field playing for real
  4. This is sad. Why is this not live streamed in the year 2023 where everything is live streamed. Whats the point of having a Carolina Panthers YT channel? This is the only thing I've been able to find. Really sad.
  5. Anyone know if this will be live streamed?
  6. Agreed it was a good watch for what it was and who they chose as QBs to follow around.
  7. Better than overpaying for an Edge that gets all of his "12.5" sacks in garbage time and disappears/misses key tackles when it matters most. I'd take my chances on a young guy with a high motor on a rookie contract for 5 years than I would bet on Burns to become a well rounded DE worthy of a $100+ mill contract. He is literally Mario Addison just 4 years younger.
  8. Have you forgotten where you are? Just wait until Young throws his first INT in training camp this board will be in full on melt down mode
  9. We'll see he's got some mighty big shoes to fill from a stats standpoint. 4700 yards 35 total TDs (but only 6 wins). I don't see him matching or necessarily having better stats than Cams rookie year but I definitely expect more than 6 wins this season, which is the most important stat.
  10. Season honestly can't get here soon enough. Feel like it's been an eternity since I was this excited for Panthers Football!! #KeepPounding
  11. Don't watch "The Quarterback" on Netflix, the segment where the Falcons play us and we lose in OT, It'll make you wish we pulled the trigger on that trade that much more Burns is a good player with good stats. Great players make plays when their teams need them the most. I've yet to see Burns ever step up and make a play when we needed it most and that little segment that they showed of us losing to the Falcons last year in OT highlights that exact sentiment. He had a chance to step up and make a play that a $100 million dollar DE should make and whiffed. Falcons kick the FG and win the game. Should have traded him.
  12. Didn't see this posted yet anywhere else and while there's not a ton of "highlights" its just great to see our guys come together before TC and get some work in Article: https://pantherswire.usatoday.com/lists/panthers-highlights-summer-workouts-smu-bryce-young-andy-dalton-adam-thielen/ Day 1: Day 2: Day 3:
  13. Just dropped on YT! 45 minutes in length, enjoy! Links to Episodes 1 & 2
  14. That 2nd play was impressive. Need all of our guys to play with that type of heart and we'll be going places sooner rather than later
  15. Mario Addison was about that age when he had his "breakout" year for us as well. Sometimes it just takes the right situation for it to finally click
  16. Cam Newton with a full offseason probably a top 15-20 QB
  17. 2015 was Cam's best passing season and it isn't close
  18. His rookie year was not his best passing season. That was the season in which he threw for the most yards during a season but that doesn't mean that it was his best.
  19. The concerns with Young will not go away anytime soon. Everytime a ball is batted, he misses a WR, throws an INT it will be because he is too short and doesn't have the arm strength for the NFL. We are not going to be a team that throws it deep 5+ times a game. We are going to be a methodical, long drives with multiple plays type of offense. This offense suits Young to his strengths which is currently not the deep ball (that doesn't mean it will be like that for his entire career). I admit I have my concerns about the arm strength and those deep balls obviously did not look good but it's still super early in the process if he's still under/over shooting receivers come late July/August then I will say there is some cause for concern but right now Young looks to be on the right track. Give him time.
  20. I was wondering the same thing. With all the hype this offseason I figured there would be some OTA threads up but I guess not
  21. The more I think about it the more I don't understand who will be coming off the field for him? He doesn't do that well when asked to cover in space so I don't see us running 3 safeties vs passing looks. Maybe he subs in for Vonn Bell in obvious run formations/heavy run teams? I'm not sure how good Bell was at stopping the run but I'm fairly certain he was good at covering TEs so maybe that's the plan? I don't see who else he'd substitute in for
  22. Chicago. I'm only an hour and a half away from Soldier Field and I can take the train! My best friend is a Dallas Cowboys fan I'm trying to talk him into making the drive down to Charlotte with me the next week to watch the Cowboys Panthers game. If both teams have good records and are vying for a spot in the playoffs I think its going to happen. Will be my first time going to a Panthers home game I hope it happens!
  23. Those guys might be able to become great Qbs in their own right but I don't see them being Championship level (Sb winning) Qbs even at their best. Especially with the teams they were drafted onto. If Young puts it all together at the NFL level and proves that his size is not a detriment to his game he will be viewed as a Championship level QB and I think that's the difference.
  24. You're not wrong both teams have the exact same amount of division titles which is 6 a piece.
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