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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. Class of 1992. I hate all you young'uns, but seriously, enjoy life - the easiest part is now over.
  2. Team gets ball on 20, gets four downs to go ten yards, only gets eight. Other team gets ball on 28. Scores. Yeah, awesome concept.
  3. No Panther defense on the other side, of course he's looking great so far.
  4. Praise Jebus that the sorry Grizzlies are out, I seriously can't watch that boring style of ball. Montsta - who would you rather face in the conf finals - Rockets or Clippers?
  5. Wait, is this just an April Fools do-over since that colossal fake DUI fail? This is a top shelf idiot. I swear I hope the Seahawks world crumbles around them
  6. Goodell should've dug his keys into the side of Brady's pretty little supped up four wheel drive, carved his name into the leather seats. Took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all four tires. Then maybe next time he'd think before he cheats.
  7. How about a bowling competition, or ping pong? I don't even want to think about "bull in the China shop" Panthro setting a brick wall screen on our starting DB's for God's sake.
  8. He clearly passed out in his garage sometime after that last post.
  9. In sure he'll be suspended for the first half of a preseason game. And that's harsh.
  10. This is why part of me hates this time of year with guys stepping back on the field for the first time. Stay healthy boys.
  11. The way I'm hearing TE body that is a WR, how do you think he compares to Marques Colston?
  12. This is bullshit. His smile is way too genuine for this to be true, not buying it, sorry.
  13. Groped her person?? I'm over here counting my lucky stars of all the times I could have been sued but dodged the bullet.
  14. Brady was "generally" aware? What kind of poo is that?
  15. I wish the population of the world who pollute the internet with their rants and idiocy on cnn, facebook, etc, would all gather in one place and spontaneously combust. Make that one place New Orleans and I couldn't be any happier.
  16. @MortReport: Cam Newton unable to walk, possibly related to truck accident last fall. Who will quarterback #Panthers in 2015?
  17. Since most of the Redskins fans don't have internets, someone tell those jagoffs that Dallas stopped giving a fug about them awhile ago.
  18. Good thing I decided to pick up my Delhomme jersey after tossing it in a rain soaked gutter one cold January night many years ago. Nameplate conversion incoming
  19. Just when i thought you couldn't say anything dumber, you go and post something like this. And totally redeem yourself!
  20. Praise Dave. He doesn't have a crystal ball, no GM can guarantee that a guy will pan out to his full potential, but he's picking guys that will fit our style of play, not just reaching for someone because of his name. People raising hell over our draft so far should gtfo.
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