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Everything posted by raleigh-panther

  1. A lot if people, including Steve Smith and Cam Newton thought and a lot of respected scouts, thought Young was the best QB same with Trevor they made the pick…time will tell but they are married to him now. No point in buyers regret
  2. Yep hard to tell if stroud was in Reich’s offense if he would look the same we will find out today Dalton still has an arm….granted he still can throw interceptions too..but he has an arm and he won’t have the hesitancy Young had still. Even if young was the wrong pick, nothing the Panthers can do about it for at least two years so why care.
  3. No problem for most is one qb looks like a nfl arm and the one the panthers drafted doesn’t it will continue until Young looks like he belongs
  4. I’m just glad football is back. No Covid and the rest I think with the Panthers this year best not invest too much in them they simply do not have the personnel to do anything front office has a lot of ‘splainig ‘ to do. Even so, Mingo manages to hold on to a throw.l,Bryce seeing things half a second earlier and things might be different a win today would do a lot for the fans and franchise Still, cross country flight, injuries, home crowd, Seattle wins I’m very interested in the October trade deadline. May see Burns moved
  5. His career was what it was before and after Rhule with a gruesome injury in between he wasn’t the answer here for many reasons and was over paid..not his fault ..but don’t make him more than he was as for Bryce…who knows. The eye test makes it seem We seem to have gone from Superman to Mighty Mouse. Cam could elevate the likes of Funchess and Philly Brown and they were pretty bad…and a pair of the worst tackles in the league, though Oher helped for awhile after Gross Young strikes me as needing to have people around who are good to great and that’s seldom happened on this franchise…an able game manager when people around him can perform .
  6. That’s great news…I simply do not understand using Hubbard and Blackshear. the best friend of a struggling, beat up oline, and a young qb (and an old one), is find those pound out run plays that work and do them it’s the inverse of teams that have all pro receivers. When nothing is working, 3 yards and a cloud of dust. It doesn’t require the athleticism of pass protection for the struggling guards but it does demonstrate if they have the want to and if they don’t, they don’t belong in the nfl with Campen, Duce and brown, this run game sucks and is predictable and that is not acceptable
  7. To be fair, Teddy hasn’t exactly set the nfl world on fire since he left here
  8. I didn’t find it that way Mike Kaye and the others are around the team see, hear, and sense things we don’t I appreciate Kaye’s inout in killing a spade a spade. He isn’t a homer Frankly, I like Brian Burns but I wish they had moved him the problem with this Tepper organization is instead of biting the bullet and creating the team they want they think they can use bondo and duct tape to something sellable ‘lipstick on a pig’ …
  9. I think it’s a pretty good chance they do trade burns…shoulda last year but that seems to be the Panthers way lately …who lot of shoulda, woulda, couldas
  10. https://megaphone.link/MCCLATCHY4746793745 Long podcast 1. Coaches not performing to hype 2. Offense putrid 3 Final contract year veterans like Chinn. Burns. Matos may be gone before trade deadline 4. Reich not using Hubbard, TEs et Al. .Yes have injuries but ways to overcome are not being used 5. Trades should recoup some draft picks and leave enough cap space to get free agents in 2024 6 top. 3 needs WR WR WR with cornerback also 7 None of the analysts think there is a turnaround possible on the roster 8 oline being asked to block up to 5 seconds 9 Say the best for year is optimistic is 7 and 10 based solely on Reich’s history of slow starts 10 two year rebuild probable 11 free agents not performing as hoped 12 issue with talent, play calling and execution Does not expect Reich to relinquish play calls that’s about it
  11. Well Andy Dalton is past his prime by 5 years but what if he comes out and the results are vastly different? he has been around several types of systems It should be an interesting post Sunday conversation is it qb, oline, play calling or receivers. I suspect the end result will be the same…just the piece parts might come more into focus
  12. You know better than that remember when we had a two TE receiver threat …we have what , 4 TEs on the team ..good times how many receivers or TEs caught passed last game ? I know. I know. NO has this world class defense that can’t be thrown on
  13. We know we have a receiver issue and should’ve known that from the start ..
  14. I didn’t have a laugh button but you hit the nail on the head
  15. 6 coaches in 28 years about 30 plus qbs no back to back winning seasons will do that post traumatic panthers fanship or franchise PTPF peoplw have gotten tired of being either everyone else’s get well story or good ending story
  16. To be fair, there aren’t that many midgets in the Nfl true story
  17. The pa there signed Jake Luton per another board
  18. Take it from me have no more fugs to give It is better that way
  19. Night games make it worse with drinking more so for the visitors…they fly in…nothing to do all day but get drunk …was at a bar near tir ha Nog, years ago before a GB night game, believe it might’ve been the same night Smith broke his leg and crawled to the sidelines during that afternoon, some Green Bay yahoo, gets up in his chair and starts telling rape jokes no one stopped him, not the bar management nor where cops called …and of course he was at the game … an extreme example but there are more of those than people realize I enjoy my Tito’s and bourbon …I’ve been plenty drunk in my life but never could I have behaved like that there need more cops in sections and live video reviews / checks in the stands in all my years of going, New Orleans, Patriots, GB and Pittsburgh are the worst. In that order …
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