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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. Ginn what are you doing. Should have gotten further away from that one.
  2. But not necessarily on the punter. Coverage has a little to do with that as well.
  3. I tend to agree they are not as good as many thought during the early part of the season. However, I do see the possibility that they have a pretty good coach, and if they start drafting better, they could be a serious threat over the next several seasons.
  4. Nearly 500 yards of offense and only 20 points is pretty bad.
  5. True enough I guess, although if the request were made, they were never made public.
  6. None of us actually know what kind of teammate he is. We can only infer that he might not be a great ex teammate. There haven't been many comments about him from his ex teammates, maybe one or two, but that is about it. That being said, I don't really care what kind of teammate he was or is. When a team releases a player, it should be handled professionally. He should find out about it from the team first, in the GM or coaches office with some dignity. If he doesn't handle it well, then so be it. But the team should handle it the right way, particularly with a guy who has been with the franchise so long and stuck with us when we were not good and never demanded to be traded.
  7. Well, taking that into account, I will refrain from saying that I think they would do a better job raising breast cancer awareness by showing actual breast, and instead I just want to say I think they are all fine and lovely young ladies who do a wonderful job representing the franchise, and definitely increase my enjoyment of the game and football in general.
  8. Yes we should apologize to him. From what I read, his release was handled very unprofessionally. All that had to be done was to call him up before the rumors came up, tell him honestly that the franchise had decided to move on, that he has been a great player, and he will likely do well wherever he ends up up and we will hate to see him on the other side. Had we done so, there wouldn't be the bad blood that exist. No we should not trade for him.
  9. Why would I mention earlier events that had nothing to do with what I was talking about? I was only talking about the last drive, things that happened earlier in the game were irrelevant. In crunch time, we left a couple of receivers wide open, and got lucky when they dropped passes. That is not to say that we didn't play well, or that we didn't deserve to win. Just that they would have continued that drive had they caught the ball. It does bother me that they managed to get so open on an obvious passing down. I guarantee the defensive coaches won't be happy with those plays either. But I am happy with the win regardless.
  10. We got lucky in that the receivers dropped a couple of easy passes, the last one would have gotten them an easy first down, and kept the drive alive.
  11. They had two open receivers drop easy reception on that last series. Yes, that is lucky on our part.
  12. It was uncatchable anyway, but I think we are going to get hosed on this.
  13. He had room on that. We got lucky he dropped it. Fourth down.
  14. Now that was a horrible play call. At least with the personnel that were in. Stewart, Tolbert, or Cam should have run that, not Payne
  15. With all the talk about Brown's drops, he has become the one guy who doesn't drop it.
  16. Ok, now its time for the offense to take charge. Go down, run some time off the clock, get a score, and put us up by two scores.
  17. Got to admit I had a feeling of dread that Gano would miss that. Good on him. Would have loved a td but at least the defense got a little break.
  18. Is it? Don't get me wrong, the long run was disconcerting, but the defense has had to overcome 3 interceptions, two of them on our side of the field. Only 6 points out of the two. Defense has played well overall. I would say that this is one game we are missing a legit receiver.
  19. Dangerous move on the td, but it worked. Great Shane Battier impression by Cam on the encroachment.
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