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Everything posted by philit99

  1. Vegas thinks that the sports world will return in July. I think I will bet on that one. The teams may play, but I bet no one will show up. How long will the league let the sports continue with no ticket or food sales? It's tough watching rasslin' with no crowd, as it stands now. https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/sports-columns/todd-dewey/las-vegas-oddsmakers-expect-major-us-sports-to-return-in-july-1998010/
  2. Sadly, no one would watch. Pence is as dry as the Arizona plains.
  3. This is the line of the day, winner winner!!!!
  4. Life is not worth living, if there is no touching...……LOL
  5. Dude this is your best post ever! So true. Non political of course......
  6. FWIW, I am not trying to spout any political message. I am simply stating you can not defend this president, he made mistakes that cost lives. However, he is a politician and like most politicians, he is incapable of admitting mistakes. He can still turn the corner, but he should limit his messages and opinions and let the professionals answer questions with facts. I don't need to hear that he inherited a broken system and everything is someone else's fault, he is elected it is his job to fix it.
  7. LOL, I am not a doomsdayer. I am simply telling you that no one wants to get this disease. It will not destroy the earth, but it will take much longer than most think to get back to normal. Right now the US has 435,160 cases. How many do you think we need to get down to before we go back to work and start surrounding ourselves with other people? Once there is a vaccine, it will be different, until then this is the new normal. I'm not trying to take away your sunshine, but just being realistic.
  8. That can only happen in how we respond. SARS and MERS were caught early and were limited, this thing is an animal on its own.
  9. Disagreeing is ok, its part of being American. I'll leave my opinion above and we can move on.
  10. Next year at the earliest. I have heard maybe sports could get back to normal around Thanksgiving, that came from a line in one of those Wall Street Journal articles I read. I don't have the source handy, so consider it a fallacy.
  11. I agree. However, will the treatment prevent spreading, that is the hard part. Treating symptoms and easing the pain of those infected is a great goal and obtainable, but until we can prevent this thing from spreading so easily, we may remain locked up in our homes, and businesses will continue to run lean. This thing spreads like wildfire, mainly because people spread it without knowing they are sick, I have never seen anything like this. I also wonder about the lungs of those that recover? Will they be permanently damaged? There is still a lot to learn about this disease.
  12. Bud, not trying to be political. My post was in response to a poster who claims that talking positive about our President puts you on a mod list. I think our President is partially responsible for the density of our infected. I am not Republican nor Democrat, I am independent. I’m just explaining why I feel the way I do about our current administration, when others want to defend them.
  13. I’m not trying to gain favor. I simply hate to see American families, suffer. These are dark days, and I pray we come out of this. Unfortunately, until there is a vaccine I don’t think we will completely recover, there will just be wave after wave of this because it spreads too fast. If you don’t agree with my view, I understand and that’s your right. Like some I pay to post here, I enjoy this forum and the people. I’ll be a Panther fan regardless of this forum and I wished we had something besides this to discuss. Unfortunately, this will be with us for a long time, at least the next year or so. Chances are this will effect every one of us in some capacity, or someone we know or love.
  14. Good you can give me a permanent vacation, I don’t give a f$&k. This has everything to do with the crisis, the inept leadership, and American lives. You don’t agree, that’s fine, but telling me I need a vacation for spouting my view, it’s not your job.
  15. I let my emotions get the better of me on previous posts, regarding our administration. My disdain for Trump stems from the fact that he alone is responsible for the deaths of many Americans. Trump even touting a new drug to fight this disease, has killed people. A couple in Phoenix took the drug due to Trumps proclamation and one of them died. Mr Trump does not think about consequences for any of his actions or anything that comes out of his mouth, he is short sighted. I completely agree that there is no playbook for this type of problem, so I try to cut Trump some slack. However, he is busy flapping his gums instead of letting health professionals educate the public and promote fact, instead of false positives. He just can’t help himself, this is about him, I suppose that is the case with all narcissists. In the end, people will have died directly due to our administrations false narratives, and inability to lead during a disaster. However, I am sure they will find someone else to blame, China, etc. Trump will then be re-elected because the Democrats cant find a suitable candidate and settled on the crypt keeper. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/briannasacks/man-died-chloroquine-phosphate-coronavirus
  16. I agree, I think it is fantastic that an insurance company is giving back period. Kudos to them!
  17. Can you imagine what our Health care premiums will be next year? I carry myself, ex wife, and kids. I currently pay 1450 a month, I can’t wait to see how much increase the insurance companies will levy my way.
  18. Thank you Sir, this is a godsend. It is almost impossible to find credible, reliable, and unbiased news sources in today’s world. Our President is almost void of fact, he is a walking oxymoron.
  19. CNN has editors, they report facts. However, they do conveniently leave out "other" facts that cater to the left wing agenda. Faux News is entertainment only and not to be trusted under any circumstances, they have many lawsuits currently against them for opinionated "facts". It is a shame as I always liked Tucker Carlson, when he worked for CNN, now he is intolerable.
  20. CNN is selective reporting, they only report one side of the story. Faux news is entertainment, they have to be labeled entertainment due to subjective and opinionated comments that are passed off as news. The country needs an unbiased news source, that does not cater to one political party. I haven't found one yet, but CBS is about as close as I can find. Anyone else have a better news source? Please don't pass Blaze, NPR, or the Post, they all have a political agenda. I read the Wall Street Journal myself, however they are slightly to the right.
  21. I’m not a Democrat, but the Trump lines where he stated, this will disappear, and only one or two people will catch it, is beyond infuriating. Our President chose to ignore all signs and kept the American people calm and ignorant, while this virus multiplied in our population. His arrogant early discussions about the virus, is my problem. How many Americans could he have saved by educating the public of the impending danger? Furthermore, our President proclaimed that news sources that were trying to educate the public were telling lies and spreading fake news. <- The real American Tragedy.
  22. Sure, just pack the greatest tragedy of our lifetime out of sight.
  23. Look at my head dude, I don't have hair! You see the world the way you want to, I see it my way. I just can't defend the idiot in office.
  24. Valid point. I just read too many threads defending a clown. Let me be clear, I make great money, I am happy in life. However, I am struggling to find supplies to live. What good is money, if you can't find what you need to survive. We need leadership, and the main office, is void of it.
  25. In my book yes, I didn't live in those times, I don't have three acres of vegetables to get me by. The trail of tears was a tragedy to all 16,000 Cherokees that were forced to move, no doubt. There will be more than 16,000 Americans dead by the end of this week. I am not sure what your beef is with Woodrow Wilson he did crafted the Versailles Treaty, and get us through World War I, maybe you can elaborate.
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