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Everything posted by hepcat

  1. Unless Rhule bounces back to college, I'd just like to see an experienced NFL caliber offensive coordinator under Rhule. I think this team can win with a better QB and a competent offensive coordinator. Honestly I think this team could have won this season with this defense and a Teddy Bridgewater type QB if the offensive playcalling was just a little more creative.
  2. Just goes to show you that even a good defense will still be a losing effort if the offense can't do anything. Offense is more important in today's NFL.
  3. What could happen that will make the team better at this juncture in the season? The problem is Darnold plain and simple. Second problem is Joe Brady and his juvenile play calling. Can’t readily go out and find better replacements for these guys midway through the season. Tepper should just put out a statement apologizing to the fans for the miserable season and vow to get it fixed this off-season. Knock the ticket prices down for Panthers fans. With all the tech we have these days there has to be a way to weed out the opposing teams fans.
  4. Ugh that would be my worst nightmare honestly. I’d love for an NFL team to move to central Texas. I would consider bumping down the Panthers in my fandom for the new team close to me. But if that team was just the Panthers moved here I’d be very sad.
  5. There’s 1-3 more wins on the schedule. Panthers picking around 10th in the draft in my estimation.
  6. They have produced one competent NFL starter in the last 50 years
  7. Asswater is better than Sam Dogpiss I’ll admit it
  8. I’d feel like here we go again. The next guy coming in to this miserable hell hole to meander around losing until we all turn on them.
  9. I’m just sitting here watching old tape some guy posted on Twitter about Sam Darnold back before the 2018 draft and thinking to myself, how was this guy even a top 10 pick? I watched Darnold play a number of times in college and never understood what people saw in him. His footwork was atrocious in college and it still is today. He turned the ball over regularly in college. He sailed balls from clean pockets and had accuracy issues. The only good moments seemed to be when he was flushed from the pocket. And he runs from the pocket because he can’t make quick decisions. I thought Cam was slower than average at reading a defense but you could give Sam Darnold an entire game to read the defense and he still might throw a pick. How he even ended up getting this far in his football career is really mystifying.
  10. It matters 100%. Sam Darnold has been a bust since college. Get a winner in here and this team turns around fast.
  11. The worst mistake was picking up Sam Darnold’s option.
  12. He sleeps on his $85m yacht in the Caribbean and doesn’t give a flying f*ck what his fun hobby the NFL team he bought does on the football field
  13. Who is gonna play QB? PJ Walker? It’s just going to be a miserable season no matter who is doing what with the players they have.
  14. Yea I made a thread about them coddling Darnold and got pooed on. Knew that loser was a bad idea from day 1
  15. I don’t know. They had Fields and Mac Jones there in the last draft and they didn’t pick one. Unless it’s an entirely new staff I don’t see a QB being picked again.
  16. I mean it’s possible. Rhule could have gotten stuck in a bucket of ribs and hot wings and forgot he had to go explain why he’s a bad coach
  17. He was smart not to come here. He could smell the stink on this awful team from all the way in Detroit
  18. Tepper doesn’t care. He can fill the stadium with PSL money and opposing teams fans. Dude is probably already prepping his yacht for a trip to the Caribbean this week.
  19. I think everyone knows not many of the people here this year will be here next year. And NO ONE believes in that awful QB.
  20. I think it was because Cam admitted to hiding the severity of his foot injury and playing through it. He said as much in that long rambling video where he smoked a cigar and drank wine.
  21. I thought that win against Washington last year established the winning culture
  22. We’re all feeling it. This is a special kind of miserable. This team gives up. That’s not the kind of football team I want to watch or be a fan of. It might honestly be time to find something else to do than watch this garbage on Sunday’s.
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