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Everything posted by countryboi

  1. NFL football is played in the present, we will worry about next seasons cap next season. Yall do this every year and nothing bad ever really happens.
  2. if he was going to be fired he would have been by now. Tepper is showing you the answers with his actions
  3. this is coach talk, he knows he needs to limit his touches at running back
  4. Expecting a player to suddenly become a player they have never shown you they could be is how coaches get fired.
  5. man all these coaches dress like a convention of McDonald's regional managers
  6. what do you want him to say that you will be happy with? he will comment you will still be pissed, let that hate go.
  7. What is happening, why even convene a second grand jury if you didn't have the firepower to indict? The more they come at the king and miss the more it looks like a wild hunt even if Watson is guilty.
  8. often times with these things lay somewhere in the middle. I bet the case is weak because sexual assault is hard to prove and the prosecutor didn't put his best foot forward.
  9. if they didnt have enough to indict the first go round why should he be worried now. Grand Jury's indict 90 plus percent of the time if they dont indict its a problem.
  10. the chances of a QB being successful outside of the first 10 picks is pretty rare. I like Corral I just think we need to temper out expectations.
  11. Before Prime got to Jackson no team would show up to these pro days. Prime is doing Gods work and looking out for his team. that said the Panthers had other pro days and it is what it is.
  12. Good stuff https://www.baltimorebeatdown.com/2021/3/10/22322607/pros-and-cons-of-bradley-bozeman-potentially-moving-to-center
  13. You dudes cried and cried about the Panthers and in the end we had no idea what he wanted.
  14. this is a good pick up but WFT fans complain that he is hurt alot.
  15. the best way to change your rep is to win, build a winner
  16. Someone needs to give me a couple million and let me try sidenote what happened with Wilson?
  17. Some of y’all were so excited to be in every deals. This is what that looks like, it doesn’t mean you win every deal. Watson made his choice and we get to move forward without mortgaging the future.
  18. I just want this to be over, its only fun when you are winning
  19. The WFT would blow everyone on this board for Tepper. everyone hates their owner when the team aint winning.
  20. some of yall are way way too invested in this. Watson decision is not a reflection of anyone but Watson. its a zero sum game. if he doesn't come here and (its a 75 percent chance he wont) we move on to something else.
  21. What is this Willis from Liberty mess, he has a first name.
  22. Ahhh, its going to be one of those F5 days..
  23. When you can’t prove their innocence the first move is to call the credibility of the victims in to question. You want to make it seem like they are out to get the defendant. This is one of the reason sexual assault victims don’t want to come forward
  24. I know we dont want people to leave but this feels like a win
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