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Everything posted by SmokinwithWilly

  1. No journalist is going to reveal their source inside an organization that's spilling dirt on ownership. They won't be a source any more because they won't have a job.
  2. I've been saying this for a while. He has to have windows or he can't see the field. The shortest guy on our line is 6'4". Stand behind someone that's 7 inches taller than you and try to see around them. Then add pads and a helmet. His field vision is obscured. He needs the windows to see the field. Unfortunately our line isn't holding long enough to do that. To keep those lanes open, it requires our linemen to be more 1 on 1 so he can see through the gaps. They can't just shove guys into the middle and make a huge clog of bodies. That's JMO, but I'll be damned if it doesn't make too much sense.
  3. A team president with actual NFL experience might have looked at Frank's coaching history and offensive play calling during his tenure and seen that we don't really have the team build to do that kind of stuff and he might not be the right fit.
  4. I don't know about calling some of that stuff music. It has about as much appeal as being serenaded by an orchestra of dental drills.
  5. How can a guy with bad footwork and bad mechanics be the most pro ready? It doesn’t make any sense.
  6. Getting ready to announce the upcoming concert series for next year.
  7. Had to give an old story a new spin. Big boat fugging sinks wouldn't have made a good movie title.
  8. Bears 70 Panthers 0. Bears set new NFL rushing record with 480 yards on the ground.
  9. We're 26th or worse in yards, points and yards per play on offense. The process is working. I hope Chicago drops 70 on us in a shut out. This coaching staff is a damn joke right now.
  10. I never hated Jimmy Pickles. I'm just happy Marty didn't give up a 1st to trade up and get him.
  11. It sounds even worse when you put it like that
  12. Nicole Tepper had to complete a class so she could be involved in the hiring process of our new coach. What experience in or around football does she have to even be remotely involved in that decision? Again, Nicole is on the phone making the trade of picks used to draft DJ Johnson. Why? Just so she can say she got to be part of draft day? Matt Rhule - great interview, almost zero experience - hired Frank Reich - great interview, just got fired from a HC job - hired Shane Steichen - SB OC transformed 2 QBs and an offense, bad zoom interview - not interested Bryce Young - Dazzled Dave at dinner by dissecting a play - picked number 1 Notice a trend? Dave has openly said he makes his opinion and his influence well known throughout the building. You seriously believe that has absolutely zero to do with what's going on? Dave is meddling. To what degree, we don't know. But he's involved. Putting your finger on the scale is meddling. Pushing your unqualified opinion is meddling. Getting your wife who had to take a class just to be involved in the interview process is meddling.
  13. 200 years of NFL experience with less wins than Matt Rhule.
  14. https://sports.yahoo.com/reporter-david-tepper-heavily-influenced-175043019.html Open secret Dave heavily influenced the Bryce Young pick.
  15. Nicole Tepper having to take and complete an inclusivity course in order to participate in the search for a head coach. No need to do that if she's not involved in the process. Also, she was on the phone making the call to trade the picks used for DJ Johnson. Tepper has said repeatedly and it's pretty well documented his influence is heavily present in the building. Matt Rhule hire. Frank Reich hire. He's involved in making decisions that are beyond his knowledge base to make. Pretty damn easy to see it.
  16. No disagreement from me there as far as ability goes. At the time, I believe the Ravens were asking for 3 1sts and 2nds (before the non exclusive), plus the guaranteed money to Lamar would have made it difficult to put weapons around him, which was the exact scenario he was pissed about in Baltimore. The thing is after the non exclusive, all they had to do was match the offer so it wasn't likely going to happen for that reason alone unless there was a poison pill in the contract. It was always about team building strategy with LJ. Wouldn't matter though because Fitts is definitely the wrong person for that job and we'd have a Ferrari QB cruising in the merge lane in this offense.
  17. You and I went back and forth quite a bit. It all came down to the asking rumored asking price, which I still think was a bit high. In the end though, I'm not sure Lamar would even be standing right now as bad as we've been. He also would be a terrible fit with Reich. I didn't think Carr was better than LJ, just more could be done to build around him if the contract price was good, which it clearly wasn't. Though the better play than LJ or Carr would have been to sell out for Stroud.
  18. You can't imagine my panic when rumors of Harbaugh to the NFL and Rhulr to Michigan started surfacing. I felt like I was going to purgatory.
  19. The record between Lloyd Carr and Jim Harbaugh is pretty damn atrocious.
  20. No! I can't take another year of losing to the Buckeyes! To hell with your dreams.
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