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Everything posted by SmokinwithWilly

  1. I have to say at this point I'm pretty impressed at how well the staff has kept this all tight lipped. Not sure who else remembers a few years ago when Will Grier as our 3rd round comp pick was all over the place several weeks before the draft even took place
  2. I never said we were a rebuild project. I don't think you actually read what I said. I said I think we are rebuilding certain areas because we lack depth. That doesn't mean we're actually team that's rebuilding. But winning the division also doesn't mean we're competitive across the NFL. The NFCS is bad. I'm more concerned about being able to compete with the upper echelon teams and win than securing a division title. No one cares who won the division once the playoffs start. Being able to win when it matters is what matters.
  3. We were in contention to win the division but only because the division itself was a laughing stock. Look at what Dallas did to TB. Do you think we would have faired better? I don't. We weren't making a deep run with Sammy D. Losing the division actually worked in our favor making it much easier to trade up to 1. I didn't say this team couldn't win the division if our rookie QB comes along quickly. I said we actually could, but we're not as deep as it might appear on paper. We're all holding him accountable. I'm just saying I don't think we're SB or even NFCCG material yet, Rhule left us mighty thin in some areas. Next year, if we draft the right QB, that could seriously change.
  4. I think we are in certain areas. Edge rusher, LB, DB, RB, WR, OL are all areas that have been left very thin over the past few years due to some stellar mismanagement. While I don't think we're full rebuild, I don't think we're as deep as it looks on paper once the inevitable injury bug bites during the season, and it will. I'd say this year we're in contention to win the NFCS with some decent QB play. If we draft well this year and next, I think we're in contention to make some noise.
  5. that guy needs a case of sunblock not Natty light
  6. Yet another example of why Roger Goodell is the worst commissioner the NFL has ever had.
  7. Wentz was leading that team to the SB before he got injured. He's never been the same since but he was definitely trending up before it.
  8. There's a little skewing to those numbers though. From 1960 to 1970 there were 20 rounds. From 70 it was 12 until 97' when it went to 7. So there were far more opportunities before 97 to hit outside of the 1st round.
  9. He didn't really look like anything. Trying to play in preseason only getting 2 or 3 snaps a day is an unrealistic barometer. Mental reps is another term for Matt Rhule didn't know what the fug he was doing.
  10. Not so sure about that. The Hornets are as close to a certainty to screw up a 1st round pick as I have ever seen.
  11. He was always a project QB and we traded up to acquire him. He has had almost no real reps and was in the dog house with Rhule for whatever reason. That said, it doesn't hurt anything at all to bring him into camp and let him learn with some people who actually know what an offense looks like. We have nothing to lose by keeping him on the roster through training camp, and possibly into the season depending on how he does against Eason. If he's that bad, stick him on the PS and if he gets poached, then so be it.
  12. Knowing BB, he would probably end up trading the TE/LB hybrid away and end up with a 3rd or 4th round pick somehow.
  13. Not everyone was available. I suspect they will though.
  14. I predict we will have a starting QB this year that has never taken a regular season snap for the Panthers
  15. If he does he does. Just will go to prove even more that you need offensively driven coaches to thrive.
  16. Grief gets people in different ways. He was never the same after that. Young man losing his mother. Yeah, that will definitely fug you up. That dark place hangs on and seems to creep back in when you're least ready for it.
  17. Really depends on the type of surgery. Cleaning up a spur or some scar tissue is fairly minimal but can help a lot.
  18. There's probably a parallel universe somewhere where the Panthers just traded 3 1sts and 3 2nds for future HoF QB Will Grier too.
  19. We could, but we would look extremely foolish if we did. And that puts us back into desperation mode again trying to negotiate for a QB. That's exactly how we got taken to the cleaners for Darnold. Rhule had already played his hand with T2G and we had no options really other than PJ. And I have no desire to bail out Baltimore or Jackson at this point unless we got to take them to the cleaners.
  20. They are. But teams don't give up 2 1sts, 2 2nds and a WR1/2 under a team friendly contract to draft one. Especially when they have Andy Dalton as their best starter.
  21. Not really. 2 years at most. If we don't think whoever we picked is the guy after 2 seasons, we have our 25 first to go after another QB.
  22. That would put us without our 24, 25 and 26 1sts, 2 2nds and DJ Moore, plus Lamar's contract at 50m per year with a high guaranteed amount. If we did something like this I'd consider the Darnold trade a great deal in comparison. You don't move to 1 giving up what we did for an edge rusher. And you damn sure don't give LJ everything the Ravens want and he wants when there are zero other suitors in play. He has screwed this up so badly I don't think he's going to see 133m guaranteed offered again by any team. Teams have been told they can't negotiate with a non registered agent. He's lost every bit of leverage at this point. Baltimore is holding every advantage and if we bailed them and him both out, the entire front office, including Reich should be fired immediately.
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