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Everything posted by Snake

  1. Perfect fit for Watson. We will be losing the next 3 years anyway. Let Watson get his Super Bowl.
  2. Screw you dickhead I'm out anywhere. This is 5 pages right now with like 5 people posting. ✌
  3. Welp that 4th and short was big. Now their behind.
  4. Just remember it will take Rhule 7 years to have a winning record but the Bengals are in the Super Bowl in 2 years.
  5. We already know this is going to be the move. I've already excepted the stupidity.
  6. I hope the saints do it because Brady was a bad OC.
  7. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Dude loved to blitz though.
  8. A PR bond doesn't have a money amount there scout.
  9. Drafts a guy yet has to bunch him. Oye
  10. Rats always jump ship when it's sinking.
  11. He will be 100% better owner than Tepper. That's for sure. The NFL really screwed us with this nut ball.
  12. What is wrong with you? The justice system will punish him but the civil system could hurt him really bad. If a broke person did that they would be out on a PR bond.
  13. You can't be hitting people when you got that kind of money.
  14. Picking up a Center and Guard would go along way. Or a OT and C but that would be costly.
  15. Now that's not a Raiders type move. They need a HC with some drama not skills.
  16. I think he's taking the stoic approach. Sit back and wait longer than anyone else and think you're going to come out on top at the end. TBH though the coaching choices were pretty poor this year. Can't say I was excited about anyone.
  17. He probably will work with Washington or Buffalo. I think we all know why he left when Rhule got the job.
  18. He probably doesn't have long enough arms.
  19. The more this gets out the better off we will be. Tepper needs to fail hard.
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