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Everything posted by neverlosethefeeling

  1. Sorry but this is a bad take. Look at the MSA population. Have you even been to Atlanta? No way anyone whose been there could say “Charlotte is bigger”
  2. I think we’ve made moves to put us in position to take BPA at 39 and I would be cool with a pick at any position maybe except S and RB.
  3. At this point we’ve seen reports from people with “sources” who say we want Stroud, Young, and now AR. It’s all bullshit until draft day. If we believe Fitterer he and Reich don’t even know who the other wants yet but all these media types know for sure and they all “know” different things
  4. We now have $27.5 Million in cap space according to OTC: https://overthecap.com/salary-cap/carolina-panthers Not gonna pretend to know exactly how it all works but our FO seems to be making magic happen
  5. According to Over The Cap, this figure includes the Thielen signing and Shaq’s restructure which looks to have saved over $10M https://overthecap.com/salary-cap/carolina-panthers
  6. Might be time for a throwback “On Notice” thread for the whole NFCS
  7. It doesn’t say he’s coming to sign a deal? https://twitter.com/1NikkiAnn3/status/1631655814178955265?s=20
  8. Dude, try google: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2825044-nfl-rumors-raiders-arent-cash-rich-despite-cap-space-ahead-of-vegas-move
  9. It’s true that every owner is rich, but not true that every owner is cash rich. Mark Davis off the top of my head is believed to have almost his entire net worth wrapped up in the Raiders and is not cash rich, which has resulted in some disadvantages for the Raiders.
  10. here’s a good explanation from the Pat McAfee show
  11. A team we enjoyed watching, even if the result’s weren’t always great. A team that had a personality, and players who played with passion. Even though we lost last week it was the most fun I’ve had watching a Panthers game in years, maybe with the exception of Cam’s game against AZ last year. I know I’m not alone in that either. I felt like we had a chance even when we were behind, and that our players hadn’t given up. That’s been missing for so long. We actually looked like a team that deserved to be on an NFL field. I don’t know if Wilks is the right long term answer at HC, but I know for sure that I respect the hell out of what he’s done for the team since taking over.
  12. Has he made any public comments since being fired? Wonder if he takes an responsibility at all
  13. Lmao same. Went to lunch with my mom and basically forgot about the game today. She checked the score and I thought she was reading it wrong
  14. We have $115 mil in cap space in 2024 and almost $300 mil in 2025. I think we will be fine.
  15. I thought that call was bs til the Panthers released their mic’d up from the game. In it they showed the only angle of the play that I’ve seen that shows Burns hit Brissett in the head
  16. Agreed the sound in the uppers is really bad. I sat in club seats for the Eagles game and thought the audio was okay. We were in 514 for the game yesterday and the audio was so bad, we couldn’t understand anything they were saying. I can’t remember a worse stadium audio experience.
  17. I think Rhule mentioned yesterday that Brady did come in for a little bit
  18. Oh are we pretending Robby Anderson is good again? I can’t keep up.
  19. Someone inform me. Is there anything we can do with his contract since we picked up the 5th year option? We’re on the hook for all of that, right? So our only options are keep him on the roster or eat a ton of dead cap?
  20. This year would be fine too, we can’t get much worse.
  21. If you post photos of half naked women on the huddle and expect them to "keep it classy" you're gonna have a bad time. You new here?
  22. There have been plenty of people on this very message board suggesting Cotchery should not have a roster spot. Jeremy is not wrong about that. Maybe it's a vocal minority, but they're out there.
  23. I hope he and Fozzy both contribute at a solid level this year, and I think they're both capable of doing that. Fozzy has been a real weapon in the screen game, as even Ryan Kalil has said in recent days. I'm excited about both these guys. There's good stuff coming out of the RB room this year.
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