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Everything posted by pantherdad

  1. Great….down between 3 teams. Seems like I’ve seen this movie before
  2. It must be nice to have an All-Star caliber Center, and a fully functioning rotation. Oh yeah, and a competent head coach as well.
  3. Hayward shouldn’t be too far from returning, he has been practicing.
  4. That may be true, but he really can’t control how bad we shoot or those 5 or 6 minute periods where we go ice cold and can’t hit anything
  5. What kills me is, that fat piece of poo Lowery says it was a three the whole time. That whole team is a bunch of whiny fuging bitches. fuging doughboy
  6. We should have won 97-96. I had no idea there was a statute of limitations on 3 that should’ve been called a 2. Especially with video proof. It is the Hornets tho
  7. I think he does that to keep it loose. My son broke his a few months ago and does the same thing
  8. I was kinda hoping for DeAndre Bembry. Local guy and would be solid depth. I was thinking his contract was going to get bought out as well. I think he would be a good fit
  9. We out scored Memphis 75-51 in the second half. That first quarter killed us, boys. It was one hell of a come back attempt though for those that stayed around to watch it
  10. a Charlotte pro team not active in free agency......color me shocked
  11. I get it lol. I’d go to hell for that guy lol
  12. I was happy…then sad….then happy again
  13. Kinda funny Bouknight has a sprained wrist after that debacle on the bench lol
  14. It should have been 2 free throws for Miles with no time remaining. He got his dick knocked in the dirt by Allen. I was there up in section 225 and saw it plain as day…ref just stood there 20 ft away with the no call. And the phantom call on love was total BS as well. We fought back admirably only to get butt fuged by the refs. Very infuriating
  15. We need a legit big in a bad way….Hayward and Bouknight be damned. Makes some trades in this mofo. Embarrassing. Plumlee IS NOT the answer.
  16. It was refreshing to see our Hornets on national tv ball out last night. I really think they earned some respect from the media. They know our players now, and how good they are….my one gripe is, and it may not even be a gripe…the pre game show when Greeny asked Stephen A if he believes in the Hornets…his response was, “I want to, but not at the moment because I feel they won’t keep this team together.” I mean history says he’s right, to a point. Hope he’s wrong.
  17. Why does Sam even throw warm ups on the sideline? It’s not like the pussy is gonna throw it or anything
  18. This team really makes me want to headbutt my tv
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