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Everything posted by Khyber53

  1. Umm, Mahomes' intangibles aren't very common, perhaps like four QBs in the league ever have had them like he does. So, let's leave him out of the conversation, as well as Rodgers, Brady and Wilson. Those are rare, best of their generation QBs and as such are unrealistic measuring sticks. We're trying to determine if Darnold is good or not. No one is trying to make him legendary, so quit putting that up as your testing model. Could say, Tannehill, Carr, Allen, Prescott, or Stafford have survived and thrived behind the line play we saw yesterday? I think, with the exception of Prescott, we've seen each of them behind bad offensive lines and all of them floundered. Tannehill was written off, as was Carr to the point where there was a time we all thought they would never be starting QBs again. Stafford, who is a world beater now, was literally doomed to purgatory in Detroit behind terrible lines for his whole career. Allen had difficulties his first year, but growth in his mobility and line improvements have pushed him to the top. Prescott hasn't had to play behind any kind of suspect line since probably high school. Darnold's stuck right now, but it doesn't mean he's a failure, as one really bad game doesn't destroy his potential, just like three good games don't erase his past. We've got 12 more games to see how he does -- growth or wilt.
  2. The game is done. It cannot be undone. Time to move on. Darnold has been good to very good in four out of five of our games so far. CMC will be back next week and that changes the equation in massive ways. Darnold will perform well again and the o-line will see improvements (I hope).
  3. Glad you're here. We all need someone to talk us in off the ledge. 12 games left to play, it's going to be a loooooong season if we give up now.
  4. Chuba did really well, and the run blocking wasn't very good. He was a wise pick-up for the team. Still, I'm hoping he'll be RB2 next week. Even with a really good RB, I don't like our chances, we've got to have CMC for this offense to move. Crazy to think it, but CMC alone will help the O-line in their work.
  5. You should also be able to see on your phone the beating Darnold took in the pocket as the line collapsed time and time again.
  6. Always fun to draw up pass plays. Hella hard to coach up an offensive line. Joe Brady...
  7. Okay first rule, even if you are from Temple, you don't get an extension until you frikkin' do something good, regularly. Robby disappeared last season after week 5. He hasn't come back. He's spent more time buying sneakers than studying film since he got the big deal.
  8. I can get behind this. Shop Robby for a lineman. Or a groundskeeper. Someone who can identify bears and cats at least.
  9. This is, without a doubt, the most correct thing said on this board all day.
  10. Kinda like saying that after those three semi-trucks smashed into his car, it was all his fault for not being able to hold it onto the road. No QB could have made it through that beating.
  11. There isn't a QB in the league that could have worked behind that line with those play calls today. We had one receiving threat and a bunch of bad choices out there. We had designed plays where our great hope was freaking Ian Thomas. Ian "Catch three balls a year and two are my own" Thomas. They blanketed DJ and put a waterboy on Robby. Terrace Marshall, Jr. stood around looking tall most of the day.
  12. Next week's the Vikings. Darnold is going to get killed behind this line if CMC isn't there for an outlet pass (or some decent blocking). Anderson will run around the field holding hands with a defender all day and not really trying. Our defense will play lights out for half the game, but be completely lost without Shaq Thompson. Our special teams will continue to be only able to get one thing right ... which thing that will be is to be randomly decided at the coin toss. Joe Brady will completely forget about screen passes, unless CMC is here and then it's 85% of the plays called. Fitterer will trade for another DB, setting a new NFL record.
  13. Those pockets were collapsing faster than they did last year. And I thought we had a terrible O-line then. This one, boy it stinks. It takes more time to run around those sides of beef than it does just to run right at them and destroy their blocks. Darnold, had he had any clean pockets today, would be deserving of more ire. He was at his safest during a naked bootleg... far, far away from his own line. And did anyone see even one friggin screen pass? Was that Brady up in the booth calling plays or was it take your kid to work day and he was letting Jr. pick plays based on the pretty pictures. Said it last year and into this one, the guy got famous for one frikkin' season in college. That never plays out well in the NFL.
  14. Funny, if our non-Temple guys get injured, we're fugged.
  15. And that's when he's motivated. Dude is a total knucklehead. Don't get morons as WRs.
  16. Sideshow Bob needs to be traded to Jacksonville. Maybe we can get Arnold back, or maybe Norwell if we're good negotiators. I said it last year, the guy just completely disappeared after week 5. He still hasn't shown back up except to pick up a check. And of course we extended him. The weight of his wallet most be what is slowing him down. The guy couldn't outrun a referee anymore, much less get open vs. Sister Mary's School for the Blind.
  17. But there it is in an e-mail. Still, we've got to enact some idea of a statute of limitations on what we've said or written. Hopefully we grow a little every day and become better human beings over time. Surely we're all a bit wiser than we were 10 years ago. Our society, though, doesn't want someone to culp to it and be forgiven, it wants blood, or at least some kind of advantage. We've grown petty and self righteous. We hunt for little transgressions like this and stay fearfully away from actually fixing the problems.
  18. This guy's one of the greats, give his a try. (Also, just grab a box of Bisquick, the recipe is on the box and works great).
  19. Making cheese steaks here for lunch, followed by chicken and dumplings for dinner (using a rotisserie chicken for the meat).
  20. Nah, the real question is flat dumplings or fluffy dumplings? There's a whole Alton Brown thing about you can tell where your ancestors came from by whether the dumplings your family makes are flat or fluffy. Fluffy dumplings rule. You can take that in many ways and the statement is still true.
  21. Panthers will come out angry, stay angry and just beat down the Eagles. We lost a lot of pride last week, here's where we get it back. The great Jalen Hurts debate continues as he gets shut down quickly, making people wonder if he really is the longtime plan for the Iggles. Panthers 24 Eagles 9 Hubbard scores a running TD, Darnold gets another rushing TD. Zane Gonzalez survives another week after nailing a 52 yarder.
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