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Everything posted by Khyber53

  1. I just can't say how I'd rejigger the line right now, simply because I don't know what the coaches know at the moment. I do know what I've seen and it definitely needs to get better. And the coaches have seen that, too. There's no way they've missed it. But they haven't sent Christensen or Brady out there, no matter how much handwringing the fanbase has gone through. There must be a reason. And that might be that they are honestly sending their best five potential blockers out there, sad as that might be.
  2. Khyber53


    I have yet to figure out why there's a draft or even two different brands anyway. They just wrestle the same pairings over and over again then drag them out again for the PPV which usually ends up being a snoozefest. And it's not just Goldberg, but also Edge, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, the Undertaker and a bunch of guys who'd moved on, but are being lured back for big checks just to put butts in seats. The only thing about these guys are that they offer is the chance to create a belt change without losing heat for one of the current belt holders. Also, it's lazy writing/booking on the part as a whole.
  3. This whole team seems to have gotten major gains from the team weights program.
  4. No, there's a difference in being trucked by Zeke and being completely incompetent and unmotivated on the field. Carter isn't Luke (Lord, who is though?) but he sure isn't Whitehead. Carter's out there earning a paycheck and has been decent in previous games. This time, the Dallas run game just had us. Their strength overmatched our quickness. Could Carter be better, though? Yeah, he could, but he has also been doing a lot to make this defense one of the best until we got steamrollered on Sunday. Let's see if he can even it out against the Eagles. And back on subject, sure hope Shaq can make it back quickly. He has been setting the tone out there.
  5. Khyber53


    Yeah, WWE is losing this iteration of the wrestling wars. After watching the draft last night, it makes me wonder if Kevin Owens must have re-signed with WWE rather than taking off for AEW as had been rumored when his contract expires in Dec.
  6. I think that was Irving Fryar. The cocaine thing seemed to touch off the whole drug testing thing in the NFL becoming a serious deal. There were actually like 6 Patriots in that game that were implicated I believe.
  7. I would love to see one of those "distance travelled" things done on some of Fran's scrambles. 3,674 career rushing yards for Fran's career measured in the traditional way. 73,421 yards travelled, though.
  8. Diggs had a great day and he's having a heck of a season. Can't take that away from him. Once he left the field, we marched at will. That's something Dallas should be looking at this week. The rest of their coverage is pretty suspect. 26-39, 66% completions, 301 yds, 2 TD, 2 INT for Darnold. Remove the Diggs stats from above: 24-32, 75%, 267, 2 TD and that's while under massive pressure. One guy did their heavy lifting.
  9. CMC will be back soon. Henderson will have had more than a cup of coffee with the defensive coaches. YGM will be back in the rotation. We'll be a lot better coming out of this stretch than you think. 4 out of 5 isn't unlikely, and 5 out of 5 wins is certainly on the table. We're a good team, we're going to get better.
  10. Grogan was the man for a little while there. Or specifically, the only guy that New England had. I was just a kid but danged if I can remember another Patriot besides him from back in the day, except for that guy who pretty much passed out from cocaine after catching the pass in their Super Bowl vs. the Bears.
  11. ^This, 100 percent. Take the third quarter away from both teams and it is an entirely different outcome. We're going to beat the bad teams handily this year. We're going to beat the decent teams this year. We're going to flat out challenge the good teams this year and we'll be killed by the best teams. We're not complete yet. But mark my words, no matter how good our opponent is on any given week, if they flinch or sleep on us, they'll get beat. Sometimes a team like we have can do some damage and win further into the post season than anyone has a reason to believe.
  12. You and I only see what's on the field. We aren't privy to what is happening in practice, the film rooms or positional groups work. The coaches have all that information. Christensen and Brown are on the bench, or without a uniform, because they aren't ready yet. It is as simple as that. Rhule isn't just trying to lose games and keep some genius rookies hidden from the league's eyes. If either were good enough, ripe on the vine so to say, they'd have been out there.
  13. Burns was neutralized by holding. Reddick took a beating and was neutralized. Shaq was completely neutralized by a combination of blocking, holding and having to assist in passing routes. Brown was just beat up like a young kid stuck between a group of grown men. Henderson has been here long enough to have a cup of coffee and learn a few teammates names. Bouye's first action of the season and who knows if he understands the defense yet. On the Cowboys side, Zeke Elliott woke up and was the bruising back he usually is. Pollard was running well, too. Dak didn't have the day the stats show, but he found the right man enough times to make it work. Their o-line, when they weren't getting away with holds, was just mauling our guys. And we can't frikkin' cover a skilled TE with this personnel. They had a better game plan than we did and they played hard. Refs were bad and that bounced in Dallas' favor. Still we kept answering the bell and wading back into the fray. Congrats to the winners and good job in defeat by our guys. The Eagles will be facing a wiser group of Panthers now, ones that have taken a hard punch and gotten back up.
  14. First year in this offense for Darnold as well. That may be affecting processing speed a bit. Truth be told, however, the kid has the "it" factor, though. He's got a winner's mentality. Pair that up with a year in Brady's system and there will be some fireworks. Actually, it might come sooner than that. We're a team that's still learning its way, from QB on down. Yesterday's game might be just what the doctor ordered to bring things around. Bring on the Eagles, we'll see the Cowboys again someday.
  15. We're going to be alright. We lost, by a single score, to a team built for the now. We lost to a team that has a group of bona fide stars and one of the best o-lines in the business. We lost to a team that has the hot interception machine of 2021. By one score. And it's one loss. It was going to happen, especially when the referees are having a really bad performance day out there. Darnold is a gamer, he took a beating and kept slinging it. He's tough, even though he looks like a kid who still has a paper route. DJ Moore is freaking fantastic. Chuba can run the ball and he'd make a decent RB1 on half the teams in the league right now. Our defense got manhandled. But not only were we down Jaycee Horn, but we were fielding Henderson and Bouye on their first games as Panthers. Henderson was so new that they were having to shout instructions to him from the sidelines on each play. And the other team heard those, too. That'll get better. It will all get better. We're 3-1, not 1-3. This is a much better team than it used to be, and one way better than I figured we'd be fielding before the season began. We're going to be fine. Dropping one out of every four games is a darned good way to get into the playoffs.
  16. We're going to be fine. We're going to be fine. The Cowboys are going to wonder what hit them.
  17. Grilling out burgers and hotdogs, with air fryer tater tots!
  18. Any thoughts on how we're able to shut down the running game? Is it the d-line (I've seen Burns and Reddick very involved in run D rather than just existing as pass rush specialists), is Brown that good at clogging up the middle? Are our LBs playing like the second coming of the Three Horsemen (Luke, Davis and Thompson)? Big support from DBs and safeties? Or is it just an overall explosion of motivation? The entire defense seems to take this personal that they will own the field. There are so many of them in on every tackle, very little standing around and being out of place. Playing with drive and desire. Dang, this iteration of the Panthers has been long awaited!
  19. Too steep, especially for a single asset in a game that can end careers in a single snap (no pun intended). Not even counting the eventual scandal, we'd have had a ghost squad of players on the roster in two years that featured no inexpensive new talent and whoever else we could afford for the bloated salary Houston had given Watson. Sometimes the best blessings are the things you didn't receive.
  20. Sometimes a fellow has to call 'em as he sees them. We're going to lose a few games this year. I just don't happen to think it'll be this one. Respect for saying what you've gotta.
  21. Going out on a limb here. Panthers 31 Cowboys 14 Robby picks up 87 yards and a TD, proves he's still playing after he got the big check. Bold prediction: Erickson scores a TD. (Return or Pass or Rush).
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