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Everything posted by Khyber53

  1. Best laugh I've had all day!
  2. He played really well for a WR3 in his first game. He's going to be solid to special out there. Just wait and see.
  3. Thanks, no I didn't get a chance to see it. I think he's out to sink the organization until he gets traded somewhere. Not our team, not my worry. But it might mean that New Orleans is nowhere near as good as that blowout makes them seem. Or it could mean nothing.
  4. My question is how bad are the Packers? It looks on paper like New Orleans was completely dominant against what should have been an excellent team (based on prior performance). Or did Green Bay look like a team collapsing on itself under the weight of the Aaron Rodgers singularity?
  5. Except the market was over crowded and they would rather have a generational tight end at this point. Look, the guy was good to great as a QB. While he might deserve to go out like this, he's raking in some big bucks by staying put there. Now if we can just treat him like that two more times...
  6. Khyber53


    I think it all goes back to the quarantine tapings at the training center. They were so desperate to cut costs that any well-paid bookers/creatives were shown the door. They probably went back to Brother Love because he could remember the days when TV wrasslin' was filmed in a small studio. Honestly, though, I'm just tired of 25 minute who cares matches that are just the repeat of last week and the week before. They've taken the exotic triple threat match and made it humdrum, cliched and overdone. They've relegated all luchadors to the 24-7 chase mob. They keep dragging the old celebs out of retirement to be monsters and have basically just stolen the Godfather and given it a South Pacific spin. Next up Jeff Hardy will find the Ruby Wrasslin Boots and embark on a journey with Lince Dorado, the Swiss Cyborg and Ricochet to take down Shinsuke Nakamura and his flying Boogz monkey to save the Emerald City at Crown Jewels. How about 12 Angry Men reimagined as a six-man tornado tag team match? Geez, it can't be that difficult!
  7. There's a lot about Fox that clings desperately to the olden days.
  8. Yeah, watched the clip expecting some sort of blow-up and pointed comments about some player from action on the field. Just a weak sauce thing where he gave the "what gives" shrug to some guy who walked across the view. Really, I was just ticked that I watched the clip for that nothing burger.
  9. Just a guy walking across the front during the press conference. Really not worth discussion.
  10. I've been saying this is the "prove it" year for Rhule, Brady and Snow. That was the first game. They got the win and for now, that's what we have. Nothing has been decided, not enough evidence either way at this point.
  11. I was just waiting for the short, chopped kick, chaos on the field and DJ running it back to the 10. Who in their right mind would have imagined the rookie PK for the frikkin' Jets comes out for his first time on an NFL field and booms a 50 yard punt perfectly? Ammendola was out there, available at the start of this offseason (he couldn't find a team last year). Somehow he was missed in our search. Go figure.
  12. Just wave your hand then catch the punt. And leave DJ out of special teams, it's not worth the risk.
  13. I defended him all last year. He spent so much time covering for frikkin' Tahir Whitehead and trying to get other guys into position that he didn't have much of an opportunity to even play his position. Now, he's back on the trajectory that he had been on before. He played like a Panthers linebacker is supposed to play. He lived up to it and if he keeps the pressure on, he'll be rightfully among those greats. Excellent play, excellent effort.
  14. Honestly, as long as they don't muff the punt or fumble it's okay. Let the kick offs bounce into the end zone, quit trying to make it from the one. Fair catch all of the damn punts... you aren't going to get more than four-five yards there. Just secure it and get the offense back out there.
  15. They basically held up against probably the strongest positional group for the Jets. One sack for the game is an acceptable level I guess and pressures (7) happen. Rushing plays, however, lacked any sort of steady push and pulling guards were so bad that the whole idea of it was shelved quickly, turning the run game one dimensional. Luckily, CMC finds a way no matter what. Do we even send our O-line guys to the weight room or just down to Golden Corral after practice?
  16. We beat last year's second worst team in the league who are currently starting a brand new HC and are in year one of their rebuild. We were supposed to beat this team, by all rights. And we did. Anyone watching that first half was thinking, "These Panthers are for real, this might be the year" minus a few headscratcher moments. Anyone watching that second half was thinking, "These Panthers are going to disappoint again" except that the unstoppable passage of time left the Jets with too little room to work the comeback. Our o-line wasn't good, but not as bad as we'd worried. CMC is CMC and that's a good thing. Our defense feasted on a rookie QB, an o-line with injuries and a non-existent running game. Our QB looked competent but posted eerily similar stats to Teddy Bridgewater's opener last year (a close loss to the Raiders) against a better team. Our kicker looks like a flat tire and we frikkin' punted from the 33. Coaching was uninspiring. But it's just week one. And we have a positive mark in the win-loss record. That's something. Right?
  17. We won and that's all we really learned from this game. Maybe the Jets are better than advertised, maybe they are as bas as advertised. They do have a heck of a QB there and they may save some money on not needing both a punter and a kicker (I mean, daaaaang, Ammendola was pretty amazing doing both jobs, while we decide to punt from the 33???). On paper it was a game we should win. And that first half looked like we were handling it admirably. That second half, they handled us and we were lucky to get away with the W. Still we don't really know a thing except CMC will get you where you need to go, even if you run him into brick walls again and again. Next week, we have the Saints and who knows if they are outstanding or if the Packers are having a nervous breakdown led by Diva-deluxe Aaron Rodgers. This was a "we should" win week. Next is a "we have to" win week.
  18. Too excited about the game to come up with a menu.
  19. Detroit's team has been cursed. It's the only explanation for how they could suck so bad for so long. Can't blame him for wanting out of there. Also, can't blame him for wanting to head to sunny LA and play for a team that has the window open right now and a couple of years more. That cost, though... Whew, too rich for our blood.
  20. This is where I am, across the board. If we can answer yes to all three of those things, and have that answer by this Sunday, then our schedule could lead us somewhere great. We have a lot of weak teams for the first three quarters of the season sprinkled in with some mid-level contenders. We don't have really top tier competition until the final four games, with the Bills and two tilts with the Bucs (who may have already locked things up or fluttered out by then). There's an argument to be made that if it all clicks, we could be looking at 12-5 before this ends. If two out of three of those posits goes negative, we could just as easily be looking at 5-12. The thing about it is, we're going to know within the first four games what we have. It's kind of exciting, but there's an equal mix of trepidation on my part. I'm not convinced of anything yet but I sure am hopeful.
  21. There is the chance that Thursday night's game was an outlier and is too small of a sample size to judge this season by. Also, there's a pretty good chance that neither the Bucs nor the Cowboys can play pass defense worth a sh!t and there were two first class passers out there. The most common final score in NFL football games is still 20-17.
  22. If some starting QB for a team with a shot goes down, Cam may very well get a call. But this kind of thing just seems a bit of attention seeking stuff that doesn't do his legacy much good. Personally, I like the guy and it sucks that football ends careers this way, but it does. Few players get to go out when they choose to and a few of the greats do a lot to damage their legacy by drawing it out. Of course, for a couple of million bucks, which of us wouldn't mess up our own legacies? When it comes to Cam and returning to the Panthers... please, let old girlfriends find new homes, don't invite them back. It's never the same as it was and it always ends up messy.
  23. A good running back who can handle screens well can play havoc with a pass rush. Wonder if we have someone hanging around who can fulfill that role for us. Oh yeah... that guy! Maybe our pass protection will also be better than advertised. We can hope, right?
  24. Just clog up that middle and give us an anchor for a stout run defense. Sacks are stat bonuses but we need him to be that immovable road block. It seems he's made for it and mean enough to do it.
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