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Doc Holiday

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Everything posted by Doc Holiday

  1. I can’t imagine who put that idea into his head. Being that delusional is a huge red flag and will only get worse with money. I can still see a team drafting him, and then telling him he has to abide by the contract with the NFLPA. You can’t be a player and part owner anyway. This is just mind numbingly stupid
  2. Just as a note, Marty Hurney wanted to trade up for Herbert. And that was vetoed by coaches and ownership at the time.
  3. There was information out there early that Tepper wanted Young, while Frank wanted Stroud. when your boss tells you to do something you do it. That’s how the whole organization got behind young.
  4. Sorry guys, the one and only person we can’t get rid of and fire is David Tepper. Franks presser says it all and Dan Patrick’s take on it is spot on, we have a meddling owner who doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing, overriding the Football people who are telling him otherwise. Frank wanted Stound(who I also wanted) Tepper want Young and that’s why we are in this mess!
  5. This is what I’m hoping for! 0-6 and getting obliterated by 70! Someone getting fired! ROFL!
  6. More excuses for this poo QB. Bro Bryce should have never been the Pick at 1. Biggest mistake in franchise history. Young isn’t a NFL QB. Why you ask? Because people were making excuses before he was drafted and now they are afterwards when the warning signs were there the whole time. no excuses, he’s not a NFL QB
  7. Hey, I always try to be positive but a lot of what we did with this past year I haven’t liked. Wasn’t a fan of trading away McCaffery, at the time I understood it, but I hated the trade then and still do, I also hated trading away DJ Moore, again understood why and hated it and the time but what really got me was us going for Smalls over Stroud. now stroud is looking good and Bryce has become what I feared he would be. The worst part of this no excuses and not having to ignore anything Stroud was the hands down best QB in the draft. with Young, yeah he’s small but… yeah, his arm strength isn’t elite but…. you’re reasoning and making excuses before you even drafted the guy. What did you expect! this past year has been nothing more than an abject disaster! So the only thing that keeps me from blaming more of this on the coaching staff is, the initial pre-draft buzz was Reich wanted Stroud but Tepper wanted Young, and it had been theorized for a while that Tepper had fell in love with Young, so I really at this point don’t know who’s more to blame for this, coaches or the owner. Regardless the outcome has been completely unacceptable!
  8. That he’s a bust? I think so! I ain’t gonna lie I wasn’t high on him before the draft, I’ve tried to be positive, but bro literally threw the worst pass I’ve ever seen. Not a good sign at all!
  9. Jake Delhomme on his worst day never threw a INT that bad. I have never seen a Panther QB throw a pass that bad, at no point at all should that pass have ever been thrown. hope the Bryce young fan boys are happy, imma gonna find something else to do on sundays for the foreseeable future. good thing we got that #1 overall first round pick to look forward to! (I didn’t expect us to win today at all, this is purely a reaction to the ugliest pass I’ve ever seen one of our QB’s throw in all my years of watching this team!)
  10. These topics are so stupid it’s not gonna happen, it’s fear mongering and stupidity nothing more or less
  11. My only thing is, with Cam, after his first game there was absolutely no doubt, here we sit 4 games in still looking for signs he’s not a busy. Let that sink in.
  12. Over Parsons! Another huge mistake!! I hate to keep saying I told you so but if you dig hard enough on my predraft posts you’d see that I was upset about us going for Horn over Parsons, I got told I was too old school in how I viewed how teams should be built. But here I stand vindicated by it all!
  13. A mess that wasn’t created by him. They’re shootings themselves in the foot and then doing it again. If Tepper had listened to Hurney and traded for Herbert who I was also high on predraft we aren’t in this situation. They were ignoring him and that’s party of why we are here. Tepper not listening to Hurney and not trading up for Herbert has literally destroyed this franchise at this point.
  14. If you mean bring him back, yes, I’d take him in a heart beat over the crap we’ve had around here lately. People give him a lot of crap but the dude was always money in the first round and was instrumental in getting us to two different super bowls. Hurney wasn’t ever half as bad as people made him out to be here and now they’re finally seeing that. yes I miss this guy
  15. To an extent it’s his fault, but I think there are a few more to blame than just him, ownership being one for that matter. we traded the farm away for the wrong QB(at this point anyway). The absolute mismanagement of the Panthers has sucked all my fun out of watching football.
  16. People aren’t happy and want to burn someone at the stake over a game. It is what it is…
  17. Two issues causing this, and neither is the coaches fault actually. The run game being terrible and the oline issues are causing cascading effects across the team!
  18. Can’t push the ball down field with these protection issues. This is hilariously short sighted hot Take…
  19. What? Like I’ve been one of the biggest Cam supporters on here for years! So not sure what you’re trying to say here?
  20. Not when we’re good. But yeah it happens when we’re garbage, just look at lions fans taking over Green Bay last week. Happens to all teams
  21. Yeah, that sack wasn’t Bryce’s fault, dude had a complete free lane to him. Some of this other sacks today, yes, but not that one.
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