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Everything posted by KatsAzz

  1. I am overjoyed to see Baker Mayfield become a Carolina Panther. An upgrade at QB for sure. Mayfield's 29-30 all-time as a starter, and would become the fourth former Heisman Trophy winner to play for the Panthers, alongside quarterbacks Vinny Testaverde, Chris Weinke, and Cam Newton. Not bad company.
  2. So young. This was a heart breaking tragic loss.
  3. The fact is options for where the Browns can trade Mayfield are seemingly slim. The Panthers may not be ruled out as of yet, but drafting Corral certainly makes it less likely. The Seahawks are another team with a need at the QB position after trading Russell Wilson this offseason to Denver, but there hasn’t been much noise about any interest in Mayfield. Other than those two, it becomes difficult to locate a place where Mayfield would be wanted or needed at least with an opportunity to start. Although I haven't heard any talk about it Tampa Bay would be a good fit for Mayfield who could step in as starting QB when Tom Brady who could suddenly decide to retire again hangs it up.
  4. Good one Ha Ha https://create.vista.com/unlimited/stock-videos/358762042/stock-video-man-laughing-showing-thumbs-camera/
  5. This would be a great swap as far as the Panthers are concerned but i cannot see the Browns willing to pay Sam Darnold his present to be a backup.
  6. Prayers are extended to the Ashley Rose family. It is sad that this beautiful looking lady passed away at the young age of 39. .
  7. On paper at least, it looks like the Panthers will have a very good upgraded offensive line this year and shake last years grade as the second - worst offensive line in the NFL.. (" Pro Football Focus gave the Panthers the second-worst offensive line grade in the NFL. They allowed 193 pressures, which was the most allowed in the league, according to Pro Football Reference. The Panthers quarterbacks were pressured on 28.3% of their dropbacks, which was also a league worst.")
  8. It is easy to see why a lot on the Panthers Staff don't want Mayfield. With Mayfield, the Panthers would get a repackaged Darnold with playoff experience. Both quarterbacks NFL careers started in 2018. While Darnold has never had a winning season, Mayfield only had one. Every other year with the Browns, he’d only win six games each season. He also has thrown more picks than Darnold.
  9. All considered i would pick Cade Mays to step up and play well enough to be a very good backup if not a starter.
  10. I am doubting the other owners vote to get rid of Snyder. If the owners were really miffed about all this, he would have been tossed in the trash faster than former Panthers owner Jerry Richardson. There's got to be more going on with the owners that is making them hesitant to be rid of him. What, I don't know, my conspiracy theory senses are going bonkers? I wonder if this is actually a common thing among owners, maybe? Who knows....
  11. Like James Brown "I Feel Good".
  12. A lot of NFL insiders are saying Matt Corral’s decision-making has to improve in the pros. He also needs to take fewer risks and learn to maximize his productivity in the run game without putting himself in harm’s way. However, Corral will have the benefit of Sean Ryan and Ben McAdoo to call upon. Two coaches that are widely respected and have worked with some of the league’s best during their respective careers.
  13. Unless Sam Darnold goes out there and has done a complete 180° in terms of his play on the field there’s no reason for them Panthers not to go with Matt Corral. They obviously drafted him for a reason and it makes sense if the Panthers don't think they are quite playoff ready to see what they have in Corral before next years draft.
  14. Which shows these Preseason Power ranking are not to be taken seriously.
  15. I take the opinion of this so called power panel -- a group of more than 80 writers, editors and TV personalities that evaluated how they think teams will stack up throughout the season very,very lightly. In my opinion the Carolina Panthers should not be rated any lower than 26 out of the 32 NFL team.
  16. Jared Scott (6-foot-5, 240 pounds). Big time in size what about ability?
  17. Yes,it seems we have been down that road before.
  18. I am going to get a #9 Matt Corral jersey as soon as they are available because i have a feeling he is going to be a feel good story and plays for the Panthers a long time.
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