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Everything posted by d-dave

  1. I saw a couple of shots on twitter, and in one he starred the guy down, in the other he was super later to a hole in the zone. The big knock on him was being able to process the information on the field. Did he throw with any touch, timing or anticipation? CJ has the tools to be a great QB, and I was all for him before we traded up to 1. I don't want to see him fail (if for no other reason to be a successful OSU QB just so people stop making that argument). He also seems like a nice kid (like most rookies) so you root for them. Houston should not have him start if he's not ready. You'll ruin him. Look, let Davis Mills start until things slow down for CJ. In those two shots, he looked like a deer in the headlights.
  2. d-dave


    I was/am. There's a lot of hope on my end for the story and exploration. I've fallen deep in the Baldur's Gate 3 hole! I will definitely check it out, since it's on Game Pass. Here's to hoping it's fantastic! EDIT: Oh, and I LOVE ME some No Man's Sky as well, so maybe this is a little more action/story driven than NME, that would thrill my soul!
  3. I've heard a lot about the BG3 early access, but I figured I wouldn't have time to play. Well after seeing how much it brings D&D to life, I had to buy it. My god, this is a fun game! I love it! Not only as a D&D fan, but just as someone who appreciates how well the wrote the characters and interaction system. This is so much fun and I sneak in as much playtime as I can Though I will say, my party members need to keep it in their pants...sheesh! Everyone is horny for my dwarven cleric!
  4. For my family - Jersey Mikes. Ours nearby is really good and my wife likes the GF bread. I like Jimmy Johns, but they suck at the GF stuff for the wife. Last one I had on a work day was meh, but we used to love JJs. Honestly, it really depends on who works at the shop. Our JM has great folks who do a good job. The JM near my work sucks ass because people are lazy and don't care. The Wich Witch at CCM is pretty meh as well. OK, but I don't need to go back. As far as the make your own: still spending your time and money. I'm fine paying for convivence.
  5. For my family - Jersey Mikes. Ours nearby is really good and my wife likes the GF bread. I like Jimmy Johns, but they suck at the GF stuff for the wife. Last one I had on a work day was meh, but we used to love JJs. Honestly, it really depends on who works at the shop. Our JM has great folks who do a good job. The JM near my work sucks ass because people are lazy and don't care. The Wich Witch at CCM is pretty meh as well. OK, but I don't need to go back. As far as the make your own: still spending your time and money. I'm fine paying for convivence.
  6. I just got back from a week in Florida for the whole Disney experience with my family. Oh boy! My credit card is weeping! We ended up paying for the Genie lighting lane pass for several rides. I think we added another $100 or so each day. It was worth it frankly. There are so many people at the parks. It was annoying. I think I'm just getting less peoply in my old age. Now the extra cash on top of the tickets was worth it - but we're not going to be hitting Disney again for several years. Magic Kingdom = overrated. Hollywood Studios = Star Wars area was cool, but the rest, meh. Animal Kingdom was by far the coolest! Just way more chill, less impatient and entitled fuggers. Next time, we'll hit up Epcot. We also went back to Universal for Harry Potter again. We just love going back to that area! But there is a difference between the quality in Disney and Universal. It's fun for a bit, but I couldn't do it again for a few more years. This was a great time as my son is 11, and it was still really exciting and cool for him. As far as the streaming services versus cable - it's been interesting to see with the WGA-SAG strike how things have changed for the worse for writers and actors. There was an interesting interview on Pod Save America with Adam Conover (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOSrzEfeftI) that talks about some of the changes that the producers have suggested to keep more money and try to remove the human element as much as possible. The change in rates and residuals is quite drastic. There is a real impasse between what the Producers want and the Writers. I think the producers are going to blink first as people stop watching and paying for their content. As Adam Conover said in the podcast, they do deliver the A+ quality entertainment that people want. AI can't replace the human element no matter what the producers want.
  7. Is he that dumb if his article has been read and discussed a lot? Scott Fowler has a job to do, and clicks drive revenue. am I worried? Nope. It’s Training Camp, and the coaches want him to see what he can get away with before games count.
  8. Honestly, I like it better than Defiance Going back to Titan is fun. I like the underwater mechanic. Story wise, it's OK. Help the macguffin by killing dudes each week. Drifter does have some good lines. The deep diving suit aesthetic is pretty cool in my book. My issue with Defiance was the season activity was too hard. Getting blitzed by snipers made each run 30-40 minutes with blueberries. The new Deep ones are much more casual and fun as opposed to punishing. I'd rather have to try hard in Nightfalls and Crucible (this week is Iron Banana) than the seasonal event. That's just me though, I know some people love the hardcore seasonal activity. The autorifle is pretty cool, blinding targets around a kill. Pretty fun. Honestly, we're all just waiting until The Final Shape at this point. So here's to hoping that's better than Lightfall!
  9. d-dave


    Been a bit. Welcome back to your place? I guess..??
  10. I have no problem with him saying that. CMC was a really fun player to watch. He was a great asset, but this is a QB driven league. If Cam hadn't been broken by the NFL - the last few years could have been VERY different for CMC and the Panthers. It just didn't workout, and that's OK. I wish him nothing but the best in SF. As we saw, he got one heck of an upgrade in SF. Good for him. With the picks we got, we were able to get our QB so we'll see what happens here.
  11. Is that a compliment or an insult? =P
  12. Yep, that's a really good use-case I didn't think about
  13. Try blink cameras. They are part of the amazon eco system. I've had them for years and they have been great - though not tied into my current security system. With the water leak sensors - do you really need them? Personally, I never saw a reason for them - I thought they were just a cash grab kind of thing. I'm just curious if you have an actual need that I don't know about.
  14. Because I timed out of the edit: There's the silver purchase stuff, like the armor set loos nice. The scout rifle is OK, more Mida less Hung Jury. There are some interesting perk combos, but it's not a huge deal if I don't get it. Now Supremacy... What a poo show. It's a straight Connection Based Match Making (CBMM). My first game I ran into a fully grouped bunch of unbrokens with adept Immortals. Without a mercy rule, we got rolled 150 something to 30... It was that way all Saturday when I played six games. I still need to collect another 20 crest but I'm not sure I care enough. It's just not fun when my team is of guardian rank 2s versus 10s and 11s... Heck, I'm still a 6 because I haven't put in the time to level the other stuff because of life! So needless to say, I'm not thrilled with the state of D2 right now. Heck, I was just trying to do some "chill" weekly strikes and I kept getting booted each strike. Weaseled...I was at least able to pop back in but WTF guys. I've got other games I want to play much more right now.
  15. Nah, there's another week.
  16. Here's what I'll say about Austin Proehl - he has a lot of his father in his game. But he's just not talented enough. Would Ricky have been as successful in the 2023 NFL versus the game 20 years ago? Even then, he was a WR4-5. Someone who could play, but not a game changer. Best of luck to him! It's a nice story, but I'm not placing any wagers on him. Then again, he could surprise everyone.
  17. Where the budget allows. The $600m is from the travel and leisure budget. Now do we need to make sure all children have a warm bed, enough to eat, and a place for their families? Yes! Is that far more important than a sports team? Yes! But I'm not in the city council or county commission so what I think is pretty moot. Are there plenty of schools that need help with their roofing? With plumbing? With a litany of other issues? YES!!! Lord knows I taught at several schools that needed work that never got budgeted. It's just how elected officials play games with the tax money.
  18. Since I'm no longer a Charlotte resident, I can't really weigh in on their local politics. Cabarrus county is it's own stupid animal! While I'm not in favor of giving money to Tepper or any billionaire for a private business, I understand the pressure to do it anyway. There are only 32 NFL teams, and each team is a very valuable asset. Does it create enough economic activity? I don't know. But I do know there is a certain "pull" to having an NFL team. Your city is shown in wide shots on game day. At night, your city becomes a star of the game. For a while, it was the mark your city "made" it. Was that a good one? No, but it's all fluff, right? The games can create a sense of community, give your city something to rally around when politics are so dumb. Game Day is infectious. I remember going to Panther games and feeling this sense of excitement throughout downtown. I loved that. If I could do that again, I'd love to. Will it be the end of Charlotte if our local sports team leaves? No. Will $600m be better spent in other areas the budget allows? I don't know enough about all of that to have an opinion.
  19. I never said ban the gun. We're never going to ban any firearm in the US with the money and power of the gun lobby. Sure, I've said that in the past, but I've realized that's not the most helpful position to have. Many people just love their guns more than anything else. Who am I to stop being from being happy? How often are the other "deer hunting" rifles used in mass shootings? How many people are shot per year in an AR-type weapon versus a deer hunting rifle? While I did actually look for a "damage" comparison or impact comparison - you are correct that a "deer hunting rifle" is a deadly weapon. It has a larger, more powerful bullet. BUT - there is a significant difference in how the damage occurs. The smaller round starts it's expansion sooner than the larger. The larger will more often blow through a human sized target before it expands and tumbles. At least, that's what I researched in 10 minutes of googling. Is there a way to "solve" the ammo issue while still respecting gun owners who enjoy target shooting or legitimate hunting (animals not people)? I don't want to pile on the demonization of gun owners because while it is fun and easy, it's not productive. Hence why I think dealing with the ammunition the is the least bad way of trying to do some good.
  20. My wife and I were considering a move because our neighborhood is full of renters and the HOA cares more about the colors on people doors and shutters than trashy renters. Oh, and Cabarrus county is a complete poo-show. We looked at the rates and the prices per sq. foot, and while we're still OK, we're going to stick it out. Like we could sell well, but what are we going to be able to get else where? So we're going to try to stick it out as much as we can.
  21. I'm kind of surprised we're not in the TB yet, to be honest =P My problem with the AR-15 is less the gun and more the ammo. The bullets do TREMENDOUS amounts of internal damage. I mean, the base of the AR-15 and the M-16 (Source: https://special-ops.org/whats-the-difference-between-an-ar15-m4-and-m16/#:~:text=The distinction between an AR,military in close-quarters combat) are similar in nature, and both fire the same ammunition. This is not a weapon made for civilians, it was made for combat and the ammo was designed for war, not self-defense. So fine, people wants their "cool" looking AR-15s and other tacti-cool gear for Insurgency Cos-Play, hog hunting or scaring people with whom they have a disagreement. My biggest problem is the actual wounds caused by the weapon are much worse than other firearms. Time after time, when the super popular AR-15 is used in a violent attack, there is always a medical professional who is saying that the wounds are just worse. https://abc7.com/why-ar15-semi-automatic-weapons-dangerous/13051721/ That is the MUCH larger issue. While the 2nd amendment says, and has been interpreted, as buy as much guns as you want - there is nothing about limiting the ammunition. Or is there a way to redesign the round so that ammo sold to civilians would be more of a straight shot through a target as opposed to the devastating wound pattern the military round causes? I've fired some higher powered, long rifles before. There is a certain cool "this thing is powerful" feeling. I get that. You feel it from your tingly bits on up. The dopamine rush is real. Last time I did, I was at an outdoor "not strictly regulated" range. There were some bowling pins we could set up, and being able to see those things hit and fly was cool as crap. I think for many people, that's where the fantasy ends. Like you can shoot a bunch of random stuff, and it's cool and all; but then you have to ask yourself the hard question: what happens if I shoot a living creature or a person with this weapon? Hopefully I won't get this thread tossed in the TB, but while I respect people who collect cool and antique firearms, or those who responsibly own guns; I do think there is more that can be done to protect the greater public from the people who want to abuse the good behavior of the larger population.
  22. I heard about it this weekend. Just horrible. I have no idea how you move on from such a tragedy.
  23. When my dad died, I got his guns, mostly antiques, but some that are still fun to shoot. I have a Stevens Marksman-12, a Marlin lever action 22, a Remington Shotgun, and my favorite: a Savage over/under .22/.410 model 24. I've shot that one since I was a kid - I've always been able to get those .22s to line up really well at around 50 yards. My father's favorite was his Browning .22 challenger 3. That's a nice little pistol to shoot. I enjoy shooting them, and when my son is ready, he'll learn how to handle them. Realistically, I don't have anything remotely for home security. I do have two dogs who will tell me when anyone comes to the door, lol. I have a bunch of target guns for fun. I don't have the money to go out and buy anything new. I've got bills to pay as I get further out of debt, and it's not a priority. Though a buddy let me shoot his .45 once, and I loved that one. Felt really good. Maybe one day. Oh, and no tacti-cool gear for me. When I go to the range I have my fire arms in their cases, ammo in a left over tool bag with my safety gear.
  24. I know right? Some one in the draft thread on reddit said the same thing lol. Have you been encountering a TON of annoying bugs? I got a new puppy so I've been a BIT behind the past two weeks. Last night I tried to run some of the seasonal jailbreak heists - it seemed even worse than it was when the season started! My god. My jumps were floating, floors bounced us, and snipers still suck (not a bug, but a feature!). I've kind of been let down pretty hard this season with D2. The main lightfall campaign was fun, but had some major holes. The seasonal story had some moments, but playing the heroic activities is such a PAIN. I still haven't gotten an undying one. I know I'm not some hardcore pro player, but I know mechanics, how to synergize my builds, and I've played for 10 years. I think I should be better at these... Hopefully season of the Deep is better....
  25. Well, he made a lot of mistakes. A LOT of BIG MISTAKES. But then it's looking better right now. Was he saying "I order you to get the first pick?" Or had he, Scott and Frank been talking about trading up, and Tepper was giving his go-ahead and do whatever it takes to get the best player? There's a bit of missing context there. I think the search for Fitterer, Reich and his staff, and the Qb evaluations shows that he's learning when and how to use his mouth.
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