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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. He wasn't my #1, just one of the 'draft experts' declared that he was that day and I was making fun of that. I have little respect for the media's draft experts and their constant BS. The best draft people don't work for ESPN or the NFL. Who hides their hands size if they can throw a good NFL ball? This is really bizzar.
  2. I can belive it. The way Rhuke talks to grown men makes it believable. His tendancy to put both feet in his mouth when he should say less also makes it beliveable. Dude got up in front of camera and said an all pro rookie LT wasn't draftable at 8 due to being an OG. Yeah it kind of fits. It said source and Quick has been doing good work. As far as credibility I would have give it to her over Mr. 5 year plan who constsntly lies and says very questionable things way too often. The guy told his grown ass players he could get a school job anytime he wants. It's just too belivable.
  3. Getting in the way and making it all worse. It's what he does.
  4. I worked in Jax for a year. Met some cool fans and even went to a game. No one deserves a Khan. Getting players to go from paying taxes in FL to London is going to be the uphill battle with a 50% tax rate lol.
  5. All of this is easily solved. Give the man an NFL ball and ask him to throw it... I am 100% against any QB that wears gloves on the regular. Too much bad history.
  6. Looks like a guy who loves to rock a banana hammock.
  7. They are the same weight but different shape, size and materials used.
  8. Craziness. WTF is Khan thinking? Just wow. Fans in clown outfits yet he still backs a guy who is a known issue and NFL failure. That is a solid take. If he can't see the issue with Baalke after 10 years as an owner, I'm not sure he is capable of running a functioning team. I thought this guy was turning the corner but that is looking like a mirage.
  9. For a measurement. I get guys working on their 40 start since that is never used in the game but this is beyond funny. I hope teams ask to measure his hands on visits and workouts lol.
  10. Dude has to prepare his hands for measurements? Hard pass. If this is what the #1 QB looks like in this draft we need to just ride with Sam and try again in 2023.
  11. Rams will win. SB is it's own thing and we all know the NFL leans towards the money.
  12. Absolutely, I also think that because of the lack of rookie contracts you get after multiple years of trading 1st that the window is smaller than hitting on cheaper 1st. Will they move the guys who price out, get comp picks for them? Can they keep up the juggling act without pissing off guys? Certainly doesn't look easy but it sure is possible if you are in that position. Plus LA is a huge draw, CLT is nice but that's a positive we can't provide to free agents. I just don't see it being a good option for us now.
  13. All looks true but I will take raw over extreamly limited. Maybe raw will see the next round of coaches.
  14. It makes a lot more sense when you are picking later in the draft constantly and not in the top 10 yearly. Also helps when you have a staff that is competent.
  15. Allen was a wasted pick his first year and even Mahommes was questioned after his first year. I don't know if Lance is going to make the leap but the fact they are actively trying to trade Jimmy G while in the playoffs with him shows what that organization thinks about Lance. I wish we could take that kind of prospect and develop him but that is a fantasy with the coaching crew we have and the position they are in. Taking Picket just guarantees we will be picking another QB within 2 years if we make that mistake.
  16. Best thing that could happen to the Panthers. Almost a last hope at this point.
  17. His agent will not be returning that call. The only way the Panthers see him next year is if we are playing against him.
  18. Unfortunatly nothing about BC's play could be considered stonewalling or even suggesting it's possible. I wish it was that simple. We took a 25 year old LT that was bottom of last years options and played him out of position most of the year. I agree and still think that he didn't play well enough to pass up a LT stud even if that leaves BC as a backup at LT or another poor OG option. If BC does make it at OG, I certainly don't see him on the right side. No, Rhule wasn't right. BC played by far his best at LT but even that was still not good enough to not be looking at LTs hard again. His arm length was fine at LT, it was his lack of stength and ability to use it that looked to be his biggest issue. At 26 how much room does he have to grow? IDK but I wouldn't bet on it.
  19. I just don't get it. It was hard to watch to half way, went back and watched the rest and the throws he made down hill looked to have an extended windup in his throwing motion and something extra with his fee. I just don't get the love for this guy at all.
  20. I don't watch NCAA ball and I have no school fanhoods. That guy is a terrible NFL prospect. He really does look Pickle-esk, with wheels. IDK if that guy has enough to become a backup at the next level. Just awful. Maybe he can use that speed at another position, QB is doomed for the poor guy. No reason to even evaluate the rest of his game, he is just a bad QB prospect in the NFL. Now I get why some were trying to distance him from Pickles, they are more alike in throwing than I have seen since we wasted a draft pick on Pickles. Big Yikes.
  21. That guy can barely throw a NCAA ball, JFC what are people talking about. I just got OT Little vibes from that film. Yeah I can see us taking that dud sadly.
  22. Chili mac is a great idea but their chili is cheaper than Wendy's.
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