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Everything posted by PantherFanInPhilly

  1. Yall are smoking if you think they're taking AR15 at 1. No chance in hell.
  2. I hope this kid is grown up and owns his own ice cream parlor now.
  3. Unless it's discovered Stroud murders people in his spare time or his arm falls off before the draft...he's the guy. I really have no doubt he's the pick.
  4. Yeah, he's a good dude. Anyone that doesn't know his story should take a few minutes and go look him up.
  5. Hoping to see a safety valve TE added.
  6. Well, it finally happened. Definitely good news...been waiting all day and honestly assumed he was looking elsewhere since it was taking a lil bit. By god, I'm excited for Panther football again.
  7. Nope, just your TV. Darn. Might as well go ahead and chuck it to the curb tonight for the trashman. (what's your address?)
  8. No fair! This was the pic before he put his platform sneakers on.
  9. Very cool...DJ has always seemed like a good dude and I hope nothing but the best for him in Chi town. What's your setup btw? I see the Pioneer CDJ's. I haven't DJ'd in probably 15-20 years or more but miss it. I was a Technics 1200 guy but did buy a fancy Pioneer CDJ when it came out before I ended up eventually selling all my gear off.
  10. According to all the geniuses on Facebook and Twitter, this was the biggest fleece in NFL history and all because dumb dumb Panthers are so enthralled by AR15 due to his combine performance. In other words...most people are morons.
  11. No matter who reports it…I am not sure why the Panthers not being interested in a rookie qb that’s nowhere close to being NFL ready is that hard to believe.
  12. Speaking of Michael Thomas, I saw he just tweeted "Thank God" about the Carr signing.
  13. My Philly wife now prefers Dukes (after I made it known no other mayo is allowed in our fridge).
  14. C'mon Tep-Dawg...give the fans what they want...Sammy D 5 year contract!!! Don't make us beg!!
  15. Never thought Pee Wee Herman would make the transition to NFL coach.
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