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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. in panthers history, sure. In general…eh not too sure. We still don’t know how much of the past was due to Fit vs Rhule. I think Fit had more say than people think. And he’s not had any or little experience targeting a franchise QB. Similarly Reich convinced the Colts single handedly to trade a first round pick for…Wentz. Then there’s Tepper and his wife…I mean. I hope no one trust his judgment at this point for obvious reasons. These are the guys in charge. Now, our other coaches (not in charge so much) are promising, have better track records and experience, and I trust them a bit more. I really hope they have some say. It’s almost as if it’s not so different from any other job, the higher ups aren’t really in touch for whatever reason but the people under them are the best at explaining/executing their actual jobs.
  2. Lol do you guys actually read what you type? What are you guys even taking about? We have the #1 pick and possibly the best coaching staff in franchise history and y’all are going on about cam and Rivera? And when someone tells you to get over it move on because there are better things as a fan to be thinking about you lash out with these responses and claim others have a mental defect? lol again…seek help
  3. y’all cam stans need to seriously seek help it’s over and it’s been over
  4. I live 20 miles north of BYU and it was pretty much unanimous that Wilson would fail horribly in the NFL, even by fans who beloved him. Also, fans of our past players from my area (Gross, Smitty, Lotuleilei) had them accurately pegged as well. Over the years I’ve come to take college fans’ a bit more seriously, even though I don’t watch college. Not to say they can’t be wrong.
  5. that’s weird, 90% of this form said that Rhule and co moving him back was genius and gave everyone else poo for saying otherwise let that be a lesson to any new huddlers
  6. Been everywhere and lived everywhere. Charlotte and Raleigh are very plain but nice and clean cities with a lot to offer and great geographical location. Charleston isn’t bad, kind of like Savannah. But grimey areas are very grimey. Boone is beautiful but small. Asheville way too hipster slash hillbilly, uninteresting, expensive and touristy for my taste. Also too small. East TN like Chattanooga is dirty. Same with Knoxville. COVID shut downd hit these towns hard. Might as well split the cities into people with lots of money and people with zero. I’m a six hour drive from Vegas. It’s a complete wasteland. I am NOT a fan of dessert terrain. I like nature. Pants and wildlife. Fun to visit though.
  7. Reich alone got the Colts to trade a first round pick and then some for Wentz. I really hope to god he considers others ‘bias’ opinions. But whatever happens it better be the right pick or Tep needs to empty house, and then hire help, period.
  8. god this these type of headlines make my head hurt just goes to show how unrealistic Madden is to be able to delusion people into thinking such dumbassery is actually feasible
  9. Why? Reich has made very, very poor qb decisions in the past. Rhule’s GM has zero clue and zero experience drafting a QB… Thomas and Caldwell are legit. McCown just might be the best qualified that we have, not sure why our fans don’t see that. Just simply look at evidence. Let’s stop BSing already and keep it real. Everyone on this coaching staff has strengths, let’s not pretend they can do everything just because they’re on our favorite team.
  10. They’re 100% right. Tepper is and has been this franchise’s biggest problem. While it appears that may be turning a corner, fact is we still don’t know. Rhule is a college coach. He could very well, even likely, have success at Nebraska. He’s mean to teach children, not men. And Tepper saw that differently. So much so he gave him full control and an asinine contact. But Rhule was the problem? Not sure why this is so hard to understand.
  11. Well day 1 of this off-season. Would’ve been nice to have that kind of conviction earlier and give up less for Herbert or stop winning meaningless games. But Tepper sure is like hell trying to get that ‘good job’ from fans that he figured it all out despite most of it already being known, by even the biggest idiot arm chair owners on this forum. Nevertheless it is finally happening the right way and way fans with a clue have been screaming about for 5/6 years while the franchise looked for cheat codes. Finally excited for a season.
  12. That’s honestly not that great or big of a difference. People get mad but the Jets and Jaguars and Bears are in our tier. Hell the jets are almost exact in W/L since inception and are one championship game away. Same with Jags. In fact, there is no other team in the entire league more similar - let that sink in. Yet people still mock those teams, clearly our fans can’t see their homer delusions. Ironically, those are the reasons these people also hate Cowboys fans. We aren’t the Lions, Dolphins, or Browns yes thank god. But we aren’t much more than that either.
  13. Guys…yea…BPA is subjective pretty much after like the first 10-15 picks. That’s why our certified ‘straight BPA’ drafts that made little sense turn out trash. I say fug that and scope out your guy, then trade up or down to make it work. Make quality picks. Preferably a WR. Of course this still requires diligence and competence from the FO which hasn’t been proven with results yet.
  14. That’s exactly what he’s doing, and if I’m not mistaken, he had little to do with that. In fact he has basically zero experience. And Rhule hired him. Tep clung on. Hmmm seems familiar. God help us if Fit has really any say in this. He needs to let the qualified football people decide. And I don’t mean Reich. Reich is the kind of guy that thinks faith similar to his, and the ‘amount’ of it is some sort of factor.
  15. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/amp/nfl/news/carson-wentz-trade-frank-reich-colts-jim-irsay-apologized/oiawr2uz0rn3g2yaajbaigte Reich is a superior offense play call designer. Absolutely NOT a QB guru. People on this forum made that up for some reason. It’s not the same.
  16. Caldwell, Brown and McCown need to determine the pick. Tepper, his wife, Reich and Fit need to stay the fug out of it.
  17. People who hate on those cities aren’t too aware of what other cities are like. Those with history/culture/character also have a lot of issues that come with that diversity such as engrained disparity. Lots of raff. Some don’t want to deal with that. As I get older and have lived just about in every mid to large city, both Raleigh and Charlotte are fantastic, above average cities to settle down for those over the age of 30.
  18. MCCown is the only person I trust evaluating QBs to be honest and that’s not really saying anything. I have no idea if he will be a good evaluator but that unknown beats what we do know - Tepper and Rhule’s GM both inept/little to zero experience, Reich has made god awful QB evaluations based on religion… Hell I even trust Morgan more than any of them. I hope Brown has some say as well.
  19. Thielen is easily a better WR for a rookie than Moore is. Moore might be the most overrated player on the team ever.
  20. LOL you guys just eat up whatever these guys say we are superbowl contenders without a known QB lmao he’s here because we offered him the most money.
  21. Y’all need to stop with the Houston talk, we aren’t getting anything for that madden draft swap let alone a ransom Stroud or Young I’m good so long as if it fails Tepper empties the building, hires helps, and doesn’t cling onto any staff or GM like he loves to do if he succeeds he will be on a, albeit unnecessarily long, road to redemption lastly for those thinking Reich is some sort of qb guru, might want to check his recent past evaluating qbs….not sure where you all get that from. He’s made very questionable calls.
  22. He’s probably more concerned coming from a winning team to a losing one and pathetic franchise since Tepper took over. He came for money.hopefully things change also why you’d put bojangles in your body is beyond me
  23. i find songs based on pedophelia cringe but to each his own
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