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Everything posted by MickMixon'sMetaphors

  1. I remember being absolutely amazed at baldurs gate back as a teen. I think I still have the original box with the 3.5 floppies in the attic. Will buy this!
  2. I just stumbled on this video on YouTube and was about to post it, but did a search first. I'm a good "noob". Glad it was posted and it's worth the watch. He's an impressive young man all around.
  3. It's sobering that our idea of "winning" is simply having a "winning" record. Sadly, our bar is pretty low. But, here's to hoping for change!
  4. The "NFL Is rigged" camp would 100% think that is feasible.
  5. I think it was ESPN (?) that did that with Steve Levy, Louis Riddick, and Brian Griese. Brian and Louis tended to talk over each other and try to make the same points. Steve was basically pointless and tried to be funny/silly. It was awful.
  6. More and more, I find myself falling into a different mindset regarding QB as well. My thinking has almost become "draft a mid-late round QB every draft" (regardless of need or not). When you hit, you're golden. The difference is, you continue that drafting pattern for QB2/3 even if QB1 is a stud. If you don't have a stud, you still have best skill/defense players available that you cycled in via the early rounds and rely on a jag/vet QB.
  7. Ok. I lold at lunch sitting by myself here at the Bojangles. Thanks, needed that. Pie!
  8. Evidently I need to re-subscribe to the "Famous Funky Funchess Feature" blog as I didn't even know he moved to TE.
  9. I’m with ya. Grew up in concord (basically in midland). My first job was compUSA on independence Blvd.
  10. I just looked up our tight end's receiving stats. So together, our TE's have 297 receiving yards. We basically have 2 "receivers" to throw to. Moore and Marshall Jr (as of late). Crazy how anemic we are.
  11. I go through phases of glass half full, glass half empty, but never really care to create posts or comments calling out the other side of the coin. I don't see the point, but it makes the internet, the internet.
  12. If Chuba is the debit, Robbie Anderson is the credit. They offset. Nice interview!
  13. And for the folks mentioning Gardner as a journeyman, couldn't agree more. These are not bad stats at all (granted, so were Bakers).
  14. Based on this video only, he really does remind me of Cam. Got that middle of the field ZIP to the ball. Cannon. Powerful runner. Just like Cam, would need to work on his "touch" and mechanics. Very interesting! Thanks for posting it.
  15. The new XFL starts in 2023. He'd probably be a stud there.
  16. Good luck to him. I hope he can find his mojo again. Sadly, it seems unlikely based on what we saw on the field.
  17. He keeps doubling down on "having more time", but I think he's missing a major point. Even with a 5 year rebuild plan, you should see SOME improvement by year 3, right? The way he talks, its as if he's saying "I expected to suck year 1, suck year 2, suck year 3, suck year 4, THEN by year 5 win a super bowl because it's a 5 year plan." Delusional that he thinks that was OK.
  18. I get it. Even in the corporate world, if you have a boss you enjoy working for and have a proven relationship…if they become the CEO somewhere and want to take you with them, it’s always worth a look. Relationships are important. Sometimes a negative for the company’s best interest, but that just is what it is.
  19. Hmm. Some of them pimps out there though…ya feel me?
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