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Everything posted by MickMixon'sMetaphors

  1. I go with the cheapest. As long as it’s not PBR. Can’t quite stomach that.
  2. Once we accept that most people living here moved down from NY, Jersey, or any other Midwest/NE state, it becomes clear why we lack support. If I had a nickel for every time I read on FB or Next Door, “Hi I’m Susie!!! We just moved down from New York and love it here!! <3”, I’d be a wealthy man.
  3. For me personally, it's Atlanta. I don't know why, but I just can't stand losing to them. I'm indifferent with every other team in the NFL except Dallas because Dallas fans are gonna Dallas...
  4. Thanks! I actually have multiple linked in reviews from subordinates that think I am a great leader. In fact, one said I was the best manager he’s ever had because I came to bat for him on multiple occasions. Pm me and I’ll send you my LinkedIn profile. I’ll happily help my teammates with what they need, but i won’t help “corporate” if “corporate” is severing me. Sometimes the distinction is hard to determine, but it can be made on a case by case ask.
  5. Yeah, if my employer basically said they were severing me and gave me a working couple months of notice, I’d likely be the same way. Just do the bare minimum of what’s asked. Not going out of my way. My thoughts are on MY future not my ex-employer. I can still be professional in this mindset.
  6. You know, I almost replied with a similar statement. Something to the extent of “you must be fun at parties” or “wow, anger issues much? Time for counseling.” But I hesitated because I don’t care quite enough to be confrontational on an Internet forum ( ex my post count even though I’ve read daily since 2019). Seeing your response and a couple others along the same lines makes me feel good though. Good stuff and thanks for saying it!
  7. I get it. I'm at the same place right now. New COO started. He's clearly got a mandate from on high to cut costs. Multiple non-communicated mini-layoffs have happened. Managing Directors that were here for 15-20 years had to re-interview for their jobs with the COO so he could decide if they're worthy (Some said F that and left). Moral is super low and people are leaving without being replaced (do the same with less). I know what I'm capable of, but have lost the spark here. So...I have an interview lined up for Thursday that I'm really looking forward to. Even thinking about the possibility has given me a new spark. All that to say, I get it. BUT!!!! You don't say this publicly especially on social media! Glad he intrinsically discovered this and is self-aware, but still...
  8. I would love to see matte black helmets. It would make the black/teal uniforms really pop.
  9. Should say my firm IN uptown Charlotte...
  10. My firm uptown Charlotte is closing shop. Working from home until further notice.
  11. I work for an investment manager uptown. My company has cancelled all travel and sends out communiques every few days. Sorry if someone already said it, but I think more than the death rate, it's about disruption. If 50% of my office calls in sick <multiplied by every other company in the area, US, the world>, then productivity grinds to a halt. Whether people are dying or not is not the issue. If all that productivity grinds to a halt, then we will enter into a major recession/depression. It's better to take true preemptive measures, even if overdone, to prevent that from happening.
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