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Everything posted by SOJA

  1. I think it's funny how every single opposing team has called us overrated before playing us
  2. fug yea LUUUUUUUKKEEEE lololol that announcers sounded disappointed they couldn't suck off Mariota for his garbage time TD
  3. that wasn't even excessive. He was just dancing. When mike tolbert does it no one gives a poo. People just don't like Cam
  4. I'm not a conspiracy theorists but this is getting absolutely ridiculous. Outside of the targeting call (which was blatant) have the Titans had anything called against them today ?
  5. Officials were waiting for Cam to fumble to call that TD
  6. Someone who has the game rewind needs to go through and catalogue all the game changing bad calls we've had this season off the top of my head: olsen phantom hold, terrible spots on newton first downs, no call holds - texans especially
  7. agree with Goat336- they are destroying this zone
  8. Another third and long conversion----that's on our d-line getting no pressure and our coverage not being tight enough
  9. I have bad news my son. Not every play is going to work to perfection.
  10. every opposing armchair defensive coordinator "if you pressure Cam and keep him in the pocket he'll crumple"
  11. we run that play at least twice a game. once handing it to the back and once handing it to Brown, never seen the fake to Brown and then a screen variation. Kinda like it
  12. I'm kinda happy they just punched us in the mouth. guarantee Luke and TD are lighting a fire under our asses right now.
  13. Btw safety has to be a top priority this offseason. roman has done a lot for our locker room but he clearly doesn't have much left in the tank
  14. Prediction time? Prediction time. We go up early after a costly turnover and lead 17-3 at half. We score again in the third and it's 24-3. Half the huddle falls asleep as Mariota and the Titans make it an interesting game and score two TDs making it 24-17. We have the ball and get called for a holding penalty on a first down that would have sealed the game/or a non call on a clear PI. Titans drive down to the red zone and fail to convert on 4th down. TL;DR see the NO, Texans, Packers, Colts games this year
  15. really hoping we can get a big game from either Ginn, Corey, or Funch- like over 100 yards and a TD
  16. Mariota looks good though. Tenn made a great decision in drafting him and not caring what Whisenhunt wanted
  17. If Cam doesn't miss 3 to 4 fairly easy throws we actually put it close to 55 on GB We should handle the Titans, only way we lose is if we have a serious letdown- aren't prepared
  18. Jeremy, I understand your hate for the rain but it makes some epic photos! Thanks as always
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