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Everything posted by KillerKat

  1. That was on Remmers of course. Didnt block anyone.
  2. Cam should've thrown that sooner to the underneath guy on his left. He had wide open spaces.
  3. Ok after seeing the replay again it didnt bounce off his leg like I thought. Dumb fuging challege.
  4. I need to see the replay again. I didn't see this the first time. If what you say is true, then I take back what I say.
  5. Dumbest challenge ever since they let coaches challenge.
  6. god dammit Brown. Dont let butter fingers show up now you fuging asshole
  7. When did Funchess switch to RB? God I hate Dick Stockton.
  8. I just can't believe he went all out on this thread when the evidence was heavily in favor of Cam being a father than not. I am disappoint.
  9. offensive line has been poo today too. The whole team has including star players. This is just an obvious point of the finger to coaching for me. When everyone on your team is absolute poo all at the same time.
  10. Allowing 3rd down conversions took time off the clock which is less time for us. The D is to blame too.
  11. You can't win when all of your star players are having the worst game of their careers all at the same time. That's just fuging coaching right there.
  12. Game over. Wtf was that throw? Cam, Luke, and Josh were all off today. All of our stars were off. I put this on coaching.
  13. If Coleman didn't trip him up, Kuechly was way out of position again and it would've been a first.
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