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Everything posted by JawnyBlaze

  1. Or, hear me out on this one, keep both.
  2. And now the season has officially started. Let the winning commence.
  3. Kinda funny hearing Keyshawn saying a #1 overall draft pick should be the guy for 10-15 years when he was a #1 overall that couldn’t stick on a team more than four years.
  4. Disregard above post, I see there was already a thread about it
  5. Dunno if this has been posted elsewhere, but some analytics for the Bryce haters. He’s throwing to some of the least open receivers in the league (no surprise), and he’s the most accurate when throwing to open windows.
  6. Bell and Woods were all over the place. Great signings by Fitterer.
  7. That’s what I’ve been saying since last night. I still think Reich could be a good coach, but he needs to let Brown call the plays. I remember a noticeable improvement in the preseason game when Brown started playcalling
  8. Because understanding concepts, and executing them in real time with bullets flying are totally different things. He has to get used it it til it’s second nature. That takes time.
  9. There are new people running the show, though. I was as vocal about anybody about how bad Rivera and Rhule were after their second years, but this was the new regime’s second GAME. And Rivera goes to show you can still have good seasons with a terrible coaching staff. And trying to claim that getting Bryce was a bad move or pick is extremely premature. I was strongly a Stroud guy, but as soon as Bryce was announced on draft night he received my support and nothing he could do on the field after two games is going to change that. Even if he looks bad after the whole first year it would be too soon to give up. Not many QBs light the world on fire their first year. Cam and Luck were exceptions, not the rule.
  10. I think it’s going to take Brown calling plays to get some creative run schemes implemented. Right now as others have said it’s too easy to defend our traditional run game. Sanders needs space to work in and Hubbard trips over his shoe laces unless there’s a gap you could run a truck through.
  11. Yea, one of them kind of people that don’t react like a whiney little emotionally undeveloped bitch over a couple losses.
  12. Any of them. Too many chicken littles here. It’s a brand new staff, brand new system, rookie QB, this is the worst we’re going to be. And our defense is already upper tier. I’m not saying we’re going to be great this year and make the playoffs but all these whiney ass children predicting 0 wins or 2 wins aren’t built for pro sport fandom. We’ll get a few wins this year, take our lumps more often than not, and improve along the way. It happens all the time, and very few teams are great immediately after a full turnover like we had. Most take time to become great.
  13. A lotta mythologizing Steve ***** Wilkes in here. He was not good. He wasn’t a good DC, wasn’t a good HC. We got a morale boost at the end of the year last year because the cancer that was Rhule was finally excised, but Wilkes and his crew would have been far worse for this franchise long term. Reich isn’t looking too good right now through two games, but ffs if we can give Ron Shortbus Rivera nine years, we can give Reich more than two games.
  14. Man our defense is ready to win now. But our receivers are proving to be what the analysts thought they were, our OL is getting bullied and I think Reich needs to let Brown handle play calling. And Bryce has to be more accurate.
  15. Cam did QB Powers, no sneaking that Greek statue.
  16. Long term for this season, as I stated earlier. You don’t know we’re not a playoff team. I don’t know we are or aren’t a playoff team. No one does. Sure we had some problems in week one, but it’s been ONE GAME. Ffs people need to stop with the sky is falling rhetoric.
  17. I meant long term for the season, not years down the road. I’d rather he miss the first two or three games and then be good for the rest of the year than miss the first and then go on season ending IR after game five or something.
  18. Saw it on IG. Hope he’s A) not rushing back, we need him long term, don’t want him to get reinjured and B) effective and opens up the offense a bit.
  19. Down two games after week two isn’t insurmountable. That’s ludicrous. But if you had been getting ready to buy Super Bowl tickets your expectations were unreasonable from the start. Still entirely possible to make the playoffs or even win the division after losing your first two games. If we don’t, the future is still bright.
  20. Mentioned a lot more good than bad. And wtf is the hate with Thielen. He didn’t even throw a hissy fit, threw his hands up and then moved on, it wasn’t prolonged or excessive. I’ve seen much worse, on film that JT was reviewing and he didn’t mention it. Weird hissy fit by JT.
  21. You forgot Group C, which is probably the biggest group. “Wah I hate David Tepper. Wah I hate Scott Fitterer. Wah Reich was the wrong choice. Wah Young was the wrong choice. Wah I hate everything and we suck.” If it’s not the biggest group, it’s the most vocal.
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