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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. We're going to go into Overtime!!!!!!
  2. Old school way was to wait till late in the season to start winning. The Rhule way is an early short run followed by falling flat on our face the rest of the season.
  3. Rams need am RB and if we're going to keep CMC around we need to make him a WR.
  4. Pretty much. That pretty much shut down their whole offense. Stafford getting hurt didn't help either. Still not handing Bengals the trophy yet, though. This game... poo this whole playoff season has never been over until the very last whistle. Would be surprised to see it go into overtime somehow though it be hard to do that with just 5 minutes left.
  5. We'll win just enough to fug up a decent pick.
  6. You are an ass. If someone else wasn't going to give you the boot I would have.
  7. Man this is a great game. Best playoff season in years and this game is not disappointing.
  8. Same here. I mean I'm loving this game, but I'm also just really pissed at the panthers watching it.
  9. I was born in LA and they were probably more my team than any when I was a little kid so I'd be happy if they win. If the Bengals win, I'd be happy not just for them after all the poo they've had to endure for so long, but because it would make what we're trying to do here look like even more of a joke. We need to have that poo rubbed in our face if it gets us to notice and make a change. The goal is to win a Superbowl. If you don't do it within 3 years with your coach, it's not going to happen. And it doesn't fuggin take 5 or even 7 years to turn a team around. If you're going to do it, you do it in just a couple. If it takes longer, youre just burning the owners cash and wasting everyone else's time. You don't ever give a new coach more than a 5 year contract and you should give yourself an out if they aren't being by the end of year two . Not crazy about the idea of changing HCs every few years, but I'm even less interested in spending 5 years waiting for some classes en to create some stupid CULTure rather than win. And if you do a good job and don't suck at picking your HC and give them what they need to win and don't let them completely run the show, them that won't be an issue. Hire better and you won't have to fire.
  10. There isn't anyone on this team I would call untradeable. All are replaceable. Everyone is expendable. And we're gonna lose anyways. Few would be around by the time we're a serious contender anyways. Just don't trade away future picks. Or do. I don't care. We're fugged anyways for a few years if we're gonna be stupid enough to keep Rhule around.
  11. Best halftime show since Prince. So far I'm pretty ok with the game, too.
  12. I could probably work out a deal for Darnold. The guy has something special about him. Just look at the first 3 games of the panthers season. Do it bucs. Make it happen. You won't regret it.
  13. Yeah, lots of bad decisions but the handling of the QB situation especially that trade for Darnold was an absolutely embarrassing fail all the way around that really damaged this team. I mean think about all the ways that hurt us. Not only did we not choose or draft a better QB, but all the picks it cost us, all the money wrapped up for not just one but two years when we already had one barely mediocre QB here? That killed us. Teddy two gloves wasn't The answer, but keeping him and rolling with him would have been better than that stupid gamble on Sammy.
  14. Are you kidding? That is him. We just can't see it.
  15. Here's what I do know. We aren't winning. We haven't been a winning team. We are t getting better. The results just aren't there, yet Rhule said what they are trying to do is 1000% working. So tell us, dear and loyal fan, what is the identity of this team? What idoes this culture Rhule is supposedly trying to create look like? What is it that Rhule is trying to do that is working so well? I have more questions for a super-fan such as yourself, but I'll stop there and wait for an answer. Seriously...I want to know.
  16. I'd rather not have it, but I doubt I would do much worse than Rhule. Few would.
  17. Oye. You've been here long enough you should remember that.
  18. Truth. You don't try to create a culture or intentionally work to create one. You just create one. It just happens. You just do it. It comes naturally and organically. Good cultures develop naturally around good leaders. People see it and buy into it without having to be convinced or trained. Rhule talks a good game and his poo might have worked in college, but he manipulates and that doesn't work so well on grown-ups.
  19. I'll just say this...if we draft him, I hope they are right. I don't see it happening (him being the next Joe Burrow...I absolutely see us drafting him). It would be great, but I'm not counting on him being good. He's got to win me over (not that he or anyone at all should care about my opinion). I'm going to have to see sustainable good results for me to feel at all about him. I will not be disappointed. I refuse to be. I'm starting off at ground zero with him or really anyone in this organization. I've got no faith in this team under this leadership anfld I hope they make me wrong because I'd love to eat that crow.
  20. If the expectation or goal is to get and stay at .500, that's no culture I want to be a part of.
  21. Id just be happy to see a stud on the panthers perform more than 3 or 4 games without getting hurt and missing the rest of the season.
  22. I won't be satisfied with that. It's a deep playoff run or he's gone. There's no excusing anything less than a playoff run.
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