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Everything posted by MechaZain

  1. don't understand how this board can acknowledge that the entire offense was a shitshow from top to bottom and then make conclusive statements on the QBs in the same breath. The passing game is going to better this year no matter what.
  2. Comes down to whether he believes McAdoo + the new o-line can make the difference.
  3. Cam threw one pick and got benched, you don't do that to a guy you seriously view/want as a possible starter. Sam went on to complete that game with almost the exact same completion percentage
  4. Yeah based on the fan engagement last year when Cam returned vs Sam's starts I think Tepper would invite such a "distraction."
  5. Nah I think his hesitation is Rhule. I believe Cam's totally down to earn the spot if given a fair chance at it. He thought he was getting that last year but Rhule pulled that "Dual QB" crap to try and redeem Sam. Lot of us have speculated that Cam was forced on Rhule by Tepper to re-engage the fans and that's the best explanation we have for that nonsense. Rhule doesn't want to see him flourish because it would just prove that every QB decision he's made here has been wrong. My hope is that his seat is so hot now that he'll swallow that pride and just do whatever it takes win. Having Cam on the roster only helps the team.
  6. Didn't see this mentioned but Fitterer also reiterated that Cam's still on the table and they're in touch. "The more competition we have at that position the better."
  7. You'll get better insight into teams through their fans than analysts 9 times out of 10. Only commentators I tune into are the funny ones: Shannon, Skip, Stephen A, etc
  8. Not sure why this needs to be spelled out. Darnold’s making $19m. He’s the starting QB until Corral is clearly the better option. Competition starts when you draft a rookie in your starter’s contract year.
  9. McAdoo got his Super Bowl ring as a TE coach in Green Bay and gets creative with them in the passing game. It's Tremble time
  10. It's crazy because the guy is generally known as an unlikeable. Even his fans kinda lean into the arrogance/GOAT stuff because he's never had an entertaining personality.
  11. Him and Alcivar have a good sense of where everyone is. The few times I've seen Ben wander towards the center he collects the ball well and makes good decisions.
  12. LA has almost twice as many people and NY is nearly triple Dallas.
  13. Cam's not a good comparison in this argument because while he was talented enough to overcome it more often than Darnold, the lack of trust in his line clearly stunted dude as a passer. I don't think you can gleam much cherry picking clean pockets when it's collapsed on these guys 9 times out of 10 since they entered the league. Darnold (and Cam both) might be just broken beyond repair at this point but I'd like to see how they'd fare with actual confidence in their protection.
  14. Good observation but I'm not mad at that. They were cool with any of the three tackles and would have still landed one of them with the #9 barring something crazy. Ickey clearly wasn't so far ahead of the others that they would scoff at getting Neal/Cross + picks.
  15. Matt starting week 1 wouldn't be ideal for anyone so only if absolutely necessary. If Sam's going to lose the job it should be on the field.
  16. With a lead or playing at home we're like a completely different team. Without that the attacks are uncoordinated and lack any sort of vision. We have enough playmakers that can squeak one through often enough anyway, but every match becomes a game of can the other team score before Charlotte wakes up. Need the attacks to be more deliberate I give Fuchs a lot of crap but he gets it https://twitter.com/CharlotteFC/status/1520781629156995072?s=20&t=pQKj8XwwCq4m98QhBUdWLg
  17. Scott’s the best draft day GM I’ve seen
  18. Pickett over Neal would have burned this place down.
  19. CMC makes it possible at the NFL level. A dual threat throwing to would be a problem for the league.
  20. Ikem led this poll the entire way. Very cool.
  21. Enough mocks, what will make you happy tonight? Select all that apply.
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