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Everything posted by Wundrbread33

  1. And we just got our ass beat by a ball control team without an elite QB.
  2. Waaaaaaay too early for this, but people definitely didn’t appreciate Wilks because people hate ball control/defensive teams, even if that is the best way to compete in the league if you don’t have an elite QB. And guess what…most of the NFL is teams without an elite QB.
  3. I heard he hates Dunkin Donuts and Matt Damon.
  4. Damn that’s fuged up. Comes off as a troll job. Kid didn’t even have time to unpack.
  5. The downside is also an upside. If you sustain long drives with success, then your opponent feels the pressure to make the most of their drives, since they get fewer drives. Is there anything worse than a ball control opponent keeping the ball all game? The best defensive strategy is often not allowing the opposing offense play at all lol.
  6. Even if Theilen and Chark miss week 1, I am confident Bryce will have better receivers than Mahomes has tonight.
  7. It’s not sad/annoying/controversial enough to be talked about. It is very cool though.
  8. I don’t know enough about the 49ers roster, but how would you grade Bosa’s defensive line mates compared to what Burns has had?
  9. It would be hilarious (and enjoyable) if Burns had a 17 sack year and we get another reason to hate Rhule. I love Burns, even if he’s “2nd tier.” For having inconsistent team performance over the years, it is wild how we got used to having “Bosa” type guys pretty consistently. The Greene/Lathon years, Peppers, Jenkins (for a couple years), Smitty, Beason, Kalil, Kuechly, CMC… We have had guys for most of the history of the franchise who you could consider top 3, if not the best, in the league at their craft. Is that why some aren’t satisfied with Burns? I don’t know. Maybe not the whole reason, but maybe that’s part of it.
  10. I’d much rather have a top 5-10 pass rusher than Moore though. So trade Burns, keep Moore, draft a pass rusher. or Trade Moore, keep Burns, draft a Mingo. Obviously there’s more to it, but an interesting debate depending on which positions hold the most value to you.
  11. “One cannot hold out without something to hold out from.” -Lao Tzu or somebody
  12. Fully agree. I’ll admit to not watching all his snaps so it’s likely you saw things I might have missed. Agree on the pass rush. He is physically impressive, but doesn’t know what to do yet to keep hands off of him, even though he is strong enough to hold his ground. But naturally, you don’t want to hold your ground while rushing. You want to get by your man. But I think Evero saw DJ holding his ground, and saw him as being useful against the run right away. Bare minimum he is hard to move, as he is already physically mature, so maybe pass rush technique can come later, while he contributes early on run downs. He’s the anti Burns/Barno type rookie edge coming out. DJ’s speed is special though…if he actually builds a pass rushing repertoire…watch out. That’s easier said than done though.
  13. He said publicly that we wanted to move in a different direction. I believe it was during the interviews during the Super Bowl. Two sides to every story, but what he said indicated that at the very least, it wasn’t just his camp making that decision.
  14. DJ showed me that he has fantastic power to hold the edge, and solid closing speed to make backside tackles. He isn’t getting pushed around, and is build like a unit. Holding the edge is something that isn’t flashy though and you have to specifically focus on it. Kinda like watching the details of interior linemen. However, he is definitely and understandably full blow “thinking” out there, and he isn’t “playing“. I could see him being more of a factor mid season or late season. I just hope this isn’t a redshirt year because he’s already 25 or something.
  15. Feel for Haynes. The stars aligned for him to have the perfect opportunity, and an unlucky injury ends that. He finally had a system that fit his skill set. Damn.
  16. Although I continue to like Corral as a prospect, I agree that it’s silly to remain hung up on it. Like any former panther, I just wish them good fortune in their career, and let it go.
  17. There are always a few who get mad at the player who wants to get paid the most they can.
  18. As long as it isn’t falling apart…well…yeah that’s fine.
  19. Curious of your opinions. Additionally, outside of QB, what would you focus on first when building your roster? And what would you hold off on/fill will bargain free agents? One more excruciatingly long week to go…
  20. Yeah turning down those 4 first round picks might end up getting him fired.
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