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Everything posted by mc52beast

  1. We are literally playing one of the worst D’s in the League and we have six offensive points. This isn’t a Frank Reich slow start, it’s a freakin no start.
  2. Cons putting up a total of 7 today. Thinking they probably will end up not much better than we are by the end of the season.
  3. You can blame scheme, coaching but a lot rides on you having healthy starters and we haven’t had that so far. Missing Corbett and Brady means the others have to get used to playing with guys they don’t normally play with. That and the obvious drop off in talent is huge.
  4. I think Fitty should’ve started out with a LEGO set first…
  5. Confidence isn’t going to make our o-line play better and it won’t suddenly show our receivers how to get separation… I’m seeing at least five sacks today and possibly an injury.
  6. Fitty surrounded Young with a bunch of turds and expected him to make them shiny. I don’t expect him to do much if he does anything at all.
  7. According to some QB experts here at the Huddle CJ should already be getting fitted for his HOF jacket…LOL
  8. Supposedly Rhule had final say on all personnel moves so he can be blamed to some extent for the lack of talent.
  9. If he stinks against that horrendous secondary then yeh it’s probably panic time. Hopefully our o-line can give him a couple seconds.
  10. Really don’t care much about what Stroud does. More concerned about putting talent around Bryce so he can compete.
  11. Americans are over a trillion in debt. People are struggling to feed their families. Hmm… what’s more important… football or family…
  12. I would’ve gave Burns to the Rams for what they offered
  13. Tepper is smart enough to realize fans won’t keep going to games( the opposition will of course) if we continue to flop. I would be interested to know how many years Tepper is willing to give Reich to turn things around.
  14. Dude will have room the size of a hotel Sunday. He could go for more than Julio.
  15. Put rookie Peyton Manning behind our inept o-line and you get a guy with 20+ interceptions and close to that many sacks. Normally when a QB goes first he’s going to a team in rebuild mode with a crap ton of holes which by now everyone is aware we have. It’s not fair to try and compare a guy who has seen it all to a guy who has two games of experience. Stop with the GOTTA HAVE IT NOW mentality.
  16. Two freaking games(three for Stroud) and the Huddle experts have already concluded that Bryce is a bust and CJ is a future HOFer. Maybe we should take the yellow jackets back from every single first round QB who played like dog poop their first season and then went on to ball out.
  17. I think we’re giving the offense credit when they were going up against a very suspect secondary. And for whatever reason we just can’t run the ball consistently. Yes we looked better but that could be because we’ve looked like cow patties since the preseason started.
  18. Yeh but didn’t we have EDGY Sam Darnold starting that game? HE was obviously why we won.
  19. I’m watching highlights on Peacock since I was lucky enough to be busy and missed the game. Panthers vs Hawks start, they show Hawks scoring on a running play and that’s it. Not one highlight of the Panthers doing anything. yeh, we really do suck that much.
  20. I already know the drill; We need to do a better job, both players and coaches. We’ll look at the tape and correct our mistakes. We had our chances , just didn’t execute.
  21. I’m not going anywhere. Panthers are my team till the bitter end. Hoping that maybe Reich will realize he’s not cutting it and give play calling to Brown.
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