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Panthera onca

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Everything posted by Panthera onca

  1. Not a dawg so he's gone.
  2. Jefferson would destroy whatever is left of BY's manhood after 3 or 4 games of not getting the ball when open or fluttering hospital balls. Hmm, maybe we should get him. It will get us to our next QB faster.
  3. Wilks lost me when he let Mike Evans single handedly beat us in a game with the playoffs on the line. Dinosaur.
  4. He has been to a few games for sure but is mostly staying quiet. Melo hopefully will mature like most humans do when the teen and early twenty years are in the rear view mirror. He needs to wear his damn ankle braces as well.
  5. The Serbian guy (Micic?) was incredible and Williams played hard with defensive intensity and success. Mann looked really good as did Bertans. We know what Curry will provide. With the future ones and the quality depth we now have, we definitely cleaned up at the deadline.
  6. Stroud is thanking his lucky stars he didn’t have to play behind our abysmal offensive line in an archaic offense with no weapons. He feels like he hit the jackpot.
  7. It will be extremely disappointing if either Chark or TMJ are on the roster next season.
  8. CRA you are being negative just for the sake of being negative. That's where your mind is on the Panthers (with good reason), but if Canales wanted Evero out then Evero would be gone. EE is not being forced on the guy. Bitch and complain all you want about everything else but EE was the only guy we had who put his head down and worked all season long. He does not deserve to be shat on like that.
  9. He's a proven commodity. He has coordinated top 5 defenses with two different franchises now. There is no way to replace him with anyone equal or better than him at this stage of the coaching carousel. EE knows how to coach up a great D. Let him do his thing another year here and let Canales focus on fixing the offense.
  10. He has learned to hide his meddling better, that is all.
  11. I think he just wants to get paid and ride off into the sunset. When he gets that big money he will shut it down even more than he did this past season. Which now that I think of it may be a neoplastic process.
  12. Dude, He was an assistant coach at NC State under Monte Kiffen in the early 80s, plus he was head coach for the Jets and the Patriots. He is hardly a west coast lifer.
  13. Apparently they went on to Detroit and had a second interview with Glenn.
  14. Shipley would be a good get. He has size and speed and as you mention has great hands.
  15. Maybe Washington is pissed because he turned them down and are now leaking "rumors".
  16. That may be preferable to some of the things I read on here. Look, Tepper is a problem but he is not going away and there is nothing any of us can do about that. I choose to have hope that he can learn how to be a decent owner over time. It can happen, Robert Kraft comes to mind. The alternative to that would be Daniel Snyder. Just living constantly in negative waves gets old. I will HOPE that Canales is the guy to turn this circus around, time will tell. Until then I will let it play out without shitting on every tweet or article or decision that is made by Morgan and Canales.
  17. People are so beat down that Tepper could hire Jesus or Buddah and people would complain. Folks love to wallow in a pit of negativity for some odd reason.
  18. CRA you need to ban yourself for a month or so, you are losing it.
  19. We can block a lateral move so I agree that if we hire Canales, Evero will stay on as DC.
  20. Great hire. Bring in Canales and get to work rebuilding the roster.
  21. He has to torque his body like that to get enough velocity on his throws, especially in the rain and wind.
  22. 3 years guaranteed contract, re-up after 2 if things are looking good. It would still be less than you paid the moron Rhule and Frankie.
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