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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. The people screaming that Watson is worth the future is saying that. Also no, for super bowl, you need elite not solid. Think Tampa was ranked 5, Chiefs 11. The average rank of super bowl oline for the past 20 years is like 6. Thats the average. Therefore yes, you need elite. Is is the second most consistent thing they have in common after a top defense. In fact, I could make an strong argument you need solid QB play and elite oline play vs. the other way around. Also, heavy draft investments were made in 90% of those olines. So yea...people saying Watson will make a difference giving up the next 3 years of first and second picks with literally only Paradis, an injured average Center on the oline, is basically saying it’s not all that important and if you read the above is a really, really moronic thing to do/say. People really proclaim themselves as a casual/not so smart/madden fan when you say things like trade for Watson whatever teh cost!!1 And that’s just the oline, if we get into other rankings of super bowl contenders we have a poo ton of holes.
  2. From what I’ve read Bien is one of those smart guys that knows what he’s doing but lacks the people skills and many think he’d be a flame that’s die out, players stop paying attention too. I’m sure we’ve all experienced that kind of management. Kind of like Harbaugh in a way. And then there is all of this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sportscasting.com/chiefs-oc-eric-bieniemys-troubling-rap-sheet-includes-a-disturbing-assault-charge-against-a-woman/%3famp Don’t think he’s had any trouble since then though I thought I read somewhere he got in a physical fight. Still it’s understandable why teams are cautious.
  3. Yea a two year prove it contract this will set back the Panthers for years
  4. And yet the huddle still thinks giving up the future for Watson with zero oline means a chance to compete lol
  5. Chiefs are done this is embarrassing
  6. That was god awful good lord
  7. Pedophile is an extreme that’s not the point. Point is celebrities barring extremes shouldn’t matter, they are there to entertain you. And it’s ass backwards to use them for that purpose...there are plenty of other professionals where it does matter. Looking up to athletes and celebrities is dumb. If you listed your top 3 movies and top three songs I could rip it apart. but hey looks like TB won the super bowl for you, congrats
  8. I don’t think Cam would’ve played. He was rolling around in a leg cast whining about ‘commitment’. Would he have signed a deal like TB got that basically screams the opposite of commitment (which is ironic as the Panthers never looked to replace him for 2 years as he rehabbed)? Hard to believe. Whats easier to believe is he played the FA game on his terms and lost. But yea I’m with you, I’d rather tell him to suck it up buttercup and send him out there as a lame duck for his final year and save us from TB. But then again it’s hard to say what kind of impression and environment that would be for the locker room. Or maybe the Panthers just did what he wanted if there was not going to be a deal out of respect. Poor business move though, we will never really know the details.
  9. We are fans of the sport. Winning is all that matters here. Do you care about the moral values of all the actors in movies you watch? Your movie collection must be pretty non existent. How about stores you shop at? Online sites you go to? Music you listen to? People who employ you? Probably not because they’re not meant to fill these voids in your life and be a moral compass and if they were you’d be shopping at places you don’t really like and listening to music you don’t either all while watching shitty movies. Same things with athletes, the whole choir boy team is BS. It’s entertainment. And most of the good deeds are contractual obligations. I don’t give two shits about high moral character and sports and people who do have it ass backwards.
  10. Yep in the legal system it really does just come down to money. Money buys you representation and specialists. I see it everyday in my work. Not to say free lawyers are always bad, in fact, depending on the situation they can the the best. But that’s the exception. In general, money=better outcome.
  11. And it doesn’t even include KK. God damn Hurney was awful. This to me is much more pressing than any player acquisitions, poo like this defines perennial losing teams. And I’d bet money the Panthers would be damn near the top for the past decade if you calculated teams average. Meanwhile never being able to sign young drafted talent to FAs. Easily the #1 issue with this franchise.
  12. That’s how it’s works. San Fran did it, Bills did it, Dolphins did it, Chiefs did it...Seahawks before Russell, Patriots are now going through it with Cam....Colts about to do it There are some years of growing pains and mistakes before these teams compete and also so periods of some stop gap QBs like the teams above did for 2-3 years Besides the rare couple of exceptions these growing pains are the norm, what teams are you all watching that makes you think the Panthers are so special they don’t have to go through the process and are the only ones making these mistakes? At least TB was only signed for two years...just think of Wentz, Goff, and other teams that gave massive contracts they need to unload - I’d rather they wait longer and do it right before royally fuging up like that some of you are seriously unrealistic and melodramatic about the situation and need to just sit the hell back and realize it’ll take time
  13. That’s social intelligence. There is a correlation between high social intelligence and low emotional intelligence. Not to say everyone is the same but there are plenty of examples and research on it. And no it can’t be revealed by public speaking. Public speaking reveals how effective someone is at public speaking, little else.
  14. It’s been the downfall of human kind since the dawn of man. It’s why cunning criminals get lesser sentences and on the flip side judges get their position, serial killers are able lure victims, it’s why an employer looks for a shitty working extrovert instead of a hardworking introvert, it’s why all politicians are essentially garbage but no one votes for the person they don’t like watching and hearing speak - and that’s not just politics. Imagine there being a population of people who can do things much better but they lack this appeal/skills. It exists, it’s reality. It’s basically human stupidity to judge on such a meaningless detail and it’s sad - not that it’s not a skill, it is, that shouldn’t be overlooked. But it’s sad because it’s placed above ability. I could go on and on but basically extroverts and seemingly open trusting people make lazy, stupid people feel good and they’ll always be the majority.
  15. It’s funny I am at that age (35) never married, with my girl for three years now...starting to feel the pressure every single one of my friends I relate to and get along with who are married say the same thing, they’d never have done it so many people say this now days, if I don’t marry now I don’t think I ever will but you all being in sync with this stuff scare me
  16. onmyown

    Cyberpunk 2077

    My girl got this for me for Christmas (PS4)...still shrink wrapped because of everything I read... think I read in March CD is going to release a massive fix anyone have issues on ps4? I have the ps4 pro and supposedly it’s better on it than the original until March guess I’ll see what Valhalla is about. If only someone gave me $1500 for a new PC this wouldn’t be an issue
  17. my Gfs good friend works in the higher ups there she said the pandemic created a ton of issues...mainly people didn’t want to work and were worried about exposure this led to people quitting and getting laid off, usps were finding people who would work then...yep you guessed it, people starting filing legal action involving government job terms so now they’re paying some people but they’re not working...can’t fill already filled positions etc. probably more complicated than that
  18. Wait I’m confused... would you trade your wife for the opportunity to not do it over again?
  19. the flaming cam stans cleared this place out for the first couple years...have to admit it was unbearable for a while
  20. The fact the NFL has changed isn’t a narrative. Cherry picking P Manning’s rookie year in 1998 and comparing to Winston’s 5th in 2019 seems like twisting something. Don’t even know how you compare the best of all time with Winston anyhow. As I said...Favre is more comparable. When Winston can put up 18 seasons and super bowl appearances, yea we can start looking at his bad season as an anomaly/outlier or part of his play like Favre. The fact so far though is he was on a super bowl caliber team and brought them no where.
  21. Lol yea Manning’s rookie season and Favre did it after a decade and yea both came close in like 15+ season career and they also played in a time QBs and WRs got knocked around Jameis beat em both in only 5 years in a pass happy, protected league with rules to benefit him and to add to the obvious he’s no Manning he’s not Favre either, though it’s be a better comparison except again, Favre did it better in a harder era No thanks.
  22. Yea I don’t think his issues are coachable...not so strong in the decision making and constant INTs his entire career. How do you even throw 30 INTs in a season? Yea, it’s Brady but the fact they literally replaced him with Brady and now they’re in their super bowl tells me a lot. That’s has always been a talented team. Regardless...do I see Winston getting a team to a super bowl? No. I think he’s an OK QB but late Cam and TB has this board falling in love with any QB who can sling it without caring about anything else.
  23. Trading Watson would screw the Texans cap wise even getting picks. I have a feeling they just might let him sit and I believe he himself will sit. Good article on what trading Watson means for the Texans. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.battleredblog.com/platform/amp/2021/2/3/22263884/the-houston-texans-cant-trade-deshaun-watson
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