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Everything posted by onmyown

  1. actually did a good job for Tennessee
  2. huddle off season full on delusion mode activated…commencing insecure criticism for winning teams
  3. Meh…the NFCS is a poo show and yes the first franchise to pull it’s head out of it’s ass or recover will probably have a nice run. that said, I really don’t care. I’d like to see a team that can compete with any NFL team or at least the rest of the NFC vs. three other (awful) teams… tired of seeing the panthers look like a pee wee team vs. legit teams…like say oh I don’t know the atrocious Bengal game last year. like that’s a perfect example of how far off the panthers are from a championship caliber team.
  4. this thread is comical to me bc at the beginning of last year when everyone said the same thing and I was like lol nah y’all are fuging dumb I racked up the poo huddle gonna huddle
  5. I sold last June after a little over two years of ownership. We had 4.2% on a zero cash down, first homebuyers loan. Made $220,000 and am going to move to a more affordable area, wait for whatever dip is about to happen in a year or two and then basically own the same ‘priced’ house after ridiculously low payments over 15 years instead of much higher ones over 30. Granted I don’t have kids but I’d be absolutely stupid to turn down that profit knowing full well this area is not where I want to settle long term. People are doing this all over, migrating, not upgrading. I’d be screwed staying here, it’s already hard to protect my profits in this climate. My realtor told me the reason you made this much will be the reason you’ll quickly lose it and he wasn’t joking. Rent is insane. I’ve put it all in wealth-front and making 1k a month just on interest which is helping but I have to get away from the mountains/west, it’s just stupid expensive.
  6. Disagree. Raleigh isn’t used to teams that are god awful, perennial losers. That’s the difference. If you have ever been to a Panthers or Hornets playoff game back in the day, you’d know full well what Charlotte is capable of. But when you average 5/6 wins over half a decade, or worse, you’ll see the lull. Not to mention never having back to back winning seasons. I’m almost 30 years. That’s insane. Zero momentum. Anyone who got interest lost it. It’s simple really, this franchise needs real success. You want people to spend $250+ to sit in the hot sun and get loud in a stadium they paid for, more than 7 winning seasons sprinkled in 27 years might help.
  7. I could go on a rant about his dumbassery but truth be told it’s his ego that needs to be checked and what I’m concerned about. Why does he need to be a hands on owner? Why does he need to be involved? Why can’t he just let football guys make moves they’re more qualified to? The answer is Tepper wants credit. He wants a pat on the back. It’s why he had to learn the hard way because he needed to learn lessons other owners already knew, so that in the end he could have the satisfaction. Ego. At the expense of fans. This is his toy. And it will kill a franchise. The people who get ahead are ones who can learn from others’ mistakes. It worries me because we aren’t banking on professionals or football people building a program. We are banking on Tepper making the right moves, and he is not qualified. Hopefully over time his grip will loosen and he will learn not to be so meddling. It’s exactly how San Fran found success.
  8. literally every forum of every team in the entire nfl is predicting playoffs and like half a Super Bowl teams are 0-0 and anyone has a chance this place is no different. realistically Young is going to have to adjust. After watching a poo ton of him, there is a lot that he does running around everywhere that won’t work in the NFL thing to remember is most posters who are raving today will also be the same ones posting the knee jerk reaction threads saying Young was a mistake we he loses a couple games or worse. personally I just hope we don’t suck and make a deep playoff run….within three years.
  9. so r we going to give him any learning time or should we trade after first INT?
  10. Wouldn’t sleep on Carr. He is still and probably will be a better QB than Young this season. Hope people around here don’t look dumb expecting Young to do more than just not suck. He’ll need time. Falcons are going to be playing old school football until they get their bigger pieces ala Titans lite. But in division, so I see those as close games. It’s time for the Bucs to pay up for their success, they’re insignificant.
  11. He also claimed Will Grier was a better QB than Derek Carr. This was before Grier played a full season game.
  12. Brah like…plenty of times this forum makes a better choice. I did it when I wanted Crosby over Grier (lmao) and I’m an idiot…I remember people doing it for Little… Even the ‘professionals’ make some idiot moves.
  13. If you see three people ride a bike down a very steep hill and all three of them bottomed out and busted their ass, and then you saw a fourth person do the same thing and then get up and said he learned his lesson, would you call that him making a mistake, or would he just be a dumbass?
  14. lmao being a sports team owner has to be the easiest fuging job on the planet when your customers are emotionally invested and you can literally be the worst in franchise history AND nfl in general the past five years and you’re still an ‘asset’ nah, it’ll be clear when the owner is an asset for starters we need actual results tale a peak at other teams fan forums. looks like every team is going to the playoffs this year. not surprised, it’s hype/draft season but I am a bit surprised people around here think they’re any different
  15. and if the QB comes in and has success, Tepper didn’t have say in that either. agreed. doubt that will be the story on the huddle though.
  16. Could be. But this is how you do it. What I’ve been begging to see from Tepper. And really most of our fans. Trade for your future in the draft. Stop trying cheat codes. You’re not outsmarting the NFL, and not a path maker. While it’s kind of dumbfounding an owner can be that stupid to wait and do it the right way until now, it’s finally happening. I’ll gladly go down swinging on this ship than some dumbass TB/Darnold/Mayfield fiasco.
  17. I’ll void the rookie year but if this is the story next year, and certainly the year after, the entire building needs to be cleaned out and Tepper needs to hire professionals asap. Personally, I think they both do well. I am more curious about Richardson.
  18. Depends on the person. Some people, surprisingly, have no idea how to properly buy and inspect a house with a pool, let alone understand the costs and ongoing maintenance. It also depends on where you live. That’s a huge factor. Not only because of how long you can use it but how much it will cost to pay someone to maintain it, which is the best route imo. If every other neighbor has a pool like Florida or Souther Cali, it’s very cheap and effective to just have the same company do your pool as well. (Like $150/mo). Then you need to buy quality equipment, and then set aside a annual fund of 1-2k for any issues. Honestly it’s kind of like buying an expensive/finicky, leisure car. If you do all that properly, pools are awesome. I used my pool more than enough to make up for it, and would rather do that on several occasions to relax, than other, more expensive leisure activities. You have to slowly build/ add on to it…nice grill, TV under a large gazebo etc. pretty soon you’ll have your own little paradise worth the cost. Again everyone is different, but if a pool relieves stress for you, it is great for mental health. With all that said, I would probably not own one if I could not afford to pay someone to care for it, or had to pay $300+ a month for that.
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