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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Maybe John Lynch approves of the hire.
  2. Of course, he can make all the great moves he wants ... but as long as Young is the QB the team will still fail. NOW this thread is a party.
  3. Well yeah ... I just mean Dan had zero pull. Zero. Now he has to do what Fitterer couldn't. Convince his boss.
  4. We do? He had NO say. He was an assistant. All he could offer was an opinion. Fitterer made the calls.
  5. Late to the party. Good for Dan. I hope he does a great job. He KNOWS football. Other GMs have not. Hopefully as an assistant he got a crash course in the business. That will be his toughest aspect. As for the Yes Man stuff ... we have zero idea. He was an assistant GM here. His opinions could have easily fallen on deaf ears. Now he only has one man to convince and hopefully can stand up to Tepper.
  6. That's why so many at the top are starting to question AI. When is everyone else going to wake up? AI can do the job of hundreds of people. But no ... AI is soooo cool and it's going to create jobs too! We're creating a monster here, people. It's going to be ugly. You've been warned.
  7. I don't think it's human/machine related, but $$$ related and they're trying to steer the future where they want it to go. Every market is pretty much owned/cornered right now. It's hard to take over one for yourself (even though that lot already does). So why not invent a new one for people? Think of it this way ... outside of these goggles TV is TV, streaming is streaming, gaming is gaming. They all have their place and all have their rules and regulations. A small company can't usually join the fray and make bank. But ... in imaginary land ... ohhh lordy ... it's wide open. It's been tried before via gaming/PC (I forget the name of the actual game) but Meta wants companies to pay them to start filling up imaginary land. Can't compete with Spotify? Join us at Meta! You can have your own streaming music store! It can look however you want it to look! All of our users will discover you! You can be the new Spotify! It's like a BRAND NEW WORLD. Be the first! And it's stupid.
  8. Bring in a younger FA who we can put in when Bryce just doesn't have it that game. Dalton can mentor or retire. If the FA outshines Bryce, let him finish the season. 2025 we draft a new QB and let Bryce fight for his job. If he still can't even be a back-up ... bye, kiddo.
  9. AI is going to cost millions jobs in the near future. Gen Z/Alpha live in their phones. Everything is going digital. Tech is more important than food to most young people. But I for the life of me can't grasp why companies like Meta and Apple think this is the future. I don't think ANYONE wants to spend hours with a facemask on. You've already seen the commercials. Forget going outside in the fresh air to practice sports! Do it IN YOUR HOME! Forget going to a real beach, do it ON YOUR COUCH! It's crazy.
  10. At least Allen didn't lose his fumble. You walked right into that one, Whoaa.
  11. Congrats, Lamar. You just made the SB. Niners/Ravens rematch, this time without Kaepernick and power outages.
  12. Stop Lamar from running, and you beat Baltimore. Nothing else on that team scares anyone. Doing it of course is difficult.
  13. 50 combined TDs for Allen this season and post. Not bad for an overrated Favre, huh Whoaa?
  14. He was 16 yds short of 1000 yds for the 7th straight season. Not sure what more people expect of him lol. I'll take that and the 5 TDs all day.
  15. It may not be that they aren't covering Kelce ... it may be that he's actually, you know, elite and knows how to get open.
  16. Nah. He's shifty as fug. They'd do their normal Raven D which might be enough. But destroy? No.
  17. I really want to see Allen vs Lamar in the AFCCG.
  18. I didn't say they want to follow his political beliefs or be a criminal like him lol.
  19. Most every QB ever would love to be compared to Favre. Just sayin'.
  20. You don't want Taylor Swift to be on your screen, homie. That's your reasoning. Stop trashing Allen ... or keep trashing him and stand your ground.
  21. Hey, Mike ... would you be interested in playing for ... Mike ... Mike?
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