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Everything posted by Luciu5

  1. This is the deal I would do. Draft picks>cap savings. The cap is imaginary. Draft picks can't be faked out of thin air.
  2. This power ranking is absolute bonkers! (For the record, I see 11 wins MAX. Realistically 5-9.)
  3. https://www.travelalaska.com/explore-alaska/articles/beaches-alaska I mean, you could. It's possible.
  4. No. But with a little more offense, the opposing teams won't be able to run as much as they did last year. They will have to pass more which plays into our defenses strength. Interestingly, our defense was ranked 9th best last year in rushing yards per attempt.
  5. Yeah, WoW was a problem for a lot of people I knew. Never really heard of people being addicted to Halo though.
  6. I've never really understood rooting for "your" team to lose, which I see a lot here on the Huddle. If you are a fan, you support the team and root for the team to win. I understand "losing to win", but that's not our job as fans; not our place as fans. Personally, when I watch a game, I want to watch the team win. Everytime. I've never turned on the TV and watched a Panther's game hoping for a loss. It's just a weird mentality as a fan that I can't comprehend. Who cares who the coach/gm/owner/qb/towel boy is? I'm not a Matt Rhule fan or Cam Newton fan or David Tepper fan. I'm a Panthers fan and I want the Panthers to succeed, everyday. Every time they step on the field. Nobody else matters and nothing else matters but wins. The fact is, if I root for the team to win or if I root for the team to lose, does not change reality. If the coach sucks, the team will lose, and he will be replaced. I don't need to be a poo fan to make that happen. I'll always support my teams and I always cheer for wins. Everything else will take care of itself.
  7. They are kinda a one hit wonder. I think they actually have a few songs, but are mostly known for just that one - Fat Lip. They are kind of a punk/alternative band of the 90s/00's.
  8. Also it's not just the offense, but the defenses he's facing. If he doesn't know where the blitz is coming from, hard to avoid it.
  9. Paraphrasing here... "Ben MacAdoo, he brought a bunch of new things, things we had my first few years that we kinda got away from but now it's back." Really have to hear it to feel the impact. It was a "this is an NFL offense again" statement.
  10. Yeah exactly this. We're not winning a SB with Mayfield. He's either a 1 year temp., or we sign him long term and be average indefinitely. He is an improvement, but not enough of an improvement at this time, unless the goal is to tread water.
  11. Rod Brind'Amour. Oh wait, that's not really what you meant huh?
  12. It's the Houston Chronicle. I mean, I don't follow the Texans at all and have heard of the Houston Chronicle. I only know the Charlotte Observer because of the Panthers. This is entirely about the paper and nothing at all to do with the team. Most likely, it's about money. Not everything is a dump on the Panthers. Surely you were joking right? O.o
  13. @Stumpy @4Corners NDA's are about confidentiality. Just because _______ is speculating on building an office building in Raleigh, NC, doesn't mean every idiot on the internet needs to, or even should know about it.
  14. NDAs are really common. I sign one probably once every couple months or so. In this case, you have a situation of "here's $1.6 million to sign this NDA." She had a choice. Was it shitty, yeah of course, but still a choice nonetheless. Perhaps there should be a law that NDA's are void if used to cover up a crime.
  15. I'm expecting another poor season. I'm not sure if I see 5 wins on the schedule. But I'm hoping for the best. I'm hoping a new offense is what the team needed. I'm hoping we have a new QB because we aren't a 5 win team the last several years with better QB's. I think we would have won more games last year with Teddy tbh. One thing I can say for certain though, we can't really get worse at QB. I mean, assuming they don't roll out a PS QB or a spring league guy or something....okay maybe there actually is worse than Darnold?
  16. What does Rhule have to do with Rivera's 5 win season? Why is that included in your post?
  17. How do these guys get vet days on day 1 of minicamp? Must be nice for them.
  18. It still works, just does it matter? I'd say that depends on the owner. Does the owner mind wasting the money on players that result in a poor product on the field? You can game the system forever with bad players just like good players, but you do have to be careful with players you might cut. Cut players dead cap can't be indefinitely kicked down the road. Out of your list there, the only player to get cut is Teddy. I am talking strictly about gaming the cap. When you say this "works," but that doesn't, maybe that's not what you are talking about? I mean capwise Ramsey=Donte because they are both on a roster and their salaries can be kicked down the road indefinitely. How they play is irrelevant - as long as they are on the roster.
  19. He looked good year 1 too. Remember the dline man substitution slow walk? That was one bad ass, dare I say Belichickian, move.
  20. Didn't Robbie have a career year the year before getting his deal? You've also got to assume Rhule was a hard YES on locking Robbie down and was pushing for a deal to be done as well. There is some logic on getting player in cheaper before their price goes up. We got lucky with DJ tbh. If we didn't get a deal done when we did, even just a few weeks later his price tag would have absolutely gone up.
  21. I agree with this. The problem with Rhule was how last season went. At some point, it really looked like the wheels fell off. And as the season progressed it just continued getting worse till the whole team was a dumpster fire. Considering the offense was okay at the beginning, and the defense was (more than) above average and they both fell off a cliff. I have to blame coaching. Rhule made changes this year, but he's gotta prove it now. He's gotta prove he's learning and growing. The only hope is there really is no evidence at all that he lost the locker room.
  22. Problem with evaluating any of these guys is we don't really know how much hands they have in things. How much of Darnold was Fitt or someone else? Who was banging the table for the 5th year option? Same with last year's linemen. Some questionable choices but hard to read how Fitt fit in with those decisions.
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