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Everything posted by Luciu5

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=average+size+american+male&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS867US867&oq=average+size+american+male&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j0i22i30l9.3375j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 And nearly 50% are obese. Talking about huddlers, that obsesity rate is probably even higher.
  2. Or maybe he unfollowed 3 others to make sure his follower count stayed the same to make it look that way! /s Good catch though lol.
  3. Or he was in the process of following all of them and Bryce happened to be the first one. Screenshot happened at just the right moment by some bizarre luck. Just saying it's a possibility.
  4. 1. Nothing's done till it's done. These media people always hedge just in case. 2. Even if they have firm confirmation of it, they have to phrase it that way. Sources won't allow media to make anything that sounds like an official confirmation until the team is ready. The media doesn't want to break trust with the sources, so will do as they ask.
  5. Ah, there it is finally. I'll say this, I think by this time next week, after the next set of 30 visits, we'll know more. Media types are either going to start being more firm on their beliefs with less waffling, or what is starting to look like a consensus will get more muddy like we've seen before.
  6. I mean he's one of the only people that has been saying Bryce since the day we traded up. When he first said it, it was shocking because nobody else was saying that 4 weeks ago. I think it's pretty tinfoil hat personally, but I'm gonna throw fuel on this anyway.
  7. Thank you for this. I was looking for game stats for 2018 but couldn't find them. My memory was the same as frankw's. I coulda sworn after that game it was night and day.
  8. You mean this one? https://www.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/32569965 or this one? or this one? I have no idea how far he throws it, but whether it's 50 yards or 65 yards, or 99 yards, safeties won't be able to ignore it. He can clearly throw 50 yards and hit receivers in stride with his feet planted.
  9. This is a good example but a bad example at the same time. If you run the 40 yard dash daily, you will get faster at it to a point. Better technique will get you faster. Better body conditioning will get you faster. There are things you can do to improve at it. I'm not sure how one would improve at the S2 specifically.
  10. The test doesn't have questions as far as I understand it. I'd call them 'exercises.'
  11. I agree with this. Also everything I see about it talks about percentiles. I don't think this is a numerically scored test. I think it's a how well have you done on the test compared to others type of thing. Basically if the best guy took .3 seconds to indentify the object or whatever and the worst guy took .7 seconds, well .3=100 and .7=0, until someone does even better or worse on that exercise. I can't say this for sure, but that is the impression I'm getting since it's scored as a percentile. I also don't think it's the be all end all. Just one peice of a puzzle. Would love to know more info, especially outliers good and bad. If they are trying to be scientific at all, they need to have it peer reviewed.
  12. I feel like most people in this thread have no idea what this test is. Especially the guy who said he took it online lmao. It's proprietary and as far as I know, nothing else out there like it. From their website: Athletes perform a 30-45-minute evaluation on a specialized laptop computer that measures how they process and make split-second decisions in their sport. I don't think anyone is taking this test on some random website online.
  13. Weird. I've watched a lot of his tape. I don't see it. Analysts don't see it. I don't see anyone anywhere in anyway related to the NFL saying BY struggles with pressure. The stats don't back that up either. It's utter nonsense. Sorry to come across harsh earlier.
  14. Are you psychic? I mean how the fug would you know that? He handled pressure in college, from NFL prospects just fine. So I'm not sure where this is coming from unless you've seen the future. Or are you....from the future???? Nah. I've read your past takes from all over Panthers sites.
  15. Saw this on reddit and thought it was pretty trippy. First letters of the 2022 draft spells IM BACK.
  16. This might be a better question in DM, but I'll ask anyway. Are there rules against alt accts? Are you saying when you catch an alt acct you ban it? Just as an example (sorry to the examplee that just happened to be the previous poster), but is 'matt rhules gut fat' someone's legitimate account???? Like seriously? I've always assumed these dumb ass poster names were alts. Again apologies to matt rhules gut fat. I'm hoping I did not offend matt rhules gut fat by using it in this manner. I have a lot of respect for matt rhules gut fat, but I have always assumed it wasn't a real identity. But I have no issues if someone truly wants to identify as matt rhules gut fat. I don't judge even though this entire post probably sounds very judgemental of idiotic names that only have a 3 year shelf life. Although matt rhules gut fat probably actually has a much longer shelf life than 3 years.
  17. Yeah the nevermind was an edit. I figured it out 2 seconds after posting; hence the facepalm.
  18. ???? It's password protected. Is the password 'password' or something dumb like that? Nevermind.
  19. The top of the draft is definitely interesting this year. Imagine we take Young and Stroud falls to 3. That has to be the ideal scenario for AZ. It never occurred to me that the Texans may not take a QB.
  20. Depends when he sold, or if he sold. If he never sold his crypto, then oof.
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