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Everything posted by CanadianCat

  1. I dont think cutting Cam was an issue. Remember Cam had 1 year left on his contract and was coming off an injured shoulder and a poor season. Reports were that Cam wanted a new contract. So with all of that I think the coaching staff had to go look for an alternative. Cam was never going to come back on a 1 year contract.
  2. Lets play a game like the title says.. undo 1 decision that Rhule made in his tenure.. Mine would be releasing Teddy Bridgewater after year one. IMO they had the right plan when they brought him into be a bridge QB. That signing made sense for that reason. 3 year contract sets up perfectly to draft and develop after you bring in more pieces to build a stronger team around the rookie. But either Rhule got impatient or he was pressured by Tepper, the decision to cut him set off a snowball effect of traded draft picks for bad QB play.
  3. In Canada we cannot use NFL Plus, because DANZ has the streaming rights. Try them... it works on my phone no problem.
  4. Why would we release him at this point?
  5. I get what your saying. The higher the draft pick the more options. Yup totally agree. The only point I bring is that I would rather cheer for my team to win and celebrate those wins than hope to lose to get a higher pick and then hope we pick the right player. The draft is a lottery there is no guarantee for success, therefore I would rather win - even if that means a worse draft pick.
  6. I would like to know how many QB's that are starting today in the NFL got drafted after pick 3.. I am assuming most. So lets stop stressing. I almost hope that both QB's are drafted before us.. means will have an absolute stud will drop to us.
  7. He wasn't BAD, he just wasn't good. Say what you want about swinging and missing on Teddy, Darnold and Baker, a positive about this team is they will not be content on QB's and keep swinging.
  8. Honestly, the best situation is that Darnold balls out and we can use that top pick on a different position.
  9. Its people like you that make the internet the hot garbage it is.. Fuuuck. Like OP makes a decent post, says he was wrong about about an opinion and your response is to crap on the guy. Nice. Who knows, maybe he does the same back to you but I for one get super sick of people 'taking receipts' to poo on people when their unprofessional opinion are wrong. Gosh this place can suck at times.
  10. WILKS never wanted to tank. He is trying out for 32 teams right now.
  11. Sam did start 3-0 last year... I mean ultimately I want the team to win. So I'll pull for anyone thats under center.
  12. I would also rather start Sam. Honestly I think he is the better QB and with a good oline and running game I think he could thrive. With us, out of the top 3 in the draft, our best solution STILL is that Sam or Baker put it together and become a legit starter. If one of them does become that, than our top 8 pick suddenly becomes a lot more interesting.
  13. I dont think this is the case at all. I think this is people looking at this after seeing the results. People would have lots their minds if we drafted an off the line LB at 8. But people love to play the 'I would have drafted x player..." game so there is that...
  14. To his credit @Mr. Scot has always done a really jod job of knowing coaches and their connections.
  15. it was shocking that we passed on Fields. I really liked him coming out. That said Horn is amazing as well. But CB's dont win games.
  16. Man I wish Corall would have stayed healthy this year. This would have been the perfect time to prove himself. But as much as people might like him, this year was about the worst combo of events for him. The Coach that drafted him, in order to appease the owner was fired. We WILL take one of the top 3 QB's and likely sign a vet QB to mentor him. Corall, will be the 3rd string QB and constantly on the roster bubble. I wish that were not true, he worked his entire life to get here, but those breaks are life. Honestly his BEST case, is that he gets playing time in the preseason and looks good and another team with a starting vet QB trades for him.
  17. CanadianCat

    Aaron Rodgers

    well he's sleeping on his bed of $50,000,000 per season so I doubt he has any regrets.
  18. I think both teams are happy with the CMC trade. CLearly CMC is only of the most dynamic players when hes healthy. Last week made any 49er fan that was upset about the trade think they pulled off a coup. Carolina is happy with the trade because Foreman is running so well (on top of all the draft capital and getting rid of his contract) That said, if CMC did what he did last week and Foreman was not running well... I would hate to see what this place would be like.
  19. Right now our oline is playing good, but if anything, we have seen that you cannot play without it. I think every draft we need to pick at least 1 guy up. #neveragain
  20. OR you get something better. Honestly, pass rush doesnt matter if you dont have a QB. Nothing matters if we dont have a QB. Trading Burns for max value gives up more options in getting a QB. Until you have a QB nothing else matters..
  21. I think we trade him for the simple face that his pay day is coming and we are probably 2-3 years away from making a strong push to be a contender.
  22. I get how people want to lose 'for the good of the franchise' But man... Winning feels good
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