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About carpanfan96

  • Birthday 06/17/1984

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  1. Frees up 1.9m in space, so yeah that pretty much takes care of Jarvis, Drury and Necas on bridge deals
  2. So I think Necas ends up around 6.5-7m AAV from Arbitration.
  3. He almost made the roster last year with a deeper team. I don’t see anyway he doesn’t make it this year.
  4. I’m starting to think this is the case and he just wants a bigger role on the team.
  5. Not that I’ve seen or heard about.
  6. We pretty much know for sure that he killed a deal with Nashville. So that now makes four teams that he turned down being traded too so far.
  7. https://x.com/mikethejet/status/1810722493071503760?s=46 “ he had no interest in signing an extension in CBJ, BUF, or WPG.“
  8. Yea I’m pretty sure he didn’t want to sign and his agent was driving the price up for Tampa. Lol
  9. His agent wanted him to sign with Tampa because he’s a fan of the team.
  10. Also walker and ghost bear both have NMC in their contracts, don’t know if they are as crazy as Carrier’s or not but they are there.
  11. He’s off based off cap friendly and other sites forwards is wrong defense is right and goalie is wrong forwards is 41.870m goalies is 6.175 cap space is 11.825 but let’s say he’s not wrong and the forward number is wrong because of the QO to the three players. jarvis reports are 6.75 aav Necas turned down 6m aav from Nashville. Wants more than 7m aav.
  12. Roslovic deal is 1 year 2.80m 11.8m cap space not counting any of the youngsters.
  13. If they don’t bring up FUS, Nad and those guys then they have 14m cap space prior to the Roslovic signing. I think a few of those come up though and it’s closer to 11m for top23. That said Jarvy deal is looking like around 7m AAV for max length.
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