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Khaki Lackey

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Everything posted by Khaki Lackey

  1. Who cares? If Rhule's wife and Nicole were on board with Matt, Brock would be a serviceable starter with a dreadful team dragging him down instead of a seviceable QB with a great team around him competing for a SB. I think Rhule being enamored by JAGs that beat his college teams up is plausible, but so what.
  2. I'm an ECU guy, so that has zero bearing on why I'd cut a second year player some slack. There's plenty of people making excuses for Bryce who is not from NC, and he's different from Ickey in that Ickey had a promising rookie season and has all the physical tools to play his position.
  3. Agree. I also think Ickey is a victim of three different schemes/coaching staffs in three years. (counting his last year at NCSU) He's also had two seasons of garbage next to him except for the handful of games where Christiansen was healthy and was serviceable.
  4. Or, rather than stick with 1985 football for the rest of eternity, would could stop catering to our crappy o line and get some guys that can pass prtotect.
  5. Damn near all the time. I hope we draft route running technicians.
  6. I mean, that could imply “I’m still calling the shots, just not letting you media peasants hear about it.” for all we know.
  7. Great singer. Was good in Cannonball Run as well. I approve.
  8. Indeed. I was going to post the exact same comment, but I figured no one would get it. Cheers to you
  9. Peter and Greg can move his marks down to give him confidence.
  10. Yeah, he's young and he's had a different coach and scheme each of the last three years. While having garbage guard play next to him the majority of the time.
  11. News flash. Wilks was a HC to on two different occasions. The first was a disaster that would made Matt Rhule look good by comparison. The seacond was worse that Frank Reich’s record in Indy. I think it’s official, Wilks fans are more delusional than Bryce apologists.
  12. Our players? We have like, 2 decent players on offense. If there was ever a time to radically change our scheme, it's now. I'm tired of the notion that we're always going to have to use a power run scheme because our sorry OLine can't pass protect. It's not going to happen overnight, but we don't have many strengths to play to right now.
  13. I don’t watch much college ball, and I’m not a QB expert. I was lead to believe by many media talking heads and many posters on here that Bryce’s size was his only limitation. I just assumed that his footwork, mechanics, and accuracy were really sound. That didn’t turn out to be the case. What are some examples of a QB with questionable mechanics that were corrected after some time in the league? I can’t think of any. Give me some hope here.
  14. I like the guy and hoping for the best. My two main concerns: 1.) Is he going to be given time to install his vision. We've been trying to convert to an offense that's this side of 1986 and it's going to take more than one off season to do it, especially when you consider our current draft capital situation. Unfortunately, if recent history is any indicator, he has around 10 regular season games to pull it off. So does he work with the pieces we currently have? i.e. run a 1980s power run offense? Transition gradually? Rip the band aid off and suck for another season or two? Tough spot. 2.) He seems too nice and positive. Gives me a little bit of Frank Reich vibe. Tepp-dawg seems to gravitate towards agreeable people that he can steamroller. Hopefully either Bryce gets fixed or people realize that Bryce's limitations are the actual problem.
  15. Well, we've tried the 1,000 years of NFL experience approach...
  16. Frank Reich had 3 his first four years in Indy.
  17. Maybe it’s because I’m old and seen the movie too many times, but waiting a decade to lose a Super Bowl just doesn’t do it for me anymore. Some people are content to ride the C+ average to a high school diploma. I want better.
  18. .500 win percentage, no consecutive winning seasons, and playoffs every three years or so, and no Súper bowls. (In case you missed the two decades we did that.)
  19. The only way that this hire would make sense is if Morgan has been on the record disagreeing with damn near every personnel move since he's been here and Tepp thought, "If I had listened to this guy, we'd be in great shape." Extremely unlikely.
  20. I don't see how a guy that lobbied for the job that his BFF just got sh!t-canned from is going to fix the toxic "hunger games" culture in the organization.
  21. Fox and Rivera were .500 coaches that could never put together back to back winning seasons. Wilks was worse than both. Yes, I’m aware .500 is better than what we’ve been lately, but if that’s your bar, don’t be surprised if NFL owners/coaches/athletes are expected to strive for better than that. I swear, Wilks fans are worse than Bryce defenders. Yes, I know, we get to lose a super bowl every decade with the 1986 model. Hurray
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