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Everything posted by mc52beast

  1. Of course it doesn’t matter. But for some reason we have people who think that bringing Cam back would change something. Cam would last 2-3 games before going on IR.
  2. Winning cures everything, Tepper knows this. Unfortunately I don’t see him making any drastic changes after only two years with Rhule. Maybe he forces Brady out, let’s Fitty attempt to fix the o-line and roll with an experienced OC.
  3. So it’s Sam’s fault that Robby looks lost? Yeh, Sam is horrible but Robby has no business yelling at him when his play sucks as well.
  4. Don’t Beat Yourself Let someone else do it
  5. I would question whether the majority of fans are actually bulls. Sure doesn’t look like it on game day.
  6. This once again raises the question of why the holy F did Rhule think bringing in Sam was a good idea. Like what did they see on tape that made them think he could be fixed.
  7. On the bright side one is more than none
  8. Serious question; Is the 2021 offense worse than Jimmy Clausen’s offense
  9. Tepper going to try and cover up his horrible football decisions by fielding a really awesome soccer team…
  10. Bring Rivera, Hurney and Shula back… cuz everybody loved them… right!!!!
  11. Pretty sure he has a personal assistant who reads this stuff, guy seems like he’s busy most of the time.
  12. And just think not to long ago people were talking about us being “all in” for a playoff run… Big Tree Falls Hard
  13. Why would we draft a qb when our o-line would get him “Carred”? The f’ing focus in this off-season has to be fixing our atrocious o-line and finding a real OC after Brady bolts for LSU. And y’all can forget about Rhule being fired or leaving for a college gig, it ain’t happening.
  14. I think someone should ask Dave Tepper what it was about Joe Brady that made him want the guy so bad. I honestly don’t think Rhule wanted the guy, they are total opposites. How many more games of sickening offense before changes are made… Inquiring minds want to know
  15. Didn’t see the stat where Brady Christiansen has a sack…
  16. How does getting OBJ fix the o-line and give our qb time to throw it to OBJ
  17. I’m starting to think that Tepper’s new toy soccer team will have one before the Panthers…
  18. The glass is half full outlook; Our defense and Phil Snow going up against a rookie qb Looked pretty good running the ball last week, maybe it carries over Our play at the qb position really can’t get much worse than what we’ve already seen
  19. Winning games, winning big games, having an owner who isn’t afraid to spend his money would sure help attract big name players. We haven’t had consecutive winning seasons in our entire history, let’s start there.
  20. I know that if Jones has a good day this place will turn into his biggest fan base.
  21. How can you make an informed decision about someone who has only played eight games? He’s done ok, not great and not horrible. This team isn’t ready to bring in a rookie and help him succeed, which is why we have had to watch Teddy and Sam in Rhule’s first two years… Fix the o-line in 22 then get your qb in 23
  22. Kind of like athletes talking about politics like they know something about it.
  23. Seems to me that they aren’t interested in upgrading the qb situation, maybe because they’re interested in going after someone when the season is over..
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