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Everything posted by PleaseCutStewart

  1. Awesome. So we have an annoying owner that wants to be controlling of everything the coaches and front office do. Translation: No worthwhile coach or GM is coming anywhere near the Panthers. Can Tepper please just F off
  2. I'm pretty sure if their entire team underwent Covid protocols except for their punter, we would probably still find a way to lose. We don't need to worry about somehow finding a way to upset them - it isn't happening.
  3. Sadly I feel like I have to agree with this. I just don't understand how he can have a game like he did against the Vikings last year where we let him play more free off the edge blitzing, covering the flats, and covering the RB and he absolutely dominates and then decide "F it, lets just make him a deep cover safety and not let him do anything else"... If we did the same to Burns and said "Yeah, we know Burns can be an elite pass rusher, but we need help with coverage so we will just drop you into coverage every play", we would look like morons. I guess if we did that, at least we wouldn't be having to give Burns 30 mill a year to keep him...
  4. I'm not 100% how this stat was measured, but how are these athletes running slow routes??? I understand if they are running incorrect routes or routes that are not crisp (i.e., not coming back to the ball on curls, rounding their routes on in/out routes). But if you are telling me the speedster we signed in the offseason (Chark) is 78th in terms of speed per route, something is very wrong. I also wonder if the fact we rarely have a receiver run a fly route is factoring in to that stat. It's a lot easier to hit top speed running a fly than it is running a curl or out route.
  5. Honestly, we should just trade Chinn away because he deserves way better than this dumpster fire franchise. I promise you he will be very good on another team that has a competent coaching staff and knows how to utilize him.
  6. I haven't paid enough attention to our defensive formations this year, but I have to imagine we have some sort of big nickel package for passing downs (at least I hope so because I'm pretty sure most teams in the NFL do). He is perfect for that formation of being that hybrid linebacker/safety that we can ask to do a lot of different things. Asking him to play safety and be in coverage (especially man) more times than not is precisely how to not use him effectively... The Vikings game from last year where he scored two touchdowns in 15 seconds is how to use him properly
  7. And who behind him can cover better? Especially with practically our entire starting secondary not playing yesterday. We still don't utilize Chinn correctly. We need to have him do a variety of things so defenses won't always know that he is covering the TE/RB (versatility was our biggest argument for why we drafted him in the first place). He should either be blitzing or playing some type of zone coverage (flats or middle zone to cover slants) in obvious passing downs while helping with the run on 1st and short yardage situations. Honestly no excuse for him only being on the field for 30% of the snaps when he was probably like our 3rd or 4th most talented player on D yesterday because of all the injuries to our D
  8. Ummm, now that we are 0-5, hell no. We don't need to win any games this year so that way we at least have the first pick in the 2nd - 4th rounds. If it were after week 1 when Bryce clearly was not ready to play, then I would say yes. Now we need to just get reps for young guys and evaluate players that should be here long term (which sadly there aren't many deserving of such)
  9. The irony of Burns getting mad at a teammate for an offsides/neutral zone infraction when I feel like he gets at least 2 each game...
  10. I'll take a guess that he gets fired whenever our bye week is
  11. I mean... Is there really any difference between the 2011 bobcats and any other bobcat / hornets team We have fielded the past 15ish years?
  12. Is that Morse code for SOS? As in send immediate help, we have no talent, a terrible coaching staff, and the dumbest owner in the NFL
  13. Are you asking which one TMJ will play for next year or which one the Panthers will get relegated to next year?
  14. I would have to imagine we would have to trade a draft pick away + tmj just to get rid of him. There is no way in hell any other team in the NFL wants that bum
  15. You mean four seasons away from hopefully hitting on a QB / having a good draft class
  16. And to put it into perspective about how bad we are, I prioritized having a board game afternoon with friends than watching the Panthers
  17. Honestly, just think of it as a nice vacation from having to watch this poo show. It's a luxury to not have to tune into the NFL for the next two seasons and waste 3 hours of my life each Sunday.
  18. You must have forgot that we have an absolute retard for our GM... Anything is possible with him sadly
  19. I find it hard to believe that ginn only had 16 drops in 13 seasons. That actually seems like a wr that has good hands
  20. The first change he should make is selling the team to a competent owner
  21. I mean... it would be pretty awesome if we fire Reich this season, but no way in hell we do.
  22. They must be lenient graders, because he should probably be at an F right now considering Dalton has pretty much put up more stats in 1 game than Bryce has in 3 games combined.
  23. I mean... If Tyler Huntley can make a pro bowl, I guess there is a chance Bryce can make the pro bowl one year when every other QB in the conference turns it down... The leave part might happen. The all-pro part?? LOLOLOLOLOLOL
  24. Yeah... At least we could count on Hurney to nail his 1st round pick. Fitterer can't hit on any picks... Dude has to be fired after this year.
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