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Everything posted by SOJA

  1. lol at all the people who are already saying Shaq won't ever be anything....... it's almost like you guys forgot about Luke fuging Kuechly and Thomas fuging Davis I bet yall hated those picks at the time too?
  2. if you use that logic then you should use the logic: AAAAAANNNNNNDDDDD the Panthers D just got that much more dominate
  3. who else could we have drafted lol? all the top OT prospects were gone, there were only 3 WR's with a round 1 grade, Gurley was gone. at the minimum Shaq plays beside Luke for the next 10 years
  4. well at least we will have to be live because they're going to show TD
  5. fug man I hope we can trade down a few spots and get Shaq
  6. Dupree seems more like OLB in 3-4 to me, not sure if he is a good fit for us
  8. chi town fans are already a disappointment, nowhere enough venom in those boos for goodell
  9. fug the haters I loved the article and wouldn't have read it had you not posted it- thanks
  10. It sounds like they are blowing a lot of smoke up everyone's ass
  11. fug me I had really high hopes for this
  12. I thought J Jones was pretty adamant we wouldn't draft Humphries in the first round?
  13. omg lol everything about this is terrible rolling out of pocket, throwing across your body, terrible wind up, jump pass I just can't figure out why it was intercepted
  14. Finally got serious about lifting in January after about 1.5 years off (and had only lifted for one year prior) and have been making pretty good progress with 5-3-1 This week got 275 on deadlift twice easily, so I said fug it and tried to go for 315 once ----I failed and was super pissed. my form is good, but i was crouching into my stance for a few seconds before trying to pull - whereas I've seen you should sort of bounce down into your stance and go immediately. one day those three plates will be mine I also ended my leg day with 5 plates on leg press so I was pretty happy about that (have serious chicken legs and was pretty beat by that point) For reference, or for anyone that is just starting, when I started lifting I was very weak: couldn't bench 125, couldn't deadlift past 135 without my back seriously tightening up, couldn't squat poo, and couldn't overhead press 95. While I haven't maxed on anything (besides trying to on deadlift the other day) my approx maxes are 190 on bench, 225 squat, 300 deadlift, and 115 overhead press I'm 6'1" and weigh 165, trying to put on weight slowly.
  15. Wilson benefits from the Seahawks massive amount of talent, but he has single handedly won them some big games in the past with some crazy lucky plays........culminated by a terrible decision and getting picked on the one yard line can't say their GM is wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me if they became very beatable without him
  16. That's interesting. I can definitely see Gettleman justifying the pick with BPA at 25, Gurley is a monster if healthy.
  17. Wisconsin running backs should scare you but why SOJA? Wisconsin always has monster o-lines and the Big 10 is top heavy
  18. Love the effort but I would be pretty disappointed if this is how the draft went
  19. remember last season when the Saints won the Superbowl
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