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Everything posted by rmoneyg35

  1. Yup, I think we can get him cheaper, I mean what is Houston just going to sit him until they get 3 1st rounders? No, each season he’s away from the nfl he looses value. worst case scenario he gets what some sexual harassment charges? Let’s also be honest for those who are acting all morally superior, this poo happens all the time but it’s swept under the rug because people get paid off or people help cover it up.
  2. I heard someone try to defend this by saying he’s a great blocker and will help our pass and run blocking. To that I say is that worth paying him top 16 TE money? No. We just drafted Tremble who supposed to be a great blocker and should have more potential. This also takes away money from other free agents.
  3. I say do it, he’s had one good season on a pretty below average bears team, he still has potential, crazier things have happened.
  4. Each team is filled with scumbags, some keep it hidden better than others, so stop acting like that matters. At the end of the day it’s about what they do on the field and winning. That said it’s not worth trading for him until we know what’s going to happen with whatever you want to call it. I think the worst thing that can happen is he gets suspended for 1 year. He is still a top QB and would offer a decade of top qb play at QB. Still I say wait and see if we can get a better deal on him, the longer he sits the more his value lowers.
  5. Burns isn’t that great. He is small and hasn’t hit the next level as a DE. He doesn’t deserve top DE pay.
  6. I don’t think he will get a big pay day. Remember after last year he didn’t get signed but for about 1 mil and could only get a 1 year deal. He had 12 sacks and only got that much? Because he’s a one trick pony who sucks at everything else.
  7. Maybe you are right. I mean look how good they are in the nfl right now, But what if Joe Brady is the reason why they are so good? I mean his coaching had to help. Maybe they wouldn’t have been nearly as good if Brady didn’t teach them and find the right plays for them to be successful at. You can be the best coach in the world but if you have a crappy offensive line and a young qb who isn’t that good then your offense is going to still suck. Coaching can only get you so far.
  8. Reminds me of the Sam Hurd story. Sad thing is unless he already blew the money he had from being a top pick he could have just invested it in stocks and never needed to work again but then again his intelligence wasn’t why he was drafted.
  9. I thought fletcher was supposed to be some great long snapper? Unless we just resigned Jansen for insurance then I can’t seem to understand this.
  10. Has any QB who wore gloves like Pickett actually been a good QB? I’m thinking of all the QBs who always wore gloves and they all were mediocre qbs at best. David Carr and Teddy Bridgewater come to mind.
  11. I wouldn’t mind the pick. It seems that a lot of good offensive linemen come from up north. Trade down, maybe get lucky enough to trade with a team that can give us 2 first rounders? Imagine getting this guy and a starting center?
  12. Those stats are very misleading because most of those TDs come from runs, something Jimmy G doesn’t do a lot. Instead the running backs get to run and get the rushing TDs. Cam might have thrown less ints but he also played less snaps and in 2020 he had lots of games where he couldn’t even throw for 150 yards.
  13. Sorry but you are overvaluing a lot of these players. Burns and DJ Moore are worth a first yes but that’s about it. Derrick Brown hasn’t played well enough to get a first, we would be lucky to get a 2nd or 3rd round pick. He’s not shown improvement and he’s been average at best. Reddick is a one trick pony. There is a reason why Carolina was able to sign him cheap after a 12 sack season. He’s under sized and not good at anything else. I think we would be lucky to get a mid round pick for him. I mean he had about the same numbers as last year, you honestly think that improves anything? Roby Anderson had an awful year, we would be lucky to get a mid round pick for him because of his contract.
  14. I find it funny how some people think I’m some horrible person for saying this. I don’t want Dalton but he makes a lot of sense considering the circumstances. We need a good vet back up and Dalton can be that for a good price and would be familiar with Grudens system. If we keep Darnold I would rather have Dalton as our back up than PJ Walker, Dalton is better than Walker and has way more experience and can offer veteran help that Pj couldn’t offer. I would love cousins, I would love Minshew but I just don’t see us getting him and let’s be honest the front office is known to let us down so Dalton being the vet qb they end up getting makes sense.
  15. Yeah but to be fair I don’t think we have the money to get him. Where as Dalton would be affordable. It’s not that I want Dalton as much as I think he makes the most sense and considering how we always sign the players we don’t want then I think it’s a high probability we get him, of course only if we sign Gruden. I would love Cousins but how can we afford him and what would we have to give up for him? Why would Minnesota get rid of a good qb?
  16. You can’t really win without a good qb. The few teams that have won a Super Bowl with out a good team in the past 2 decades were loaded with talent, look how loaded the ravens Super Bowl were in the 2000s. You can always find good player later in the draft, udfa and FA so yeah I would do it if the player was good, I would rather trade for an established qb like Watson instead of a unproven qb in the draft. I don’t think there are any QBs in this draft worth trading 3 1st round draft picks for in this draft.
  17. So if we sign Jay Gruden I think it’s obvious who our QB will be and here’s why 1. Carolina wants a vet QB 2. Carolina signs Jay Gruden as OC 3. panthers sign Andy Dalton, a vet QB who has a history with Jay Gruden(2011-2013) Sadly I think this is more realistic than the panthers signing/trading/drafting a top QB. while it’s not what we want I would rather have him than PJ Walker, he would probably be a good vet to go with Darnold and he knows Jay Grudens system. He probably won’t cost a lot of money either. Honestly he may be a upgrade over who we had this year.
  18. That’s what I was saying. It’s like our coaches don’t know how to use players to their strengths. They have to constantly move them to other positions because of “muh versatility” which ends up just putting a good player in a new position that he won’t be good at. the whole making Ricci a FB and having him take up a roster spot while learning the position is a dumb decision especially when we just used a 3rd round pick on Tremble who could be our FB. Ricci made some bone headed plays while learning the position, he caused a fumble in the red zone, luckily we won that game. If I remember correctly Ricci was more of a pass catching TE than blocking TE. If true then I really think that shows how bad our coaching staff is.
  19. Cousins is a good QB. Does he have a big contract? Yes but he is atleast good. Just because Minnesota can’t win in the playoffs doesn’t mean he sucks. It’s a team sport and Kirk hasn’t really had a good offensive line the entire time he’s been in Minnesota. Minnesota had a bad defense this year and I believe last year as well. Saying he just puts up good stats but sucks makes no sense. You don’t put up those kinds of numbers consistently if you are bad. He has always been on a average ton below average team and yet puts up about Top 10 qb numbers.
  20. Can you blame him? We have Darnold right now and PJ Walker. No guarantee that we upgrade at qb. Rhule could be in his last year so it basically is a one year job. Playing here could hurt his resume. He could stay in Houston with a QB he is familiar with and a QB who could actually end up being decent. If he does a good job next year with Houston then it’s possible he could be offered a OC or even a head coaching job. I mean to put up an average offense with a mid round rookie QB, rookie coach and a team with lots of issues looks good on Hamilton’s resume. If he’s able to improve the offense next year then why wouldn’t he get a coaching offer? Maybe a head coaching job for a college or even an nfl team? Or maybe a OC job with more potential then what we have.
  21. I don’t recall hearing any other coach saying this before. Most of the time they don’t even blame anyone, just talk about how they need to improve and talk about the positives of the loosing season, like the development of young talent.
  22. I never understood why we used Ricci instead of Tremble as a FB. I mean Ricci caused a fumble because of his incompetence in the red zone I think in week one or two. Tremble supposed to be a great blocker and can play FB, so why didn’t we use him as our FB and back up TE? At the the beginning of the season Tremble would have been the 3rd TE. So why not use him as our FB and free up another roster spot? I don’t think Ricci was good at FB so if anything this just shows me that our coaching staff doesn’t know what they are doing.
  23. Jimmy G has a major injury history. Imagine what he would do with our offensive line? I mean it’s like the guy is made of glass already.
  24. I respect this. Fans should make it absolute hell for the opposing team and if the refs do a bad job then so be it. If you care about your team and winning so much then wouldn’t you be willing to do whatever it takes?
  25. I know he got a lot of credit for what he did with Baylor but Baylor has been a pretty good school before they got into trouble. Baylor is just as good right now without Rhule as they were with him. So I wonder how much Rhule really had to do with turning around Baylor. I have a feeling Baylor was a big enough school that they would have turned it around no matter who the coach was.
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